New Mexico Statutes
Article 10 - Pinon Nuts
Section 25-10-3 - Enforcement.

A. The board of regents of New Mexico state university shall enforce and administer the Pinon Nut Act through the New Mexico department of agriculture. The board shall have the authority to promulgate regulations necessary for the enforcement of the Pinon Nut Act.
B. The department through its authorized inspectors or agents is authorized to:
(1) audit the purchase and sales records of any person, firm or corporation dealing with pinon nut sales; and
(2) enter, on any business day during the usual hours of business, any store, market or any other business or place where pinon nuts are sold or offered for sale under the provisions of the Pinon Nut Act in this state.
History: Laws 1987, ch. 43, § 3; 1993, ch. 299, § 2.
The 1993 amendment, effective April 7, 1993, designated the formerly undesignated provision as Subsection A and added Subsection B.