Any person sixteen years of age or older may be declared an emancipated minor for one or more of the purposes enumerated in the Emancipation of Minors Act if he is willingly living separate and apart from his parents, guardian or custodian, is managing his own financial affairs and the court finds it in the minor's best interest.
History: Laws 1995, ch. 206, ยง 50.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 21 - Emancipation of Minors
Section 32A-21-1 - Short title.
Section 32A-21-2 - Legislative findings and purpose.
Section 32A-21-3 - Emancipated minors; description.
Section 32A-21-4 - Emancipation by declaration.
Section 32A-21-5 - Over the age of majority; purposes.
Section 32A-21-6 - Public entitlement of emancipated minors.
Section 32A-21-7 - Declaration of Emancipation; petition; contents; notice; mandate.