New Mexico Statutes
Article 15A - Presidential Primary
Section 1-15A-3 - Selection of national convention delegates by major political parties; use of alternate selection procedures; certification.

A. If a major political party chooses not to participate in the presidential primary, it shall:
(1) notify the secretary of state at least thirty days before the governor is required to issue the proclamation of the primary election; and
(2) allow anyone who would otherwise be qualified to vote in that party's primary to participate in the party's selection procedure.
B. The state chair of a major political party that does not participate in the presidential primary shall certify to the secretary of state the names of the state party's delegates to the party's national convention, and those delegates shall file a declaration of acceptance in accordance with Section 1-15A-10 NMSA 1978.
History: Laws 2003, ch. 300, § 3; 1978 Comp., § 1-8-54.1 recompiled as § 1-15A-3 by Laws 2011, ch. 137, § 109; 2016, ch. 28, § 2.
Recompilations. — Laws 2011, ch. 137, § 109 recompiled former 1-8-54.1 NMSA 1978 as 1-15A-3 NMSA 1978 effective July 1, 2011.
The 2016 amendment, effective May 18, 2016, allowed persons who would otherwise be qualified to vote in a party's primary to participate in the party's alternate selection procedure; in the catchline, added "use of alternate selection procedures"; in Subsection A, after "it shall", added the paragraph designation "(1)", and added new Paragraph (2); and in Subsection B, after "The state", deleted "chairman" and added "chair", and after "Section", deleted "1-8-61" and added "1-15A-10".