New Mexico Statutes
Article 19A - Apprenticeship Assistance
Section 21-19A-7 - Apprenticeship and training advisory committee.

A. The division shall appoint an apprenticeship and training advisory committee composed of nine voting members who shall be New Mexico residents. The members shall be as follows:
(1) two persons representing employers of members of apprenticeable trades;
(2) two persons representing organized labor for members of apprenticeable trades;
(3) two persons employed as full-time training directors or program administrators of apprenticeship committees;
(4) two persons employed by New Mexico educational entities who teach or immediately supervise preparatory instruction, supplementary instruction or related instruction courses; and
(5) the state apprenticeship director of the department, who shall serve as chair.
B. Members of the advisory committee shall serve terms of four years, except that the division shall designate one member from each of the groups referred to in Paragraphs (1) through (4) of Subsection A of this section to serve an initial term of two years. Thereafter, all members shall serve four-year terms.
C. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired portion of a term vacated.
D. Nonvoting members of the advisory committee shall include the following:
(1) two persons designated by and representing the New Mexico college and university system of vocational education;
(2) one person designated by and representing the office of apprenticeship; and
(3) one person representing the general public who is familiar with the goals and needs of technical-vocational education in New Mexico and who is not otherwise eligible for service on the advisory committee.
E. The member of the advisory committee representing the general public shall be appointed by the division for a term of four years. All other nonvoting members of the advisory committee shall serve at the pleasure of the agency or institution each respective member represents.
F. The advisory committee shall meet on an annual basis or at the call of the chair.
G. The members of the advisory committee shall be subject to such laws and practices as are applicable to the service and compensation of employees of the state. Members of the advisory committee not otherwise compensated by public funds shall be reimbursed for their official duties in accordance with the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978] for attendance at not in excess of twelve meetings per year.
History: Laws 1992, ch. 93, § 7; 2014, ch. 51, § 6.
The 2014 amendment, effective July 1, 2014, changed the membership of the apprenticeship and training advisory committee; in Subsection A, in the introductory paragraph, in the first sentence, after "composed of", deleted "ten" and added "nine"; in Subsection A, Paragraph (5), after "the", added "state apprenticeship", after "director of the", deleted "council" and added "department", and after "shall serve as", deleted "chairman" and added "chair"; in Subsection A, deleted Paragraph (6), which designated the supervisor of trades and industry with the division as a member of the advisory committee; in Subsection D, deleted former Paragraph (1), which designated one person representing the advisory council for vocational education as a nonvoting member of the advisory committee; in Subsection D, Paragraph (1), at the beginning of the paragraph, deleted "one person" and added "two persons"; and in Subsection D, Paragraph (2), after "representing the", deleted "bureau" and added "office of apprenticeship".