New Mexico Statutes
Article 48A - Special Hospital Districts
Section 4-48A-18 - Dissolution of the special hospital district.

A special hospital district shall be dissolved in the following manner:
A. there shall be submitted a petition for dissolution to the board of county commissioners signed by at least ten percent of the qualified electors residing within the district or, in the case of a special hospital district composed of all or portions of two or more counties, at least ten percent of the qualified electors residing in any subdistrict of the special hospital district. Upon receipt of a proper petition, the board of county commissioners shall call a special election for the purpose of referring to the qualified electors residing in the district or subdistrict the question of dissolution;
B. if the board of county commissioners finds that a majority of the qualified electors voting on the issue at the special election have authorized the dissolution, the board of trustees shall proceed with the approved plan. Upon completion of the plan, the board of trustees shall submit a full report to the board of county commissioners of each county in which the special hospital district is located; and
C. upon receipt of the final report of the board of trustees, the board or boards of county commissioners shall examine the report to determine whether or not any outstanding obligations still exist and whether the terms of the approved plan have been accomplished. If, upon determination by the board or boards of county commissioners, no obligations are yet outstanding and the provisions of the plan have been fulfilled, they shall formally declare the special hospital district dissolved.
History: 1978 Comp., § 4-48A-18, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 29, § 18; 1981, ch. 84, § 10.

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 4 - Counties

Article 48A - Special Hospital Districts

Section 4-48A-1 - Short title.

Section 4-48A-2 - Definitions.

Section 4-48A-3 - Creation of special hospital district; power of counties to agree to create special hospital districts.

Section 4-48A-3.1 - Artesia special hospital district.

Section 4-48A-3.2 - Nor-Lea special hospital district.

Section 4-48A-3.3 - Jal special hospital district.

Section 4-48A-4 - Formation of special hospital district; petition.

Section 4-48A-5 - Formation of special hospital district; election.

Section 4-48A-5.1 - Voting in certain special hospital districts after formation.

Section 4-48A-6 - Board of trustees; terms; vacancies; removal.

Section 4-48A-7 - Board of trustees; qualifications; automatic removal.

Section 4-48A-8 - Board of trustees; organization; bond.

Section 4-48A-9 - Board of trustees; powers.

Section 4-48A-10 - Board of trustees; duties.

Section 4-48A-11 - Board of trustees; acquisition of existing hospital facilities; agreements.

Section 4-48A-12 - Board of trustees; issue of bonds.

Section 4-48A-13 - Bonds; form; interest; maturities.

Section 4-48A-14 - Imposition of tax for payment of bonds.

Section 4-48A-15 - Refunding bonds.

Section 4-48A-16 - Special tax imposed for special hospital district.

Section 4-48A-17 - Election procedures.

Section 4-48A-18 - Dissolution of the special hospital district.

Section 4-48A-20 - Hospital revenue bonds; authority to issue; pledge of revenues.

Section 4-48A-21 - Use of proceeds of bond issue.

Section 4-48A-22 - Revenue bonds; terms.

Section 4-48A-23 - Resolution authorizing revenue bonds.

Section 4-48A-24 - Revenue bonds not general obligations of special hospital district.

Section 4-48A-25 - Revenue bonds; security.

Section 4-48A-26 - Revenue bonds; exemption from taxation.

Section 4-48A-27 - Election not required.

Section 4-48A-28 - No notice or publication required.

Section 4-48A-29 - Agreements with the New Mexico hospital equipment loan council; authority; security; restrictions and limitations and other details.

Section 4-48A-30 - Refunding revenue bonds.