A. Except as provided in the community documents or other provisions of the Homeowner Association Act, the board acts on behalf of the association. In the performance of their duties, officers and members of the board shall exercise, if appointed by the declarant, the degree of care and loyalty required of a fiduciary of the lot owners and, if elected by the lot owners, ordinary and reasonable care free from any undisclosed conflict of interest.
B. Within ninety days after being elected or appointed to the board, each board member shall certify in writing to the secretary of the association that the member:
(1) has read the community documents;
(2) will work to uphold the community documents and policies to the best of the member's ability; and
(3) will faithfully discharge the member's duties to the association.
C. A board member who does not file the written certification pursuant to Subsection B of this section shall be suspended from the board until the member complies with Subsection B of this section.
D. The association shall retain each board member's written certification for inspection by lot owners for five years after the board member's election or appointment. The failure of an association to have a board member's written certification on file does not affect the validity of any action taken by the board or any protections provided to board members under the:
(1) Homeowner Association Act; or
(2) Nonprofit Corporation Act [Chapter 53, Article 8 NMSA 1978], if the association is organized under the Nonprofit Corporation Act.
E. The board or the lot owners, as provided for in the community documents, shall adopt a budget annually. Within thirty calendar days after adoption of any proposed budget for the association, the board shall provide a copy of the budget to all the lot owners.
F. The board shall provide to all lot owners a statement included with a copy of the annual budget listing all fees and fines that may be charged to a lot owner by the association or any management company retained by the association to act on behalf of the association, including charges for a disclosure certificate pursuant to Subsection H of Section 47-16-12 NMSA 1978.
G. Any management contract negotiated between the board and a management company retained by the association to act on behalf of the association shall include:
(1) a disclosure to the board of any existing relationships the management company has with any vendor or contractor for the association from which a conflict of interest may arise; and
(2) a list of all fees to be charged to the association or lot owners by the management company during the term of the contract.
History: Laws 2013, ch. 122, § 7; 2019, ch. 30, § 3.
The 2019 amendment, effective July 1, 2019, required elected or appointed board members to provide a written certification, and required management companies retained by a homeowner association to provide a conflict of interest disclosure; in Subsection A, after "ordinary and reasonable care", added "free from any undisclosed conflict of interest"; added new Subsections B through D and redesignated former Subsection B as Subsection E; and added Subsections F and G.
Compiler's notes. — Laws 2013, ch. 122, §§ 1 through 14 were erroneously compiled as 47-7E-1 through 47-7E-14 NMSA 1978, and have been recompiled as 47-16-1 through 47-16-14 NMSA 1978 by the compiler.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 16 - Homeowner Association
Section 47-16-1 - Short title.
Section 47-16-2 - Definitions.
Section 47-16-3 - Creation of a homeowner association.
Section 47-16-4 - Recording or filing of homeowner association notice and declaration.
Section 47-16-5 - Record disclosure to members; updated information.
Section 47-16-6 - Duties of a homeowner association.
Section 47-16-7 - Board members and officers; duties; budget.
Section 47-16-8 - Declarant control of board.
Section 47-16-8.1 - Removal of board members.
Section 47-16-9 - Proxy and absentee voting; ballot counting.
Section 47-16-10 - Financial audit.
Section 47-16-12 - Sale of lots; disclosure certificate.
Section 47-16-13 - Purchaser's cancellation of a purchase contract.
Section 47-16-14 - Attorney fees and costs.
Section 47-16-15 - Applicability.
Section 47-16-17 - Meetings of association.
Section 47-16-18 - Enforcement of covenants; dispute resolution.