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Section 22-11-1 - Short title. - Chapter 22, Article 11 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 22-11-2 - Definitions. - As used in the Educational Retirement Act: A. "member" means...
Section 22-11-3 - Educational retirement board; members; terms; vacancies. - A. The "educational retirement board" is created. B. The board...
Section 22-11-4 - Board; regular and special meetings. - A. The board shall hold regular meetings four times each...
Section 22-11-5 - Board; record; quorum; compensation. - A. The board shall elect from its membership a chairman...
Section 22-11-5.1 - Restrictions on receipt of gifts. - Except for gifts of food or beverage given in a...
Section 22-11-6 - Board; powers; duties. - A. The board shall: (1) properly and uniformly enforce the...
Section 22-11-7 - Educational retirement director; bond. - A. The board shall employ an educational retirement director. The...
Section 22-11-8 - Medical authority; fees. - A. The board shall employ the services of a medical...
Section 22-11-9 - Actuary; fees. - A. The board shall employ the services of an actuary....
Section 22-11-10 - Salaries; fees; expenditures. - A. The amount of salaries and fees to be paid...
Section 22-11-11 - Educational retirement fund; suspense fund. - A. The "educational retirement fund" and the "educational retirement suspense...
Section 22-11-12 - Fund; suspense fund; disbursements. - The state treasurer shall make disbursements from the educational retirement...
Section 22-11-13 - Board authority to invest the fund; prudent investor standard; indemnification of board. - A. The board is authorized to invest or reinvest the...
Section 22-11-14 - Fund; restrictions. - A. No member of the board or employee of the...
Section 22-11-15 - Fund; refunds; payments. - A. After filing written demand with the director, a member...
Section 22-11-16 - Regular membership. - Except as otherwise provided in the Educational Retirement Act, being...
Section 22-11-16.1 - Regular membership continuation of certain transferred employees. - Notwithstanding Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph (1) of Subsection B of...
Section 22-11-16.2 - Substitutes; membership status. - An employee engaged on a day-to-day basis to replace another...
Section 22-11-17 - Provisional membership. - A provisional member is a person who is employed by...
Section 22-11-18 - Repealed. - History: 1953 Comp., § 77-9-17.1, enacted by Laws 1971, ch....
Section 22-11-19 - Regular or provisional membership; optional coverage. - A. Any person qualified to be a regular or provisional...
Section 22-11-19.1 - [Exemption of certain participants covered under Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.] - All participants covered under the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act...
Section 22-11-19.2 - Regular or provisional membership; regional education cooperatives. - Any person employed by a regional education cooperative and qualified...
Section 22-11-20 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1993, ch. 69, § 11 repealed 22-11-20...
Section 22-11-21 - Contributions; members; local administrative units. - A. Except as provided in Subsection D of this section,...
Section 22-11-21.1 - Member contributions; tax treatment. - Commencing on July 1, 1983, each local administrative unit shall,...
Section 22-11-21.2 - Salary calculation; limitations. - In establishing a member's average annual salary for determination of...
Section 22-11-21.3 - Pick up; rollover. - A. Commencing on July 1, 1998, each local administrative unit...
Section 22-11-22 - Payment; records; audits. - A. Contributions shall be deducted from the salaries of members...
Section 22-11-23 - Retirement eligibility; initial membership prior to July 1, 2010. - A. A member who was a member on June 30,...
Section 22-11-23.1 - Retirement eligibility; initial membership on or after July 1, 2010. - A. A member who initially became a member on or...
Section 22-11-23.2 - Retirement eligibility membership on or after July 1, 2013. - A. A member who initially became a member on or...
Section 22-11-23.3 - Retirement eligibility; initial membership on or after July 1, 2019. - A member who initially became a member on or after...
Section 22-11-24 - Retirement benefits; minimum contributory employment. - A. A member must have acquired not less than five...
Section 22-11-25 - Retirement; reemployment. - A. A member retired pursuant to the provisions of the...
