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Section 4-52-12 - Addition of land. - A. Resident electors of an area without a district may...
Section 4-52-13 - Detaching land. - Resident electors of lands which have not been, are not...
Section 4-52-14 - Discontinuance of districts. - A. Any time after five years from the organization of...
Section 4-52-15 - Penalty [for violation of ordinance]. - Violation of any ordinance adopted by the county commissioners on...
Article 53 - Special District Procedures
Section 4-53-1 - Short title. - This act [4-53-1 to 4-53-11 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 4-53-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Special District Procedures Act: A. "special...
Section 4-53-3 - County special district commission. - A. There shall be created in each county of the...
Section 4-53-4 - Powers and duties of commission. - The commission may: A. review and approve, or disapprove with...
Section 4-53-5 - Proposals for creation of special districts. - A. Any proposal for the creation of a special district...
Section 4-53-6 - Merger, consolidation or dissolution of special district. - A. Any municipality, county or special district may by resolution...
Section 4-53-7 - Hearings. - At public hearings held pursuant to the Special District Procedures...
Section 4-53-8 - Factors to be considered. - A. Factors to be considered in the review of a...
Section 4-53-9 - Multi-county special districts. - In the event that the territory of any special district...
Section 4-53-10 - Decisions of commission. - A. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the commission may take...
Section 4-53-11 - Administration. - The usual and necessary operating expenses incurred by the commission...
Article 54 - Community Service Districts
Section 4-54-1 - Short title. - This act [4-54-1 to 4-54-5 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 4-54-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Community Service District Act: A. "community...
Section 4-54-3 - Procedure for issuing negotiable securities. - A. Any community service district issuing negotiable securities for the...
Section 4-54-4 - Tax limitation. - The aggregate total of all taxes levied by a community...
Section 4-54-5 - Liberal construction. - The Community Service District Act shall be liberally construed to...
Article 55 - Special Assessment Districts for Improvements in Class A Counties (Repealed.)
Section 4-55-1 to 4-55-34 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1980, ch. 91, § 40, repealed 4-55-1...
Article 55A - County Improvement Districts
Section 4-55A-1 - Short title. - Chapter 4, Article 55A NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 4-55A-2 - Improvement district; definitions. - As used in the County Improvement District Act: A. "adjustment...
Section 4-55A-3 - Improvement district; authorization; limitation. - A. Whenever the board determines that the creation of an...
Section 4-55A-4 - Improvement district; purpose. - An improvement district may be created as authorized in the...
Section 4-55A-4.1 - Improvement district; additional purpose. - An improvement district may also be created as authorized in...
Section 4-55A-5 - Improvement district; powers of a county. - Every county shall have the power to construct improvements authorized...
Section 4-55A-6 - Improvement district; limitations on powers of county with respect to street or right of way under jurisdiction of state transportation commission. - The county shall not construct improvements on or through any...
Section 4-55A-7 - Improvement district; provisional order method; procedure; preliminary lien; notice of pendency of district; effect. - A. Whenever the board determines that the creation of an...
Section 4-55A-8 - Improvement district; notice of assessment; protests. - A. The notice of the provisional order creating an improvement...
Section 4-55A-9 - Improvement district; provisional order; protest; action in district court. - A. At the hearing of the board on the provisional...
Section 4-55A-10 - Improvement district; petition method; requirements; distribution of costs; notice of hearing. - A. Whenever the owners of sixty-six and two-thirds percent or...
Section 4-55A-11 - Improvement district; notice of preliminary hearing. - A. The notice of the preliminary hearing required in Section...
Section 4-55A-12 - Improvement district; preliminary hearing; protest; action of the board; action in district court. - A. At the preliminary hearing of the board on the...
Section 4-55A-12.1 - Imposition of improvement district property tax; limitations. - A. If in connection with the creation of the improvement...
Section 4-55A-13 - Improvement district; levy and collection of assessments prior to commencing improvement; special fund; misuse; penalty. - A. Whenever the board: (1) elects to order the construction...
Section 4-55A-14 - Improvement district; advertising for bids; county may do work; contribution by governmental agency. - A. If a continuous area proposed to be improved on...
Section 4-55A-15 - Notice of bid; acceptance of bid. - A. After the board creates an improvement district, the board...
