The department shall adopt the process and methodology for measuring students' academic performance. Academic performance shall be categorized by school and by the following subgroups:
A. ethnicity;
B. race;
C. limited English proficiency;
D. students with disabilities; and
E. poverty.
History: 1978 Comp., § 22-2A-5, enacted by Laws 2003, ch. 153, § 14; 2007, ch. 309, § 3; 2015, ch. 58, § 7.
Compiler's notes. — Laws 2003, ch. 153, §§ 10 to 20 were enacted as 22-2A-1 to 22-2A-11 NMSA 1978, but were relocated due to the existing Article 2A.
The 2015 amendment, effective June 19, 2015, removed references to adequate yearly progress; deleted the former catchline, "Student achievement ratings; calculations of adequate yearly progress" and added the current language; in the introductory paragraph, after "methodology for", deleted "calculating adequate yearly progress. The statewide standards-based assessments used to assess adequate yearly progress shall be valid and reliable and shall conform with nationally recognized professional and technical standards" and added "measuring students' academic performance", and after "performance shall be", deleted "measured" and added "categorized".
The 2007 amendment, effective June 15, 2007, changed "performance tests" to "assessments".
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 2C - Assessment and Accountability
Section 22-2C-1 - Short title.
Section 22-2C-3 - Academic content and performance standards; department powers and duties.
Section 22-2C-4.1 - Statewide college and workplace readiness assessment system.
Section 22-2C-5 - Measuring and categorizing students' academic performance.
Section 22-2C-6 - Remediation programs; promotion policies; restrictions.
Section 22-2C-8 - State improving schools program.
Section 22-2C-9 - Incentives for school improvement fund; created; distributions.
Section 22-2C-10 - Schools in need of improvement fund; created.
Section 22-2C-11.1 - Student identification number unique to that student.