Section 22-11-25.1 - Return to employment; benefits; contributions. - A. Except as otherwise provided in Subsections B, F and...
Section 22-11-25.2 - Persons receiving retirement benefits pursuant to the Public Employees Retirement Act. - A. An employee who is retired pursuant to the Public...
Section 22-11-26 - Death during reemployment. - If a member dies during a period of reemployment following...
Section 22-11-27 - Deferred retirement; restriction. - A. A member who is eligible for retirement may continue...
Section 22-11-28 - Applications for retirement; effective date. - A. Application for retirement shall be made by a member...
Section 22-11-29 - Retirement benefit options. - A. Upon retirement pursuant to the Educational Retirement Act, a...
Section 22-11-30 - Retirement benefits; reductions. - A. Retirement benefits for a member retired pursuant to the...
Section 22-11-30.1 - Educational retirement; qualified excess benefit. - The educational retirement board, by rule, may establish and maintain...
Section 22-11-31 - Cost-of-living adjustment; eligibility; based on funded ratio; additional contributions. - A. For the purposes of this section: (1) "adjustment factor"...
Section 22-11-32 - Adjustment of benefits. - A. If retirement or disability benefits cause a decrease in...
Section 22-11-33 - Earned service credit. - A. Upon a member filing an application for retirement or...
Section 22-11-34 - Allowed service credit. - A. A member shall be certified to have acquired allowed...
Section 22-11-34.1 - Sick leave service credit. - A. Beginning on July 1, 2020, a member who has...
Section 22-11-35 - Disability benefit; eligibility; medical examination. - A. A member shall be eligible for disability benefits if...
Section 22-11-36 - Disability benefit; continued eligibility; re-examinations. - A. Unless designated by the board as being permanently disabled,...
Section 22-11-37 - Disability benefit. - A. The annual disability benefit shall be equal to two...
Section 22-11-38 - Disability retirement. - A member receiving disability benefits upon attaining the age of...
Section 22-11-39 - Report of improved health; penalty. - A. A member receiving disability benefits shall report to the...
Section 22-11-40 - Restoration to fund. - If a member is obligated to restore any sum of...
Section 22-11-41 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1993, ch. 69, § 11 repealed 22-11-41...
Section 22-11-42 - Nonassignability; division of funds as community property; child support obligations. - A. Except as specifically provided in the Educational Retirement Act...
Section 22-11-43 - Insurance or banking laws inapplicable. - In the absence of specific provisions to the contrary, no...
Section 22-11-44 - Saving clause; retirement benefits; disability benefits. - A. Any person retired pursuant to the provisions of any...
Section 22-11-44.1 - Repealed. - Repeals. — Laws 1993, ch. 69, § 11 repealed 22-11-44.1...
Section 22-11-45 - Repealed. - History: 1953 Comp., § 77-9-45, enacted by Laws 1967, ch....
Section 22-11-47 - Alternative retirement plan; election of coverage. - A. Beginning October 1, 1991, any employee of the university...
Section 22-11-48 - Alternative retirement plan; contributory employment. - A. Contributions made by a qualifying state educational institution on...
Section 22-11-49 - Alternative retirement plan; contributions. - A. A participant shall contribute an amount equal to the...
Section 22-11-50 - Alternative retirement plan; tax treatment. - The board shall have the authority to determine whether the...
Section 22-11-51 - Alternative retirement plans; benefits; transfer upon unemployment. - A. No retirement, death or other benefit shall be paid...
Section 22-11-52 - Alternative retirement plan; selection of contractor or carrier; administration. - A. The board shall solicit and review proposals for providing...
Section 22-11-53 - Correction of errors and omissions; estoppel. - A. If an error or omission in an application for...
Section 22-11-54 - Disclosure of third-party marketers; penalty. - A. The board shall not make any investment, other than...
Section 22-11-55 - Disclosure of member or retired member information; penalty. - A. Other than names of members and local administrative units...