New Mexico Statutes
Article 30 - Torrance County
Section 4-30-1 - [County boundaries.]

That a county which shall be known as Torrance county is hereby created out of that portion of the territory of New Mexico included within the following boundaries, as indicated by the United States surveys, to wit:
commencing at the standard corner to sections no. 33 and no. 34, township one north, range five east of the New Mexico principal base line, and running thence north through the center of townships one, two and three north to the line between townships three and four north; thence west on the said township line to the southwest corner of township four north, range five east; thence north on the range line between ranges four and five east, to the southwest corner of township eight north, range five east; thence east on the township line between townships seven and eight north to the southeast corner of township eight north, range seven east; thence north on the range line between ranges seven and eight east to the northwest corner of township eight north, range eight east, on the second standard parallel north; thence west on the second standard parallel north to the southwest corner of township nine north, range seven east; thence north on the range line between ranges six and seven east to the northwest corner of township nine north, range seven east; thence east on the township line between townships nine and ten north, to the northeast corner of township nine north, range fifteen east; thence south on the range line between ranges fifteen and sixteen east, to the New Mexico principal base line; and thence west on said New Mexico principal base line to the place of beginning.
History: Laws 1903, ch. 70, § 1; 1905, ch. 2, § 2; Code 1915, § 1113; C.S. 1929, § 33-2801; 1941 Comp., § 15-2801; 1953 Comp., § 15-30-1.
Compiler's notes. — Torrance county was formed principally from the county of Valencia but also took in portions of other counties.
The sections of this article were incorporated in Article 23, Chapter 24 of the 1915 Code. They were not reenacted by their inclusion therein, but were compiled merely for convenience. See the 1915 Code, p. 1665.
Laws 1905, ch. 2, § 1, which amended the boundaries of the county and changed the county seat, was in the nature of a purpose clause.
Cross references. — For boundaries of Santa Fe county, see 4-26-1 and 4-26-2 NMSA 1978.
For original boundaries of Valencia county, see 4-32-1 NMSA 1978.