The superintendent [warden] may, under the inmate-release program and at the request of a prisoner, extend the limits of confinement beyond the penitentiary by authorizing the prisoner to work at paid employment in private business or in public employment, or to attend a school while continuing as a prisoner, if the prisoner:
A. is a trusty or a minimum-custody inmate;
B. has physical and mental ability to fully perform the proposed assignment consistent with his capacities and free from any outpatient care that would interfere with full performance;
C. is not afflicted with any serious emotional or personality defect;
D. has not been convicted of a crime involving assaultive sexual conduct nor violence to a child, nor has been linked with organized criminal activity; and
E. would not, in the opinion of the superintendent, be likely to evoke an adverse public reaction by his presence in the community.
History: 1953 Comp., § 42-1-79, enacted by Laws 1969, ch. 166, § 2; 1971, ch. 281, § 1.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.
See notes to 33-2-16 NMSA 1978.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Denial of state prisoner's application for, or revocation of, participation in work or study release program or furlough program as actionable under Civil Rights Act of 1871 (42 USCS § 1983), 55 A.L.R. Fed. 208.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 33 - Correctional Institutions
Article 2 - State Correctional Facilities
Section 33-2-1 - Adoption of rules.
Section 33-2-3 - [Previous matters unimpaired.]
Section 33-2-4 - [Transfer of title to new corporation.]
Section 33-2-5 - Disposition of unneeded property.
Section 33-2-6 - Improvements in penitentiary; labor by convicts.
Section 33-2-7 - Penitentiary; conflict of interest[; penalties].
Section 33-2-8 - [Accepting compensation from contractor; aiding escape of prisoner; penalties.]
Section 33-2-9 - Corrections department; contracts; gifts; penalties.
Section 33-2-10 - Penitentiary; rules and regulations.
Section 33-2-11 - Corrections department powers; complaints.
Section 33-2-12.1 - Corrections; family visits.
Section 33-2-14 - Penitentiary; fire.
Section 33-2-15 - Penitentiary; duties.
Section 33-2-17 - Id.; accounts; paying over funds.
Section 33-2-18 - Id.; collection and disbursement of funds.
Section 33-2-19 - What convicts to be confined.
Section 33-2-20 to 33-2-25 - Repealed.
Section 33-2-26 - Payment of prisoners for services.
Section 33-2-29 - Penitentiary; disease.
Section 33-2-30 - [Enforcing commands to prisoners; when wounding or killing justified.]
Section 33-2-31 - [Suppressing disorder; escape and arrest; when wounding or killing justified.]
Section 33-2-32 - Penitentiary; record of misconduct.
Section 33-2-34 - Eligibility for earned meritorious deductions.
Section 33-2-36 - Forfeiture of earned meritorious deductions.
Section 33-2-37 - Restoration of forfeited meritorious deductions.
Section 33-2-38 - Computation of term.
Section 33-2-39 - [Separate sentences construed as cumulative.]
Section 33-2-43 - Penitentiary inmate-release program; establishment.
Section 33-2-44 - Inmate-release program; standards for participation.
Section 33-2-45 - Inmate-release program; visitation privileges.
Section 33-2-46 - Inmate-release program; escape.
Section 33-2-47 - Inmate-release program; conditions of employment.
Section 33-2-49 - Applicability [of Laws 1988, Chapter 78].
Section 33-2-51 - Discharge; opioid use disorder; opioid overdose education; naloxone.