New Mexico Statutes
Article 10 - Guadalupe County
Section 4-10-1 - [County boundaries.]

That out of that portion of the territory of New Mexico, which was formerly embraced within the exterior limits of Guadalupe county, except those portions of said Guadalupe county, out of which the counties of Quay and Roosevelt were established and created, and out of a portion of the county of Valencia which lies immediately west of said Guadalupe county, there is hereby created and established the county of Guadalupe, which said county of Guadalupe is described as follows, as indicated by the United States survey, to wit: commencing at the southeast corner of township two north of range twenty-six east; thence north along the range line between ranges twenty-six and twenty-seven east, to the northeast corner of township eleven north of range twenty-six east; thence west along the north line of township eleven north of range twenty-six east, projected, to the northwest corner of township eleven north of range sixteen east; thence south along the range line between ranges fifteen and sixteen east to the southwest corner of township two north of range sixteen east; thence east along the south line of township two north of range sixteen east, projected, to the southeast corner of township two, north of range twenty-six east, to the point or place of beginning.
History: Laws 1903, ch. 69, § 2; 1905, ch. 20, § 1; Code 1915, § 1081; C.S. 1929, § 33-901; 1941 Comp., § 15-901; 1953 Comp., § 15-10-1.
Compiler's notes. — The southeast boundary of Guadalupe county was changed in the creation of De Baca county. The present southeast boundary begins where the south line of township 2 north is intersected by the range line between ranges 19 and 20 east; thence north [description from 4-16-1 NMSA 1978] on said range line to the northeast corner of township 4 north of range 19 east; thence east on the township line between townships 4 and 5 east to the southeast corner of township 5 north of range 23 east; thence north on the range line between ranges 23 and 24 east to the northeast corner of township 5 north of range 23 east; thence east on the township line between townships 5 and 6 north to the southeast corner of township 6 north of range 24 east; thence north on the range line between ranges 24 and 25 east to the northeast corner of township 6 north of range 24 east; thence east on the township line between townships 6 and 7 east to the southeast corner of township 7 north of range 26 east; and thence north on the range line between ranges 26 and 27 east as provided in this section.
Guadalupe county was originally created out of a portion of San Miguel county by Laws 1891, ch. 88, § 1 which read: "All that portion of land of the county of San Miguel, and territory of New Mexico, included within the boundaries hereinafter described shall form and constitute a new county, which county shall be known as the county of Guadalupe, in the territory of New Mexico, to wit: commencing at the southeast corner of township number 2 north, of range number 37 east, on the line between the territory of New Mexico and the state of Texas, and running north on the line between New Mexico and Texas, to the northeast corner of township number 11 north, of range 37 east, thence westerly between townships 11 and 12 north, to the northwest corner of township number 11 north of range 16 east; thence south between ranges 15 and 16 east, to the southeast corner of township 9 north, of range 15 east; thence east between townships 8 and 9 north, to the northeast corner of township number 8 north, of range 18 east; thence south on line between ranges 18 and 19 east, to the southeast corner of township number 5 north, of range 18 east; thence west to the northeast corner of township number 4 north, of range 18 east; thence south between ranges 18 and 19 east, to the northeast corner of township number 1 north, of range 18 east; thence easterly between ranges 1 and 2 north to the southeast corner of township number 2 north, of range 37 east and place of beginning.
"For more particular description to the boundaries of said county of Guadalupe, reference is made to the map herewith annexed, which shall constitute part of this act."
The sections in this article were incorporated in article 7, chapter 24 of the 1915 Code. Their inclusion therein did not constitute a reenactment, for they were compiled merely for convenience. See the 1915 Code, p. 1665.
Cross references. — For boundaries of Quay county, see 4-20-1 NMSA 1978.
For boundaries of Roosevelt county, see 4-22-1 and 4-22-2 NMSA 1978.
For original boundaries of Valencia county, see 4-32-1 NMSA 1978.