Source. 1937, 178:1. 1939, 138:14-17. 1941, 103:24-30. RL 218:6. 1943, 178:1. 1945, 138:13, 16. 1947, 59:16. 1949, 251:2. 1951, 36:3, 4, 6; 142:1-6. 1953, 209:5, 6. RSA 282:6(A)(1). 1955, 7:3; 141:12-14. 1957, 118:7; 313:4. 1961, 88:17-23, 27-29. 1963, 194:6-8. 1965, 208:8, 9. 1967, 75:3; 400:6. 1969, 460:11-19. 1971, 156:24-29. 1979, 328:5. 1981, 408:3. 1985, 399:3, I. 2006, 130:5, eff. Jan. 1, 2007.
Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes
New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title 282-A - Unemployment Compensation
Section 282-A:1 - Applicability of Definitions.
Section 282-A:2 - Base Periods.
Section 282-A:3-a - Supplemental Unemployment Plan.
Section 282-A:4 - Benefit Year.
Section 282-A:5 - Calendar Quarter.
Section 282-A:6 - Contributions.
Section 282-A:7 - Employing Unit.
Section 282-A:10 - Employment Office.
Section 282-A:12 - Most Recent Employer.
Section 282-A:14 - Total and Partial Unemployment.
Section 282-A:16 - Annual Earnings.
Section 282-A:18 - Weekly Benefit Amount.
Section 282-A:19 - Agricultural Labor.
Section 282-A:20 - Employment.
Section 282-A:24 - Payment of Benefits.
Section 282-A:26 - Weekly Benefit for Partial Unemployment.
Section 282-A:26-a - Return to Work Program Participants; Workers' Compensation Eligibility.
Section 282-A:28 - Retirement Pay.
Section 282-A:29 - Adjustment of Overpaid Benefit Account by Compromise.
Section 282-A:30 - State-Federal Extended Benefit Program.
Section 282-A:31 - Benefit Eligibility Conditions.
Section 282-A:31-a - Definitions.
Section 282-A:31-b - Worksharing Plan.
Section 282-A:31-c - Eligibility.
Section 282-A:31-d - Benefits Payable.
Section 282-A:31-e - Conformance With Minimum Standards.
Section 282-A:31-f - Suspension or Termination of Program.
Section 282-A:31-g - Definitions.
Section 282-A:31-h - Self-Employment Assistance Program.
Section 282-A:32 - Disqualifications for Benefits.
Section 282-A:33 - Temporary Self-Employment.
Section 282-A:34 - Intoxication; Drugs; Theft.
Section 282-A:35 - Gross Misconduct.
Section 282-A:36 - Labor Dispute.
Section 282-A:37 - Federal Unemployment Compensation.
Section 282-A:38 - Another State.
Section 282-A:39 - Unavailable for Work.
Section 282-A:40 - Disciplinary Layoff.
Section 282-A:42 - Definitions.
Section 282-A:44 - Determination Procedure.
Section 282-A:45 - Fact Finding; Employer Cooperation.
Section 282-A:45-a - Fact Finding for Mass Layoffs.
Section 282-A:46 - Redetermination.
Section 282-A:47 - Referral to Appeal Tribunal.
Section 282-A:48 - Appealing Determination.
Section 282-A:49 - Determination Final.
Section 282-A:51 - Opportunity to Appear.
Section 282-A:52 - Paying Benefits.
Section 282-A:53 - Appeal Tribunals; Composition and Jurisdiction.
Section 282-A:55 - Withdrawal of Appeal.
Section 282-A:59 - Appearance and Postponement.
Section 282-A:60 - Reopening of Appeal Tribunal Decision; Procedure.
Section 282-A:61 - Commissioner's Determination.
Section 282-A:62 - Appellate Board.
Section 282-A:63 - Organization and Support.
Section 282-A:64 - Jurisdiction.
Section 282-A:65 - Reversal, Modification or Affirmation.
Section 282-A:66 - Quorum, Sessions, Exclusivity.
Section 282-A:67 - Administrative Reconsideration and Judicial Review.
Section 282-A:68 - Exclusivity.
Section 282-A:69 - Payment of Contributions.
Section 282-A:70 - Payment of Contributions by State.
Section 282-A:72 - Proration of Reimburser Charges.
Section 282-A:73 - Credit for Other Funds Received.
Section 282-A:74 - Separate Accounts; Chargeable Account.
Section 282-A:75 - Fund Chargeable.
Section 282-A:76 - Overpayments Chargeable to Fund.
Section 282-A:77 - Monthly Notification.
Section 282-A:78 - More Than One Employer Simultaneously.
Section 282-A:79 - Merit Rating.
Section 282-A:80 - Definitions.
Section 282-A:81 - Newly Covered Employers.
Section 282-A:82 - Minimum Rate.
Section 282-A:82-a - Inverse Minimum Rate.
Section 282-A:83 - Business Suspended.
Section 282-A:85 - Standard Rate and Qualification for Reduced Merit Rate.
Section 282-A:86 - Computation Date.
Section 282-A:87 - Contribution Rates.
Section 282-A:89 - Recomputation.
Section 282-A:90 - Ineligible for Rate Reduction.
