New Mexico Statutes
Article 48B - Hospital Funding
Section 4-48B-16 - Validation of earlier elections.

All elections authorizing a mill levy assessment for hospital use which were held prior to the effective date of the Hospital Funding Act are declared valid for the use and purposes of that act, and such mill levy may be imposed and collected during the period of the authorization or any continuation thereof, and the funds may be expended in accordance with the provisions of that act. Any institution specifically named in any election is hereby deemed qualified as a county hospital or contracting hospital, as the case may be, and any authorization of the expenditure of public funds by a county hospital in any previous election is declared by the legislature to be authorization of expenditure of mill levy funds for a county hospital or contracting hospital under the provisions of the Hospital Funding Act.
History: 1978 Comp., § 4-48B-16, enacted by Laws 1981, ch. 83, § 16.
Funds to be expended for hospital named in mill levy election. — Counties which held a hospital mill levy election prior to the Hospital Funding Act are expressly authorized to expend public funds for the operation of a hospital specifically named in the election. 1981 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 81-30.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 4 - Counties

Article 48B - Hospital Funding

Section 4-48B-1 - Short title.

Section 4-48B-2 - Purpose of act.

Section 4-48B-3 - Definitions.

Section 4-48B-4 - Annual report.

Section 4-48B-5 - Power of counties.

Section 4-48B-6 - Election on bond question; petition; notice; limitation on holding; election without petition.

Section 4-48B-7 - Power to lease hospitals.

Section 4-48B-8 - Sick and indigent persons; agreements for care with state and county agencies.

Section 4-48B-9 - Joint construction and operation of hospitals by counties; municipal participation; indebtedness authorized.

Section 4-48B-10 - Hospital governing boards for county hospitals; members; appointment; terms; powers; bonds.

Section 4-48B-11 - Federal aid.

Section 4-48B-12 - Tax levies authorized.

Section 4-48B-13 - County hospital; power to lease; expenditure of proceeds from tax levy.

Section 4-48B-14 - Payment of charges; persons committed by district court.

Section 4-48B-15 - Election on special levy.

Section 4-48B-16 - Validation of earlier elections.

Section 4-48B-17 - Governing boards of county hospitals authorized to establish retirement plans and programs for employees of county hospitals.

Section 4-48B-18 - Hospital revenue bonds; authority to issue; pledge of revenues.

Section 4-48B-19 - Use of proceeds of bond issue.

Section 4-48B-20 - Revenue bonds; terms.

Section 4-48B-21 - Ordinance authorizing revenue bonds.

Section 4-48B-22 - Hospital revenue bonds not general county obligations.

Section 4-48B-23 - Revenue bonds; security; restrictions and limitations.

Section 4-48B-24 - Revenue bonds; exemption from taxation.

Section 4-48B-25 - Election not required.

Section 4-48B-26 - No notice or publication required.

Section 4-48B-27 - Hospitals declared necessary public buildings.

Section 4-48B-28 - Agreements with the New Mexico hospital equipment loan council; authority; security; restrictions and limitations and other details.

Section 4-48B-29 - Refunding revenue bonds.