Section 4-55A-16 - Improvement district; assessment of railroad property. - The board may assess the property of any railroad or...
Section 4-55A-17 - Improvement district; assessment roll; notice of assessment hearing. - A. After the contract has been awarded and the board...
Section 4-55A-18 - Improvement district; filing of objections; assessment hearing; action of the board; appeal to district court. - A. Not later than three days before the date of...
Section 4-55A-19 - Improvement district; assessments; terms of payment; liens. - A. The board may, by ordinance: (1) establish the time...
Section 4-55A-20 - Improvement district; authority to issue bonds or assignable certificates. - A. To pay all or any part of the cost...
Section 4-55A-21 - Improvement district; rights of negotiable bondholders or assignable certificate holders. - A. If the board fails or refuses to foreclose and...
Section 4-55A-22 - Improvement district; additional duties imposed on county. - A. Whenever an improvement district has been created and bonds...
Section 4-55A-23 - Improvement district; acceptance of deed in lieu of foreclosure. - In lieu of the foreclosure of a lien against any...
Section 4-55A-24 - Improvement district; foreclosure; trustee may purchase at foreclosure of liens; contents of bid. - Any delinquent assessment has the effect of a mortgage and...
Section 4-55A-25 - Improvement district; title subject to redemption vests in trustee. - Upon the acceptance or purchase of the tract or parcel...
Section 4-55A-26 - Improvement district; private or public sale of property; redemption period; application for authorization; appraisement; disposition of proceeds. - A. No real property shall be sold by the trustee...
Section 4-55A-27 - Improvement district; assessment funds; expenditures; misuse; penalties. - A. All money received by the county from any special...
Section 4-55A-28 - Transfer of improvement district funds. - The board may transfer to the general fund of the...
Section 4-55A-29 - Improvement district; reassessment after voiding of assessments; procedure. - A. It is the purpose of Sections 4-55A-29 through 4-55A-33...
Section 4-55A-30 - Improvement district; reassessment; defects waived; credit for previous payment. - A. The fact that: (1) the contract has been let;...
Section 4-55A-31 - Improvement district; appeal to district court. - After an owner has filed a written objection with the...
Section 4-55A-32 - Improvement district; payment of reassessment; continuing proceedings to collect assessment. - A. The board shall enforce payment of the reassessment of...
Section 4-55A-33 - Improvement district; appeal of reassessment; procedure exclusive. - A. The rights and remedies granted in Section 18 [4-55A-18...
Section 4-55A-34 - Improvement district; application of reassessment fund to outstanding indebtedness. - A. Whenever a county has: (1) issued bonds or assignable...
Section 4-55A-35 - Improvement district; refunding improvement bonds; authority. - A. As used in this section and in Sections 4-55A-36...
Section 4-55A-36 - Refunding bonds; escrow; detail. - A. Refunding bonds issued pursuant to Sections 4-55A-35 through 4-55A-38...
Section 4-55A-37 - Improvement district; ordinance for refunding bonds; conditions; sale or exchange. - A. The ordinance authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds for...
Section 4-55A-38 - Improvement district; payment of assessment for refunding bond; maximum term; interest; prepayment; liens. - A. In connection with issuance of refunding bonds as provided...
Section 4-55A-39 - Improvement district; construction of sections. - Nothing contained in Sections 4-55A-35 through 4-55A-38 NMSA 1978 shall...
Section 4-55A-40 - Street and road improvement fund authorization. - In the case of creation of a county improvement district...
Section 4-55A-41 - Street and road improvement fund; use. - Bonds or assignable certificates authorized in Section 4-55A-20 NMSA 1978...
Section 4-55A-42 - Street and road improvement fund; repurchasing bonds or certificates; pledging income. - A. The board of county commissioners may, by ordinance approved...
Section 4-55A-43 - Street and road improvement fund; diverting proceeds from tax. - After the adoption of the ordinance creating a contract as...
Article 55B - Historic Building Improvement Act
Section 4-55B-1 - Short title. - This act [4-55B-1 to 4-55B-5 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 4-55B-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Historic Building Improvements Act: A. "county"...
