New Mexico Statutes
Article 14 - Contests and Recounts
Section 1-14-13.1 - Repealed.

History: Laws 2005, ch. 270, § 75; repealed by Laws 2009, ch. 233, § 3.
Repeals. — Laws 2009, ch. 233, § 3 repealed 1-14-13.1 NMSA 1978, as enacted by Laws 2005, ch. 270, § 75, relating to post-election duties, random voting system checks and recounts, effective June 19, 2009. For provisions of former section, see the 2008 NMSA 1978 on

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 1 - Elections

Article 14 - Contests and Recounts

Section 1-14-1 - Contest of elections; who may contest.

Section 1-14-2 - Contest of elections; status of person holding certificate.

Section 1-14-3 - Contest of election; filing of complaint.

Section 1-14-4 - Contest of election; judgment; effect; costs.

Section 1-14-5 - Contest of election; appeal.

Section 1-14-6 - Contest of election; preservation of ballots.

Section 1-14-7 - Contest of election; disqualification of trial judge.

Section 1-14-8 - Impounding ballots; ballots defined.

Section 1-14-9 - Impounding ballots; application for court order; deposit required.

Section 1-14-10 - Order of impoundment; contents.

Section 1-14-11 - Impoundment; subsequent orders; access; termination of order.

Section 1-14-12 - Disposition of deposit in impoundment proceedings.

Section 1-14-13 - Post-election duties; proof that no corruption occurred; rejection of ballots.

Section 1-14-13.1 - Repealed.

Section 1-14-13.2 - Post-election duties; voting system check.

Section 1-14-13.3 - General election audit.

Section 1-14-14 - Recounts; rechecks; application.

Section 1-14-15 - Recounts; rechecks; cost of proceedings.

Section 1-14-16 - Recount or recheck proceedings.

Section 1-14-17 - Repealed.

Section 1-14-18 - Recount; recheck; recanvass by canvassing boards.

Section 1-14-19 - Recount; recheck; candidate for district judge.

Section 1-14-20 - Recounts; rechecks; appointment of a special master.

Section 1-14-21 - Recounts; rechecks; mandamus.

Section 1-14-22 - Contests and recounts; provisional, absentee and other paper ballots; use of ballot images.

Section 1-14-23 - Recount procedures.

Section 1-14-24 - Automatic recounts; elections for state and federal offices; procedures.

Section 1-14-24 - Automatic recounts; elections for state and federal offices; procedures. (Effective January 1, 2023.)

Section 1-14-25 - Automatic recounts; expenses.