New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Corrections Department
Section 33-1-18 - Funds created.

There are created in the state treasury special funds to be known as the "corrections department building fund", the "Guadalupe county prison fund" and the "New Mexico prison fund". The funds shall consist of money appropriated by the legislature, from year to year, from the income of the permanent fund and land income of which the penitentiary of New Mexico is the beneficiary and any other revenues that are appropriated to the funds, other than revenues derived from property taxes or general fund revenues. Income from investment of each special fund created by this section shall be credited to that fund.
History: Laws 1990 (1st S.S.), ch. 5, § 1; 1995, ch. 214, § 1.
The 1995 amendment, effective April 7, 1995, substituted "Funds" for "Fund" in the section heading; rewrote the first sentence which read "There is created in the state treasury a special fund to be known as the 'corrections department building fund'"; substituted "The funds" for "The fund" at the beginning of the second sentence and added the language beginning "and any other revenues" at the end thereof; and rewrote the third sentence which read "No other funds of the state shall be deposited or paid into the corrections department building fund".
Appropriations. — Laws 1998 (1st S.S.), ch. 8, § 1, effective May 11, 1998, appropriated $4,400,000 of the distribution of the land grant permanent funds of which the penitentiary of New Mexico was the beneficiary to the corrections department for expenditure in fiscal year 1999 for operations of the penitentiary of New Mexico, contingent upon the corrections department negotiating and entering into a contract or an amendment to the contract with Wackenhut, whereby the parties agree that in addition to programs already contracted for, a prison industries program, a three hundred-bed therapeutic substance abuse program and family visitation as provided statutorily shall be provided.