A. There is created the "risk management advisory board." The board shall be composed of:
(1) the attorney general or his designee;
(2) the superintendent of insurance;
(3) the secretary of finance and administration or his designee;
(4) the chief financial officer of a public school district who shall be appointed by the governor;
(5) an attorney, who shall be named by the president of the state bar of New Mexico;
(6) the director of the legislative council service or his designee;
(7) the chief financial officer of an institution of higher education who shall be appointed by the governor;
(8) an insurance agent licensed to write property, casualty and life insurance in this state who shall be appointed by the governor; and
(9) the chief financial officer of a local public body or the chief administrator of an entity of a local public body, other than a school district, with a risk covered by the public liability fund, who shall be appointed by the governor.
B. Members of the board appointed by the governor or named by the president of the state bar of New Mexico shall serve for a term of four years. The insurance agent appointed by the governor and the attorney named by the president of the state bar of New Mexico shall be paid by the risk management division per diem and mileage in accordance with the provisions of the Per Diem and Mileage Act [10-8-1 to 10-8-8 NMSA 1978].
C. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. The members of the board shall annually elect from among their membership a chairman and vice chairman.
History: Laws 1978, ch. 166, § 9.
Law reviews. — For survey, "Torts: Sovereign and Governmental Immunity in New Mexico," see 6 N.M. L. Rev. 249 (1976).
Structure New Mexico Statutes
Chapter 15 - Administration of Government
Article 7 - Risk Management Division
Section 15-7-2 - Risk management division.
Section 15-7-3 - Additional powers and duties of the risk management division.
Section 15-7-4 - Risk management advisory board.
Section 15-7-5 - Powers and duties of the advisory board.
Section 15-7-6 - Workers' compensation retention fund.
Section 15-7-7 - Consulting and claims adjusting contracts.
Section 15-7-8 - Local public bodies; insurance policies; reports.
Section 15-7-9 - Confidentiality of records.
Section 15-7-10 - Legal defense contracts; renewal.
Section 15-7-11 - Temporary transfer of money among funds administered by risk management division.