New Mexico Statutes
Article 34 - Student Diabetes Management
Section 22-34-3 - Diabetes care; diabetes care personnel; training; immunity.

A. By December 31, 2019 and in consultation with the American diabetes association, the department of health, the New Mexico school nurse's association and the juvenile diabetes research foundation, the secretary of public education shall adopt and promulgate rules for the training of school employees for the care of students with diabetes. These rules shall require each governing body to ensure that annual diabetes training programs are provided for all school nurses and diabetes care personnel. At a minimum, the training guidelines shall address:
(1) recognition and treatment of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia;
(2) understanding the appropriate actions to take when blood glucose levels are outside of the target ranges indicated by a student's diabetes medical management plan;
(3) understanding health care practitioner instructions regarding diabetes medication drug dosage, frequency and manner of administration;
(4) performance of finger stick blood glucose testing and ketone testing and recording of results;
(5) the administration of glucagon and insulin and the recording of results;
(6) understanding how to administer glucagon and insulin through the insulin delivery system;
(7) recognizing diabetes-related complications that require emergency assistance; and
(8) as relates to students with diabetes, understanding recommended schedules and food intake for meals and snacks, the effect of physical activity upon blood glucose levels and actions to be implemented in the case of schedule disruption.
B. A governing body shall not require that diabetes care personnel be health care practitioners.
C. Each governing body shall ensure that the training established pursuant to Subsection A of this section is provided to a minimum of two school employees at each school attended by a student with diabetes. If at any time fewer than two school employees are available to be trained at a school, the principal or other school administrator shall distribute to all staff a written notice stating that the school is seeking volunteers to serve as diabetes care personnel. The notice shall inform staff of the following:
(1) the school is required to provide diabetes care to one or more students with diabetes and is seeking personnel willing to be trained to provide that care;
(2) the tasks to be performed by diabetes care personnel;
(3) that participation is voluntary and no school, school district or governing body will take action against any staff member who does not volunteer to be designated;
(4) that training will be provided to employees who volunteer to provide care; and
(5) the identity of the person whom staff should contact in order to volunteer to be diabetes care personnel.
D. The training required pursuant to Subsection A of this section shall be provided by:
(1) a school nurse if the school has a school nurse; or
(2) a health care practitioner with expertise in diabetes.
E. Each governing body shall ensure that the following training is provided on an annual basis to all school personnel who have primary responsibility for supervising a student with diabetes during some portion of the school day and to bus drivers responsible for the transportation of a student with diabetes:
(1) recognition of hypoglycemia;
(2) recognition of hyperglycemia; and
(3) actions to take in response to diabetes related emergency situations.
History: Laws 2019, ch. 22, § 3.
Effective dates. — Laws 2019, ch. 22 contained no effective date provision, but, pursuant to N.M. Const., art. IV, § 23, was effective June 14, 2019, 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.