Source. 1919, 141:12. PL 208:11. RL 254:11. RSA 315:11. 1991, 382:12. 2010, 68:4. 2014, 167:39, eff. July 1, 2014. 2015, 229:5, eff. July 1, 2015. 2021, 3:7, eff. June 22, 2021.
Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes
New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title XXX - Occupations and Professions
Section 315:1-b - Meetings; Officers.
Section 315:2-a - Peer Review Committee.
Section 315:4 - Rulemaking Authority.
Section 315:5 - Records and Reports.
Section 315:6 - Scope of Podiatric Practice.
Section 315:6-a - Services Provided by Telemedicine.
Section 315:9 - Disciplinary Action.
Section 315:10 - Investigations and Preliminary Hearings.
Section 315:10-b - Temporary Suspension Where Imminent Threat.
Section 315:11 - License Renewal.
Section 315:12 - Neglect to Renew.
Section 315:13-a - Reinstatement.
Section 315:18 - Certain Contract Restrictions Upon Podiatrists Unenforceable.