New Mexico Statutes
Article 1 - Definitions and General Provisions
Section 1-1-5 - Voter.

As used in the Election Code, "voter" means any qualified elector or federal qualified elector who is registered to vote under the provisions of the Election Code.
History: 1953 Comp., § 3-1-5, enacted by Laws 1969, ch. 240, § 5; 2011, ch. 137, § 6; 2015, ch. 145, § 4; 2019, ch. 212, § 3.
The 2019 amendment, effective April 3, 2019, revised the definition of "voter" as used in the Election Code; and after "registered", added "to vote".
The 2015 amendment, effective July 1, 2015, removed the specific reference to overseas voter, the meaning of which is included in the definition of federal qualified elector; after "any qualified elector", added "or", and after "federal qualified elector", deleted "or overseas voter".
The 2011 amendment, effective July 1, 2011, included federal qualified voters and overseas voter in the definition of "voter".
Qualification of grand juror. — Grand juror did not have to be a properly registered voter to be a qualified elector, for purposes of sitting on the grand jury. State v. Chama Land & Cattle Co., 1990-NMCA-129, 111 N.M. 317, 805 P.2d 86.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — Incompetents: voting rights of persons mentally incapacitated, 80 A.L.R.3d 1116.
29 C.J.S. Elections § 1(8).

Structure New Mexico Statutes

New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 1 - Elections

Article 1 - Definitions and General Provisions

Section 1-1-1 - Election Code.

Section 1-1-1.1 - Purpose of [Election] Code.

Section 1-1-2 - Headings.

Section 1-1-2.1 - Ballot box key.

Section 1-1-3 - "Shall" and "may".

Section 1-1-3.1 - Election cycle.

Section 1-1-3.2 - Election observer.

Section 1-1-3.3 - Election-related organization.

Section 1-1-4 - Qualified elector.

Section 1-1-4.1 - Federal qualified elector.

Section 1-1-5 - Voter.

Section 1-1-5.1 - Early voter.

Section 1-1-5.2 - Definition of a vote; machine-tabulated; hand-tallied; write-in.

Section 1-1-5.3 - Overseas voter.

Section 1-1-5.4 - Uniformed-service voter.

Section 1-1-5.5 - Power of attorney; prohibited use.

Section 1-1-5.6 - Ballot question.

Section 1-1-5.7 - County.

Section 1-1-5.8 - Municipality.

Section 1-1-5.9 - Proper filing officer.

Section 1-1-5.10 - Qualified resident.

Section 1-1-5.11 - Special election.

Section 1-1-5.12 - Statewide election.

Section 1-1-5.13 - United States.

Section 1-1-6 - Recheck and recount.

Section 1-1-7 - Residence; rules for determining.

Section 1-1-7.1 - Residence for purpose of candidacy and signing of petitions; rule for determining.

Section 1-1-7.2 - Petitions; nominations; signatures to be counted.

Section 1-1-8 - Election returns.

Section 1-1-9 - Recompiled.

Section 1-1-10 - Qualified political party.

Section 1-1-11 - Precinct.

Section 1-1-12 - Consolidated precinct.

Section 1-1-13 - Election board.

Section 1-1-14 - Publication.

Section 1-1-15 - Posting.

Section 1-1-16 - Registration officer.

Section 1-1-16.1 - Registration agent.

Section 1-1-16.2 - New registrant.

Section 1-1-17 - Person authorized to administer oaths.

Section 1-1-18 - Oath includes affirmation.

Section 1-1-19 - Elections covered by code.

Section 1-1-20 - Major fractions.

Section 1-1-21 - County chairman.

Section 1-1-22 - Computation of time; deadlines.

Section 1-1-23 - Unique identifier.

Section 1-1-24 - Required voter identification.

Section 1-1-25 - Voter information.

Section 1-1-26 - Petitions; nominations; requirements before signed by voters; invalidated petitions.