Section 282-A:91 - Successorship; Total Acquisition.
Section 282-A:91-a - Special Rules Regarding Transfers of Experience and Assignment of Rates.
Section 282-A:92 - Contribution Rate.
Section 282-A:93 - Acquisition of Segregable Unit.
Section 282-A:94 - Employer Liability Determination.
Section 282-A:96 - Formal Hearing.
Section 282-A:97 - Appeal to Appellate Board.
Section 282-A:98 - Sole Remedy.
Section 282-A:99 - Initial Coverage; Continuation.
Section 282-A:100 - Termination; Death, Etc.
Section 282-A:101 - Termination; Failure to Comply.
Section 282-A:102 - Elective Coverage.
Section 282-A:103 - Establishment and Control.
Section 282-A:104 - Accounts and Deposit.
Section 282-A:105 - Withdrawals.
Section 282-A:106 - Management of Funds Upon Discontinuance of Unemployment Trust Fund.
Section 282-A:107 - Department of Employment Security.
Section 282-A:108 - Commissioner; Term; Removal; Salary.
Section 282-A:109 - Deputy Commissioner.
Section 282-A:112 - Duties and Powers of Commissioner.
Section 282-A:114 - Publication of Rules.
Section 282-A:115 - Personnel.
Section 282-A:116 - Segregation of Special Risks.
Section 282-A:117 - Records and Reports; Record Keeping.
Section 282-A:117-b - Workforce Needs Projections for Veterans; Report.
Section 282-A:117-c - Training and Apprentice Programs for Veterans; Report.
Section 282-A:118 - Reports or Statement; Confidentiality.
Section 282-A:119 - Summary, Duplication, Etc.; Admissibility.
Section 282-A:120 - Destruction of Records.
Section 282-A:122 - No Liability.
Section 282-A:123 - Records Unavailable for Legal Process.
Section 282-A:124 - Oaths and Witnesses.
Section 282-A:125 - Protection Against Self-Incrimination.
Section 282-A:126 - Subpoenas; Witness's and Sheriff's Fees.
Section 282-A:127 - State-Federal Cooperation.
Section 282-A:128 - Advisory Council.
Section 282-A:129 - Term of Office.
Section 282-A:130 - Compensation.
Section 282-A:131 - Unable to Attend.
Section 282-A:132 - Cooperation.
Section 282-A:133 - Removal From Records of Amounts Due.
Section 282-A:134 - Claimant Assistance.
Section 282-A:135 - Custody of Department of Employment Security Buildings.
Section 282-A:136 - House Counsel for the Department of Employment Security.
Section 282-A:137 - Representation in Court.
Section 282-A:138 - Special Fund.
Section 282-A:139 - Reimbursement of Fund.
Section 282-A:140 - Contingent Fund.
Section 282-A:140-a - Money Credited Under Section 903 of the Social Security Act.
Section 282-A:141 - Interest on Past-Due Contributions.
Section 282-A:142 - Late-Filing Fee; Filing Extensions.
Section 282-A:143 - Property Lien.
Section 282-A:144 - Injunction.
Section 282-A:145 - Time Limitation.
Section 282-A:146 - Collection, Distraint.
Section 282-A:147 - Priorities Under Legal Dissolution or Distributions.
Section 282-A:148 - Adjustment of Contribution by Compromise.
Section 282-A:149 - Adjustments and Refunds.
Section 282-A:150 - Jeopardy Assessment.
Section 282-A:151 - Failure of Employer to File Report of Contributions Due.
Section 282-A:152 - Collection of State Contributions.
Section 282-A:152-a - Garnishment.
Section 282-A:153 - Secretary of State Their Agent for Receipt of Service.
Section 282-A:154 - Continuance of Action.
Section 282-A:155 - Interstate Collections.
Section 282-A:156 - Delinquent Payments.
Section 282-A:157 - Waiver of Rights Void.
Section 282-A:158 - Limitation of Fees.
Section 282-A:160 - Prohibition Against Discrimination.
Section 282-A:161 - Generally.
Section 282-A:162 - Out-of-State or Federal Benefits.
Section 282-A:163 - Disqualification, Restitution, and Penalty.
Section 282-A:164 - Restitution.
Section 282-A:165 - Overpayments.
Section 282-A:166 - Falsity by Employer.
Section 282-A:166-a - Penalties for Failure or Refusal to Make Contributions or Reports.
Section 282-A:167 - General Penalty.
Section 282-A:168 - Recovery for Another State.
Section 282-A:169 - Reciprocal Arrangements.
Section 282-A:170 - Reimbursement.
Section 282-A:171 - New Findings.
Section 282-A:172 - Combining Employment.
Section 282-A:173 - Suspension and Termination.
Section 282-A:174 - Reservation of Right to Amend or Repeal.
Section 282-A:175 - Federal Minimum Standards.
Section 282-A:176 - Rules and Rulemaking.
Section 282-A:177 - Administration.
Section 282-A:178 - Agreement Authorized.
Section 282-A:179 - Exemption.
Section 282-A:180 - Collateral Estoppel.
Section 282-A:181 - Job Training Program.
Section 282-A:182 - Training Fund.