Repeals. — Laws 1978, ch. 164, § 5 repealed former 4-12-36 and 4-12-37, 1953 Comp., effective March 31, 1978.
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 18 - Libraries, Museums and Cultural Properties
Article 3 - State Museums and Societies
Section 18-3-1 - Museum of New Mexico established; location; property.
Section 18-3-2 - Museum board of regents; appointment; terms; vacancies.
Section 18-3-3 - Museum of New Mexico board of regents; powers and duties.
Section 18-3-3.1 - Admission policy.
Section 18-3-10 - Temporary provision; transfers.
Section 18-3-11 - Laboratory of anthropology; acceptance of deed and title.
Section 18-3-12 - New Mexico museum of art division created; location; board of regents.
Section 18-3-14 - Museum of international folk art division created; location; board of regents.
Section 18-3-15 - Museum of Indian arts and culture division created; location; board of regents.
Section 18-3-16 - State historic sites and monuments division created; board of regents.
Section 18-3-17 - Archaeological services division created; board of regents.
Section 18-3-18 - Museum of New Mexico divisions; directors; powers and duties.