New Mexico Statutes
Article 4 - Colfax County
Section 4-4-2 - [Southern boundary.]

That the boundary line between Mora and Colfax counties be and is hereby established, to wit: starting at a point on the eastern boundary of New Mexico and about fifty-three miles south of the northeast corner of New Mexico, and running west through the center of township twenty-three north from the base line as established by government survey to the western boundary of the counties of Mora and Colfax.
History: Laws 1876, ch. 61, § 1; C.L. 1884, § 282; C.L. 1897, § 537; Code 1915, § 1070; C.S. 1929, § 33-402; 1941 Comp., § 15-402; 1953 Comp., § 15-4-2.
Compiler's notes. — This boundary west of the range line between ranges 19 and 20 east has been changed by 4-4-3 NMSA 1978.
Cross references. — For original boundaries of Mora county, see 4-18-1 NMSA 1978.