New Mexico Statutes
Section 45-3-922 - Apportionment by will or other dispositive instrument.

A. Except as otherwise provided in Subsection C of this section, the following rules apply:
(1) to the extent that a provision of a decedent's will expressly and unambiguously directs the apportionment of an estate tax, the tax must be apportioned accordingly;
(2) any portion of an estate tax not apportioned pursuant to Paragraph (1) of this subsection must be apportioned in accordance with any provision of a revocable trust of which the decedent was the settlor that expressly and unambiguously directs the apportionment of an estate tax. If conflicting apportionment provisions appear in two or more revocable trust instruments, the provision in the most recently dated instrument prevails. For purposes of this paragraph:
(a) a trust is revocable if it was revocable immediately after the trust instrument was executed, even if the trust subsequently becomes irrevocable; and
(b) the date of an amendment to a revocable trust instrument is the date of the amended instrument only if the amendment contains an apportionment provision; and
(3) if any portion of an estate tax is not apportioned pursuant to Paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection, and a provision in any other dispositive instrument expressly and unambiguously directs that any interest in the property disposed of by the instrument is or is not to be applied to the payment of the estate tax attributable to the interest disposed of by the instrument, the provision controls the apportionment of the tax to that interest.
B. Subject to Subsection C of this section, and unless the decedent expressly and unambiguously directs the contrary, the following rules apply:
(1) if an apportionment provision directs that a person receiving an interest in property under an instrument is to be exonerated from the responsibility to pay an estate tax that would otherwise be apportioned to the interest:
(a) the tax attributable to the exonerated interest must be apportioned among the other persons receiving interests passing under the instrument; or
(b) if the values of the other interests are less than the tax attributable to the exonerated interest, the deficiency must be apportioned ratably among the other persons receiving interests in the apportionable estate that are not exonerated from apportionment of the tax;
(2) if an apportionment provision directs that an estate tax is to be apportioned to an interest in property a portion of which qualifies for a marital or charitable deduction, the estate tax must first be apportioned ratably among the holders of the portion that does not qualify for a marital or charitable deduction and then apportioned ratably among the holders of the deductible portion to the extent that the value of the nondeductible portion is insufficient;
(3) except as otherwise provided in Paragraph (4) of this subsection, if an apportionment provision directs that an estate tax be apportioned to property in which one or more time-limited interests exist, other than interests in specified property under Section 11 [45-3-926 NMSA 1978] of this act, the tax must be apportioned to the principal of that property, regardless of the deductibility of some of the interests in that property; and
(4) if an apportionment provision directs that an estate tax is to be apportioned to the holders of interests in property in which one or more time-limited interests exist and a charity has an interest that otherwise qualifies for an estate tax charitable deduction, the tax must first be apportioned, to the extent feasible, to interests in property that have not been distributed to the persons entitled to receive the interests.
C. A provision that apportions an estate tax is ineffective to the extent that it increases the tax apportioned to a person having an interest in the gross estate over which the decedent had no power to transfer immediately before the decedent executed the instrument in which the apportionment direction was made. For purposes of this subsection, a testamentary power of appointment is a power to transfer the property that is subject to the power.
History: Laws 2005, ch. 143, § 7; 1978 Comp., § 45-9A-3 recompiled as § 45-3-922 by Laws 2011, ch. 124, § 99.
Recompilations. — Laws 2011, ch. 124, § 99 recompiled former 45-9A-3 NMSA 1978 as 45-3-922 NMSA 1978, effective January 1, 2012.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 45 - Uniform Probate Code

Article 3 - Probate of Wills and Administration


Section 45-3-901 - Successors' rights if no administration.

Section 45-3-902 - Distribution; order in which assets appropriated; abatement.

Section 45-3-903 - Successor's indebtedness offset against interest; defenses.

Section 45-3-904 - Interest on general pecuniary devise.

Section 45-3-905 - Penalty clause for contest.

Section 45-3-906 - Distribution in kind; valuation; method.

Section 45-3-907 - Distribution in kind; evidence.

Section 45-3-908 - Distribution; right or title of distributee.

Section 45-3-909 - Improper distribution; liability of distributee.

Section 45-3-910 - Purchases from distributees protected.

Section 45-3-911 - Partition for purpose of distribution.

Section 45-3-912 - Private agreements among successors to decedent binding on personal representative.

Section 45-3-913 - Distributions to trustee.

Section 45-3-914 - Disposition of unclaimed assets.

Section 45-3-915 - Distribution to person under disability.

Section 45-3-916 - Repealed.

Section 45-3-920 - Short title.

Section 45-3-921 - Definitions.

Section 45-3-922 - Apportionment by will or other dispositive instrument.

Section 45-3-923 - Statutory apportionment of estate taxes.

Section 45-3-924 - Credits and deferrals.

Section 45-3-925 - Insulated property; advancement of tax.

Section 45-3-926 - Apportionment and recapture of special elective benefits.

Section 45-3-927 - Securing payment of estate tax from property in possession of fiduciary.

Section 45-3-928 - Collection of estate tax by fiduciary.

Section 45-3-929 - Right of reimbursement.

Section 45-3-930 - Action to determine or enforce act.