The governor shall have the power in case of insurrection, invasion, riot, breach of the peace or imminent danger to call into service the New Mexico mounted patrol or any unit or member thereof. Any and all service under such call shall be under the direction and control of the governor.
History: 1941 Comp., § 66-1107, enacted by Laws 1941, ch. 149, § 7; 1953 Comp., § 9-11-7.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 6 - New Mexico Mounted Patrol
Section 29-6-1 - [Establishment; composition.]
Section 29-6-3 - [Duties of board of directors.]
Section 29-6-4 - [Duties of mounted patrol.]
Section 29-6-4.1 - Training and entrance requirements of the New Mexico mounted patrol.
Section 29-6-4.2 - Mounted patrol; applicants; criminal history screening; denial of commission.
Section 29-6-5 - Mounted patrol; aid to law enforcement agencies; workmen's compensation.