History: Laws 1862-1863, p. 64; C.L. 1865, ch. 75, § 3; C.L. 1884, § 979; C.L. 1897, § 1416; Code 1915, § 3427; Laws 1923, ch. 100, § 1; C.S. 1929, § 87-103; 1941 Comp., § 65-105; 1953 Comp., § 57-1-5; Laws 1973, ch. 51, § 1; 1975, ch. 32, § 1; 1978 Comp., § 40-1-5, repealed by Laws 2013, ch. 144, § 14.
Repeals. — Laws 2013, ch. 144, § 14 repealed 40-1-5 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 1862-1863, p. 64, relating to consent of parent or guardian for minor to marry, effective June 14, 2013. For provisions of former section, see the 2012 NMSA 1978 on NMOneSource.com.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Marriage in General
Section 40-1-1 - [Marriage is civil contract requiring consent of parties.]
Section 40-1-2 - Marriages solemnized; ordained clergy or civil magistrates may solemnize.
Section 40-1-3 - Ceremony by religious society.
Section 40-1-4 - [Lawful marriages without the state recognized.]
Section 40-1-6 - Restrictions on marriage of minors.
Section 40-1-7 - Incestuous marriages.
Section 40-1-9 - Prohibited marriages.
Section 40-1-10 - License required; county clerk.
Section 40-1-11 - Fees; disposition.
Section 40-1-14 - Production of license and proof of legal qualifications.
Section 40-1-15 - Certification of marriage; recording and indexing.
Section 40-1-16 - Application of law.
Section 40-1-17 - Uniform use form.
Section 40-1-18 - Form of application, license and certificate.
Section 40-1-19 - Offenses; penalties.
Section 40-1-20 - [Marriages without license in 1905 validated.]