Section 4-55B-3 - Authorization for a county to impose an historic building improvements tax; resolution; election required. - A. The governing body of a county may adopt a...
Section 4-55B-4 - Conduct of election; ballot. - A. The question of authorizing the imposition of a tax...
Section 4-55B-5 - Imposition of tax; certification by department of finance and administration; discontinuance of tax. - A. If a majority of the voters voting on the...
Article 55C - Solar Energy Improvement Special Assessment
Section 4-55C-1 - Short title. - Chapter 4, Article 55C NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 4-55C-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Solar Energy Improvement Special Assessment Act:...
Section 4-55C-3 - Ordinance imposing solar energy improvement special assessment. - A. The board of county commissioners of a county may...
Section 4-55C-4 - Implementation of solar energy improvement special assessment. - A board of county commissioners enacting an ordinance providing for...
Section 4-55C-5 - Solar energy improvement special assessment; amount; collection; lien created. - A. The amount of the solar energy improvement special assessment...
Section 4-55C-6 - Solar energy improvement special assessment; disbursement of proceeds. - A. Proceeds from a solar energy improvement special assessment on...
Section 4-55C-7 - Solar energy improvement financing institutions; certification of qualified entities. - The financial institutions division of the regulation and licensing department...
Section 4-55C-8 - Additional criteria prohibited. - A county shall not establish additional criteria for participation by...
Section 4-55C-9 - Third-party administrator. - The board of county commissioners may contract with a third...
Article 56 - Refuse; Collection and Disposal
Section 4-56-1 - Definitions. - As used in this act [4-56-1 to 4-56-3 NMSA 1978]:...
Section 4-56-2 - County may collect and dispose of all refuse. - A. A county may establish and maintain, manage and supervise...
Section 4-56-3 - Authority of board of county commissions [commissioners] to administer. - A. The board of county commissioners in any county establishing...
Article 57 - Planning Commission
Section 4-57-1 - Creation of planning commission. - Any county may by ordinance establish a planning commission. A...
Section 4-57-2 - Powers and duties of commission. - A. A county planning commission shall have such powers as...
Section 4-57-3 - Planning jurisdiction. - Each county shall have exclusive planning jurisdiction within its county...
Article 58 - Planning Districts
Section 4-58-1 - Short title. - This act [4-58-1 to 4-58-6 NMSA 1978] may be cited...
Section 4-58-2 - Purpose. - The purpose of the Planning District Act is to establish...
Section 4-58-3 - Limitation. - Nothing in the Planning District Act shall be construed to...
Section 4-58-4 - Recognized regional councils. - A. The governing board of any existing economic development district...
Section 4-58-5 - State grants-in-aid authorized. - A. The secretary of the department of finance and administration...
Section 4-58-6 - Conditions of grants-in-aid. - A. Whenever funds are appropriated to be used for making...
Article 59 - County Industrial Revenue Bonds
Section 4-59-1 - Short title. - Chapter 4, Article 59 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 4-59-2 - Definitions. - As used in the County Industrial Revenue Bond Act, unless...
Section 4-59-3 - Legislative intent. - It is the intent of the legislature by the passage...
Section 4-59-4 - Additional powers conferred on counties. - In addition to any other powers that it may now...
Section 4-59-4.1 - Notice. - A. Prior to adopting an ordinance issuing county industrial revenue...
Section 4-59-4.2 - Electric transmission projects; payments to the state. - A person proposing an electric transmission facility project pursuant to...
Section 4-59-5 - Bonds issued to finance projects. - A. Bonds issued by a county under authority of the...
Section 4-59-6 - Security for bonds. - A. The principal of and interest on any bonds issued...
Section 4-59-7 - Requirements respecting lease. - Prior to the leasing of any project, the commission must...
Section 4-59-8 - Refunding bonds. - Any bonds issued hereunder and at any time outstanding may...
Section 4-59-9 - Use of proceeds from sale of bonds. - The proceeds from the sale of any bonds issued under...
Section 4-59-9.1 - Procedure for issuing industrial revenue bonds or refunding bonds. - Prior to the issuance of industrial revenue bonds or refunding...
Section 4-59-10 - No contribution by county. - No county shall have the power to pay out of...
