A. Incarceration shall not be a basis to deny or terminate eligibility for medicaid.
B. Upon release from incarceration, a formerly incarcerated individual shall remain eligible for medicaid until the individual is determined to be ineligible for medicaid on grounds other than incarceration.
C. An incarcerated individual who was not enrolled in medicaid upon the date that the individual became incarcerated shall be permitted to submit an application for medicaid during the incarcerated individual's period of incarceration.
D. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to abrogate:
(1) any deadline that governs the processing of applications for medicaid pursuant to existing federal or state law; or
(2) requirements under federal or state law that the human services department be notified of changes in income, resources, residency or household composition.
E. The provisions of this section shall not require the human services department to pay for services on behalf of any incarcerated individual, except as permitted by federal law.
F. A correctional facility shall:
(1) inform the human services department when an eligible individual is incarcerated;
(2) facilitate, with assistance from the department, eligibility determinations for medicaid during the incarcerated individuals' incarceration or upon release;
(3) notify the department upon an eligible individual's release; and
(4) facilitate the department's or any department contractor's provision of care coordination pursuant to the provisions of Section 2 of this 2018 act [33-1-22 NMSA 1978].
G. Upon the written request of a county, the department shall provide a behavioral health screening tool to facilitate screenings performed in accordance with the provisions of Subsection A of Section 2 of this 2018 act, technical assistance and training and certification of county jail presumptive eligibility determiners to a county jail.
H. The secretary of human services shall adopt and promulgate rules consistent with this section.
I. As used in this section:
(1) "care coordination" means an assessment for health risks and the creation of a plan of care to address an individual's comprehensive health needs, including access to physical health care and mental health services; substance use disorder treatment; and transportation services;
(2) "eligibility" means a finding by the human services department that an individual has met the criteria established in state and federal law and the requirements established by department rules to enroll in medicaid;
(3) "incarcerated individual" means an individual, the legal guardian or conservator of an individual or, for an individual who is an unemancipated minor, the parent or guardian of the individual, who is confined in any of the following correctional facilities:
(a) a state correctional facility;
(b) a privately operated correctional facility;
(c) a county jail;
(d) a privately operated jail;
(e) a detention facility that is operated under the authority of the children, youth and families department and that holds the individual pending a court hearing; or
(f) a facility that is operated under the authority of the children, youth and families department and that provides for the care and rehabilitation of an individual who is under eighteen years of age and who has committed an act that would be designated as a crime under the law if committed by an individual who is eighteen years of age or older;
(4) "medicaid" means the joint federal-state health coverage program pursuant to Title 19 or Title 21 of the federal Social Security Act and rules promulgated pursuant to that act; and
(5) "unemancipated minor" means an individual who is under eighteen years of age and who:
(a) is not on active duty in the armed forces; and
(b) has not been declared by court order to be emancipated.
History: Laws 2015, ch. 127, § 2; 2018, ch. 74, § 1.
Cross references. — For the federal Social Security Act, see 42 U.S.C.S. § 301 et seq.
The 2018 amendment, effective July 1, 2018, provided correctional facilities with additional duties related to incarcerated individual's medicaid eligibility determinations, required the human services department to provide to county jails, in connection with medicaid eligibility determinations, behavioral health screening tools, technical assistance and training and certification for counties, and defined "care coordination" as used in this section; in the catchline, added "county jail technical assistance; presumptive eligibility determiner training and certification"; in Subsection F, added paragraph designation "(1)"; in Paragraph F(1), after "incarcerated", deleted "and shall notify the department upon that eligible individual's release", added paragraphs F(2) through F(4); added a new Subsection G and redesignated former Subsections G and H as Subsections H and I, respectively; and in Subsection I, added a new Paragraph I(1) and redesignated former Paragraphs I(1) through I(4) as Paragraphs I(2) through I(5), respectively.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 27 - Public Assistance
Article 2 - Public Assistance Act
Section 27-2-3 - Standard of need; income determination.
Section 27-2-4 - Eligibility requirements.
Section 27-2-6.1 - Supplemental postnatal assistance.
Section 27-2-7 - General assistance program; qualifications and payments.
Section 27-2-7.1 - Eligible person entitled to information.
Section 27-2-9 - Payment for hospital care.
Section 27-2-9.1 - Administration of shelter care supplement.
Section 27-2-10 - Food stamp program.
Section 27-2-11 - Scope of assistance programs.
Section 27-2-12 - Medical assistance programs.
Section 27-2-12.2 - Medical assistance program; eligibility of married individuals.
Section 27-2-12.6 - Medicaid payments; managed care.
Section 27-2-12.8 - Mammograms for medicaid recipients.
Section 27-2-12.9 - Medicaid; personal spending allowances; increases.
Section 27-2-12.10 - Clinical nurse specialists.
Section 27-2-12.11 - Prescription drug waiver program; purpose; eligibility.
Section 27-2-12.12 - Human services department; managed care contract credentialing provisions.
Section 27-2-12.13 - Medicaid reform; program changes.
Section 27-2-12.14 - Brain injury; services authorized.
Section 27-2-12.20 - Crisis triage center; medical assistance reimbursement.
Section 27-2-12.21 - Medical assistance; pharmacy benefits; prescription synchronization.
Section 27-2-12.24 - Medical assistance; plan of care; participation required.
Section 27-2-12.25 - Prior authorization for gynecological or obstetrical ultrasounds prohibited.
Section 27-2-12.28 - Medical assistance; autism spectrum disorder.
Section 27-2-12.30 - Pharmacist prescriptive authority services; reimbursement parity.
Section 27-2-12.31 - Heart artery calcium scan coverage.
Section 27-2-13 - Conflict in federal and state laws.
Section 27-2-14 - Continuing effect of regulations and standards.
Section 27-2-15 - Cooperation with United States.
Section 27-2-16 - Compliance with federal law.
Section 27-2-17 - Custodian of funds.
Section 27-2-18 to 27-2-20 - Repealed.
Section 27-2-21 - Assistance not assignable.
Section 27-2-23 - Third party liability.
Section 27-2-24 - [Federal government entitled to share recovery.]
Section 27-2-25 - Funeral expenses.
Section 27-2-26 - Money received from other sources; duty and liability of funeral director.
Section 27-2-27 - Single state agency; powers and duties.
Section 27-2-28 - Liability for repayment of public assistance.
Section 27-2-29.1 - Compensation under contingent fee contracts; suspense fund created.
Section 27-2-30 - [Enforcement of support;] orders.
Section 27-2-31 - Judgments and proceeds.
Section 27-2-32 - Duty of agencies to cooperate.
Section 27-2-34 - Limitations of act.
Section 27-2-35 to 27-2-40 - Repealed.
Section 27-2-41 - Short title.
Section 27-2-42 - Legislative findings; purpose.
Section 27-2-43 - Definitions.
Section 27-2-44 - Indigent catastrophic illness hospital fund created.
Section 27-2-45 - Hospitals; claims for payment.