New Mexico Statutes
Article 2A - Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research
Section 26-2A-4 - Lynn Pierson therapeutic research program established; participation.

A. There is established in the health and environment department [department of health] the "Lynn Pierson therapeutic research program". The program shall be administered by the administrator. The department shall promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the proper administration of the Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act. In such promulgation, the department shall take into consideration those pertinent rules and regulations promulgated by the drug enforcement administration, food and drug administration and the national institute on drug abuse.
B. Except as provided in Subsection C of Section 5 [26-2A-5 NMSA 1978] of the Controlled Substances Therapeutic Research Act, the Lynn Pierson therapeutic research program shall be limited to cancer chemotherapy patients and glaucoma patients, who are certified to the patient qualification review board by a physician as being involved in a life-threatening or sense-threatening situation and who are not responding to conventional controlled substances or where the conventional controlled substances administered have proven to be effective but where the patient has incurred severe side effects.
History: 1953 Comp., § 54-12-4, enacted by Laws 1978, ch. 22, § 4; 1979, ch. 11, § 1.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law. Laws 1991, ch. 25, § 16 repealed former 9-7-4 MNSA 1978, relating to the health and environment department, and enacted a new 9-7-4 NMSA 1978, creating the department of health.