A. As used in this section:
(1) "foster care" means twenty-four-hour substitute care for a student placed away from the student's parents or guardians and for whom the children, youth and families department has placement and care responsibility, including placements in foster family homes, foster homes of relatives, group homes, emergency shelters, treatment foster homes, residential facilities, child care institutions and preadoptive homes. For the purposes of this section, a student is in foster care regardless of whether the foster care facility is licensed and payments are made by the state, tribal or local agency for the care of the student, whether adoption subsidy payments are being made prior to the finalization of an adoption or whether there is federal matching of any payments that are made; and
(2) "involved in the juvenile justice system" means a student who has been referred to the children, youth and families department due to allegations that the student has committed a delinquent offense and voluntary or involuntary conditions have been imposed on the student, including a student who is participating in a diversion program, is under a consent decree or time waiver, is currently supervised by the children, youth and families department, has recently entered or left a juvenile or criminal justice placement or is on supervised release or parole.
B. Each school district and charter school authorized by the department shall designate an individual to serve as a point of contact for students in foster care and students involved in the juvenile justice system. Charter schools authorized by school districts shall use the district's point of contact. Multiple school districts or charter schools authorized by the department may share a single designated point of contact with approval from the department and from the children, youth and families department.
C. For students transferring into the school district or charter school authorized by the department, the point of contact person shall be responsible for:
(1) ensuring that a student is immediately enrolled regardless of whether the records normally required for enrollment are produced by the last school the student attended or by the student;
(2) ensuring that the enrolling school communicates with the last school attended by a transferring student to obtain relevant academic and other records within two business days of the student's enrollment;
(3) ensuring that the enrolling school performs a timely transfer of credits that the student earned in the last school attended; and
(4) collaborating with the education program staff in a juvenile or criminal justice placement and the educational decision maker appointed by the children's court to create and implement a plan for assisting the transition of a student to the school district or charter school authorized by the department to minimize disruption to the student's education.
D. For students transferring out of the school district or charter school authorized by the department, the point of contact person shall be responsible for providing all records to the new school within two business days of receiving a request from the receiving school.
E. For students in foster care, the point of contact person shall be responsible for:
(1) complying with state policies and developing school district or charter school policies in collaboration with the children, youth and families department for:
(a) best interest determinations about whether the student will remain in the school of origin;
(b) transportation policies to ensure that students receive transportation to their school of origin if it is in their best interest to remain in the school of origin; and
(c) dispute resolution;
(2) convening or participating in best interest determination meetings in collaboration with the children, youth and families department pursuant to state policies and the school district's or charter school authorized by the department's policies; and
(3) ensuring that transportation occurs to the student's school of origin pursuant to the school district's or charter school authorized by the department's policies and in compliance with state policies.
F. For students in foster care and students involved in the juvenile justice system, the point of contact person shall be responsible for:
(1) ensuring that a student has equal opportunity to participate in sports and other extracurricular activities, career and technical programs or other special programs for which the student qualifies;
(2) ensuring that a student in high school receives timely and ongoing assistance and advice from counselors to improve the student's college and career readiness;
(3) ensuring that a student receives all special education services and accommodations to which the student is entitled under state and federal law;
(4) identifying school staff at each school site who can ensure that students are appropriately supported throughout their enrollment;
(5) supporting communication among the school; the children, youth and families department; the student; the student's educational decision maker appointed by the children's court; caregivers; and other supportive individuals that the student identifies to ensure that the responsibilities listed in this subsection are implemented; and
(6) ensuring that other school staff and teachers have access to training and resources about the educational challenges and needs of system-involved youth, including trauma-informed practices and the impact of trauma on learning.
G. The children, youth and families department shall notify a school when a student in the school enters foster care or a student in foster care enrolls in a school.
H. The student or the student's educational decision maker may notify a school that the student is involved in the juvenile justice system to obtain support and services from the point of contact.
History: Laws 2017, ch. 64, § 1.
Effective dates. — Laws 2017, ch. 64 contained no effective date provision, but, pursuant to N.M. Const., art. IV, § 23, was effective June 16, 2017, 90 days after the adjournment of the legislature.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Article 13 - Courses of Instruction and School Programs
Section 22-13-1 - Subject areas; minimum instructional areas required; accreditation.
Section 22-13-1.1 - Graduation requirements.
Section 22-13-1.2 - High school curricula and end-of-course tests; alignment.
Section 22-13-1.3 - Reading initiative; design.
Section 22-13-1.5 - Core curriculum framework; purpose; curriculum.
Section 22-13-1.6 - Uniform grade and subject curricula; professional department [development].
Section 22-13-1.7 - Elementary physical education.
Section 22-13-3 - Early childhood education programs required.
Section 22-13-3.2 - Full-day kindergarten programs.
Section 22-13-3.3 - Short title.
Section 22-13-3.5 - Definitions.
Section 22-13-3.6 - Literacy for children at risk fund created; administration of fund.
Section 22-13-3.7 - Disbursement of funds; approved projects.
Section 22-13-5 - Special education.
Section 22-13-6 - Special education; definitions.
Section 22-13-6.1 - Gifted children; determination.
Section 22-13-7 - Special education; responsibility.
Section 22-13-12 - Approved driver-education courses.
Section 22-13-13 - School lunch program.
Section 22-13-13.1 - Temporary provision; food and beverages sold outside of school meal programs.
Section 22-13-13.2 - Breakfast program required; waiver; distribution of funds.
Section 22-13-14 - Emergency drills; requirement.
Section 22-13-15 - Public school instruction; prohibition; penalty.
Section 22-13-16 - Private school programs; solicitations; permit; penalty.
Section 22-13-25 - Academic competitions.
Section 22-13-26 - Youth programs established.
Section 22-13-27 - Recompiled.
Section 22-13-28.1 - Repealed.
Section 22-13-28.2 - Repealed.
Section 22-13-29 - Middle and high school literacy initiative.
Section 22-13-30 - Vision screening.
Section 22-13-31.1 - Brain injury; protocols; training of coaches; brain injury education.
Section 22-13-32 - Intervention for students displaying characteristics of dyslexia.
Section 22-13-33 - Appointing a point of contact person for certain students.