New Mexico Statutes
Article 3A - Natural History Museum
Section 18-3A-5 - Board of trustees created; appointment; terms; officers.

A. The "board of trustees of the New Mexico museum of natural history and science" is created. The board shall consist of thirteen residents of New Mexico appointed as follows:
(1) eleven public members shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. In making these appointments, the governor shall give due consideration to the geographic distribution of places of residence and to individual interest and background in natural history and physical science; provided that:
(a) not less than two of these public members shall be employees of state institutions of higher learning or appropriate state agencies;
(b) not less than two members shall be from the science community; and
(c) not less than two members shall be from the natural history community.
The public members shall be appointed for terms of four years or less so that all terms are coterminous with the current term of the governor appointing them and shall serve at the pleasure of the governor; and
(2) two private members shall be appointed by the board of the New Mexico museum of natural history foundation, inc. for terms of one year or less expiring on June 30 each year. Vacancies in the position of private member shall be filled by the board of the New Mexico museum of natural history foundation, inc.
B. The director shall be an ex-officio nonvoting member of the board.
C. The president of the board shall be designated by the governor and shall serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the governor. Other officers as deemed necessary by the board shall be elected by the board annually at its first scheduled meeting after July 1.
History: Laws 1980, ch. 128, § 5; 1987, ch. 38, § 3; 1990, ch. 106, § 5; 1993, ch. 130, § 1.
The 1993 amendment, effective June 18, 1993, in Subsection A, substituted "eleven" for "nine" at the beginning of Paragraph (1), deleted former Paragraph (3) relating to appointment of private members and made minor stylistic changes throughout the subsection.
The 1990 amendment, effective May 16, 1990, in Subsection A, added "and science" following "natural history" in the first sentence, substituted "thirteen residents" for "eleven residents" in the second sentence, rewrote the second sentence of Paragraph (1) to add the reference to "physical science" and the provisions of Subparagraphs (b) and (c), added Paragraph (3), and made minor stylistic changes.