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Section 59A-52-1 - State fire marshal's office created; state fire marshal created. - A. The "state fire marshal's office" is created as a...
Section 59A-52-1.1 - State fire marshal; appointment; powers and duties. - A. The state fire marshal shall be appointed by the...
Section 59A-52-2 - State fire marshal to administer article. - The state fire marshal shall administer the provisions of Chapter...
Section 59A-52-3 - Deputy state fire marshal and other employees; qualifications of deputy. - The state fire marshal may employ with the consent of...
Section 59A-52-4 - Bonding of employees. - The state fire marshal shall require the bonding of those...
Section 59A-52-5 - Cooperation with other agencies for prevention and control of fires. - The state fire marshal is authorized to cooperate with all...
Section 59A-52-6 - Fire protection training programs. - The state fire marshal shall establish and conduct training programs...
Section 59A-52-7 - Teaching fire prevention and control in public schools; rules for school building evacuation. - The state fire marshal shall prescribe reasonable rules and programs...
Section 59A-52-8 - Investigation of fire hazards; abatement. - The state fire marshal is authorized to make investigations, or...
Section 59A-52-9 - May enter upon premises. - The state fire marshal or the marshal's deputy, authorized officer...
Section 59A-52-10 - Investigation of fires and explosions; hearings; use of state police laboratory. - The state fire marshal or the marshal's deputies or employees...
Section 59A-52-11 - Witnesses; per diem and mileage. - Witnesses or persons subpoenaed pursuant to Chapter 59A, Article 52...
Section 59A-52-12 - Records of fires open to public. - The state fire marshal shall keep open to public inspection,...
Section 59A-52-13 - Transmittal of evidence indicating criminal acts. - The state fire marshal shall furnish to the proper law...
Section 59A-52-14 - Appropriations. - For the purposes of Chapter 59A, Article 52 NMSA 1978,...
Section 59A-52-14.1 - Firefighter training academy; use fee fund created. - The "training academy use fee fund" is created in the...
Section 59A-52-15 - Fire prevention; public occupancies regulations. - A. For prevention and control of fires, pursuant to the...
Section 59A-52-15.1 - Fire and smoke damper and fire control systems; commission rules. - A. The public regulation commission shall issue rules requiring the...
Section 59A-52-16 - Flammable liquids rules; nationwide standards; definition. - A. The state fire marshal shall adopt rules for the...
Section 59A-52-17 - Rules; public hearing. - No rule shall be adopted or revised under Section 59A-52-16...
Section 59A-52-19 - Police power of state fire marshal; cooperation of state officers. - A. The state fire marshal or the marshal's deputy, authorized...
Section 59A-52-20 - Cease and desist orders; certain violations are misdemeanors. - A. When the state fire marshal or the marshal's deputy,...
Section 59A-52-21 - Administrative appeal of orders and modifications. - Any person aggrieved by any order of the state fire...
Section 59A-52-22 - Judicial review of order. - A person aggrieved by a decision of the state fire...
Section 59A-52-23 - Enforcement of cease and desist orders. - After expiration of time for an administrative appeal, and if...
Section 59A-52-24 - Penalty for violation of law or rules. - Violation of any of the provisions of Chapter 59A, Article...
Section 59A-52-25 - Penalty for violation of cease and desist order. - Any person, firm or corporation that violates any final cease...
Section 59A-52-26 - Volunteer firefighters; stipend. - To the extent consistent with the federal Fair Labor Standards...
Section 59A-52-27 - Fire services council created; membership. - A. The "fire services council" is created to advise the...
Section 59A-52-27.1 - Fire services council; duties. - The fire services council shall: A. review and comment on...