New Mexico Statutes
Article 31 - School Athletics Equity
Section 22-31-3 - Data reporting.

The department shall collect annual data from public schools on their athletics programs. Each public school shall collect and submit the prior-year data required in this section in a format required by the department. The data submitted shall include:
A. by August 31, 2011, the following information pertaining to enrollment:
(1) the total enrollment in each public school as an average of enrollment at the second and third reporting dates;
(2) student enrollment by gender;
(3) total number of students participating in athletics;
(4) athletics participation by gender; and
(5) the number of boys' teams and girls' teams by sport and by competition level;
B. by August 31, 2011, the following information pertaining to athletic directors and coaches:
(1) the names and genders of each public school's athletic director and other athletic program staff;
(2) the names of each team's coaches, with their gender, job title and employment status, such as full-time, part-time, contract or volunteer, specified;
(3) the coach-to-athlete ratio for each team; and
(4) the stipend or other compensation for coaching paid to coaches of boys' teams and to coaches of girls' teams for each public school;
C. by August 31, 2012, an accounting of the funding sources that are used to support the school's athletics programs in grades nine through twelve and to which programs those funds are allocated; funding sources include state funding, federal funding, fundraising or booster clubs, game and concession receipts, gate receipts, cash or in-kind donations, grants and any other source;
D. by August 31, 2012, the following information regarding expenses for athletics programs in grades nine through twelve, including:
(1) any capital outlay expenditures for each public school's athletics programs; and
(2) the expenditures for each public school's athletics programs, including travel expenses such as transportation, meal allowances and overnight accommodations; equipment; uniforms; facilities; facilities improvements; publicity expenses; awards; banquets; insurance; and any other expenses incurred by each athletic program; and
E. by August 31, 2012, a statement of benefits and services to each athletic program in grades nine through twelve, including:
(1) replacement schedules for uniforms;
(2) practice and game schedules; and
(3) locker rooms, weight rooms and practice, competitive and training facilities.
History: Laws 2009, ch. 178, § 3; 2012, ch. 24, § 2.
The 2012 amendment, effective May 16, 2012, eliminated certain reporting requirements for school athletics programs in grades seven and eight and clarified other reporting requirements; in Subsection A, in Paragraph (1), after "average of enrollment at the", deleted "eighteen and one hundred twentieth days of the school year" and added "second and third reporting dates"; in Subsection B, in the introductory sentence, after "directors and coaches", deleted "and other school personnel"; in Paragraph (1), after "athletic director", added "and other athletic program staff"; and in Paragraph (2), after "team's coaches", deleted "and other team personnel"; in Subsection C, after "athletics programs", added "in grades nine through twelve" and after "and to which", deleted "teams" and added "programs"; in Subsection D, in the introductory sentence, after "regarding expenses", added "for athletics programs in grades nine through twelve"; and in Paragraph (2), after "athletics programs", deleted "and (3) the expenditure for individual teams" and after "expenses incurred by each"; deleted "team" and added "athletic program"; and in Subsection E, in the introductory sentence, after "services to each", deleted "team" and added "athletic program in grades nine through twelve"; in Paragraph (1), after "schedules for", deleted "equipment" and after "uniforms", deleted "and supplies"; in Paragraph (3), at the beginning of the sentence, deleted "access to"; and deleted former Paragraph (4), which required a statement of assistance in obtaining scholarships.