Section 4-59-11 - Bonds made legal investments. - Bonds issued under the provisions of the County Industrial Revenue...
Section 4-59-12 - Exemption from taxation. - The bonds authorized by the County Industrial Revenue Bond Act...
Section 4-59-13 - Construction of act. - The County Industrial Revenue Bond Act shall not be construed...
Section 4-59-14 - No notice or publication required. - No notice, consent or approval by any commission or public...
Section 4-59-15 - State board of finance. - If any representative of an existing business or enterprise located...
Section 4-59-16 - Liberal interpretation. - The County Industrial Revenue Bond Act shall be liberally construed...
Article 60 - County Pollution Control Revenue Bonds
Section 4-60-1 - Short title. - Sections 1 through 17 [4-60-1 to 4-60-15 NMSA 1978] may...
Section 4-60-2 - Definitions. - Wherever used in the County Pollution Control Revenue Bond Act,...
Section 4-60-3 - Legislative intent. - It is the intent of the legislature by the passage...
Section 4-60-4 - Additional powers conferred on counties. - In addition to any other powers which it may now...
Section 4-60-5 - Bonds issued to finance projects. - Bonds issued by a county under authority of the County...
Section 4-60-6 - Security for bonds. - The principal of and interest on any bonds issued under...
Section 4-60-7 - Requirements respecting lease or agreement of sale. - Prior to the leasing, selling or other disposition of any...
Section 4-60-8 - Refunding bonds. - Any bonds issued hereunder and at any time outstanding may...
Section 4-60-9 - Use of proceeds from sale of bonds. - The proceeds from the sale of any bonds issued under...
Section 4-60-10 - No contribution by county. - No county shall have the power to pay out of...
Section 4-60-11 - Bonds made legal investments. - Bonds issued under the provisions of the County Pollution Control...
Section 4-60-12 - Exemption from taxation. - The bonds authorized by the County Pollution Control Revenue Bond...
Section 4-60-13 - Proceedings for issuance and sale of bonds; no notice or publication required. - Issuance and sale of bonds pursuant to the County Pollution...
Section 4-60-14 - Construction of act. - Neither the County Pollution Control Revenue Bond Act nor anything...
Section 4-60-15 - Limitation. - Nothing contained in the County Pollution Control Revenue Bond Act...
Article 61 - Small Counties Assistance
Section 4-61-1 - Short title. - Chapter 4, Article 61 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 4-61-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Small Counties Assistance Act: A. "adjustment...
Section 4-61-3 - Small counties assistance fund; distribution. - A. The "small counties assistance fund" is created within the...
Article 62 - Revenue Bonds
Section 4-62-1 - Revenue bonds; authority to issue; pledge of revenues; limitation on time of issuance. - A. In addition to any other law authorizing a county...
Section 4-62-1.1 - Definitions. - As used in Chapter 4, Article 62 NMSA 1978: A....
Section 4-62-2 - Use of proceeds of bond issue. - It is unlawful to divert, use or expend any money...
Section 4-62-3 - Revenue bonds; terms. - County revenue bonds: A. may have interest, appreciated principal value...
Section 4-62-3.1 - Exemption from taxation. - The bonds authorized by Chapter 4, Article 62 NMSA 1978...
Section 4-62-4 - Ordinance authorizing revenue bonds; two-thirds majority required; resolution authorizing revenue bonds to be issued and sold to the New Mexico finance authority. - A. At a regular or special meeting called for the...
Section 4-62-5 - Revenue bonds not general county obligations; authentication. - A. Revenue bonds or refunding revenue bonds issued as authorized...
Section 4-62-6 - Revenue bonds; mandatory rates for non-utility revenue-producing projects; mandamus; impairment of payment. - A. The governing body of any county issuing non-utility revenue...
Section 4-62-7 - Revenue bonds; refunding authorization. - A. Any county having issued revenue bonds as authorized in...
Section 4-62-8 - Refunding bonds; escrow; detail. - A. Refunding bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 4, Article 62...
Section 4-62-9 - Refunding revenue bonds; terms. - County refunding revenue bonds: A. may have interest, appreciated principal...
Section 4-62-10 - Refunding revenue bonds; ordinance; resolution. - A. At any regular or special meeting called for the...