Source. 1931, 125:1. RL 88:1. RSA 87:1. 1955, 72:1. 1967, 110:1. 1995, 246:1. 2002, 232:3, eff. Jan. 1, 2003.
Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes
New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title 87 - Taxation of Transfers of Certain Estates
Section 87:3 - Extension of Time.
Section 87:4 - Liability for Tax.
Section 87:6 - Returns and Extensions.
Section 87:7 - Intent of Chapter.
Section 87:9 - Chapter Void, When.
Section 87:11 - Estates Affected.
Section 87:13 - Disposition of Revenue.
Section 87:14 - Books; Blanks.
Section 87:16 - Disposal of Records.
Section 87:17 - Prerequisite to Administration.
Section 87:18 - Inventory; Appraisal.
Section 87:20 - Report of Trusts.
Section 87:21 - Notifying Department of Revenue Administration.
Section 87:22 - Copies to Department of Revenue Administration.
Section 87:23 - Special Appraisal.
Section 87:25 - Conditions of Allowance of Account or Motion for Summary Administration.
Section 87:26 - Certificate and Receipt.
Section 87:27 - Continuance of Account.
Section 87:28 - Determination of Amount.
Section 87:30 - Discharge of Lien.
Section 87:33 - Notice to Appear.
Section 87:34 - Appearance by Department.
Section 87:35 - Records of the Estate.