New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title 264 - Accidents and Financial Responsibility
Section 264:25 - Conduct After Accident.

Source. 1911, 133:20. 1921, 119:19. 1925, 50:1. PL 102:17. 1931, 84:1. 1937, 161:5. 1939, 101:1. RL 118:19. 1949, 34:1; 249:1. 1951, 66:3. RSA 262:23. 1957, 144:1. 1963, 330:1. RSA 262-A:67. 1965, 207:4. 1967, 257:1. 1973, 211:1. 1977, 460:1. 1981, 146:1; 263:1, 2; 278:1, 3; 479:25. 1990, 81:1. 1997, 314:2, 3, eff. Jan. 1, 1998. 2017, 139:4, eff. June 16, 2017. 2018, 256:2, eff. Aug. 11, 2018.

Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes

New Hampshire Revised Statutes

Title XXI - Motor Vehicles

Title 264 - Accidents and Financial Responsibility

Section 264:1 - Director to Administer Chapter; Court Review.

Section 264:2 - Proof Required Upon Conviction for Motor Vehicle Law Violations.

Section 264:3 - When Proof Required After Report of Accident.

Section 264:4 - Form of Security.

Section 264:4-a - Form of Security; Periodic Payments.

Section 264:5 - Application of Security.

Section 264:6 - Limitation of Driving.

Section 264:7 - Suspensions.

Section 264:8 - Payments Sufficient to Satisfy Requirements.

Section 264:9 - Suspension Waived Upon Payment of Judgment in Installments.

Section 264:10 - Application for Payment in Installments.

Section 264:11 - Exception When Consent or Agreement is Granted by Creditor.

Section 264:12 - Installment in Default.

Section 264:13 - Actions Against Nonresidents.

Section 264:14 - Policy; Form.

Section 264:15 - Uninsured or Hit-and-Run Motor Vehicle Coverage.

Section 264:16 - Medical Payments.

Section 264:17 - Subrogation Prohibited.

Section 264:18 - Required Provisions.

Section 264:19 - Policies Permissible.

Section 264:20 - Amount of Proof of Financial Responsibility.

Section 264:21 - Methods of Giving Proof of Financial Responsibility.

Section 264:22 - Money or Securities Deposited as Proof.

Section 264:23 - Limitation.

Section 264:24 - May Substitute Other Proof.

Section 264:24-a - Forged Proof.

Section 264:24-b - Transfer of Registration to Defeat Purpose of Act Prohibited.

Section 264:25 - Conduct After Accident.

Section 264:25-a - Expedited Clearance of Roadways at Accident Scenes.

Section 264:26 - Uniform Police Investigation Report of Accident.

Section 264:27 - Statistical Information Based on Reports.

Section 264:28 - False Reporting of Accidents.

Section 264:29 - Penalty.

Section 264:31 - Report of Injury to Dog or Cat.

Section 264:32 - Applicability of Requirement.

Section 264:33 - Application of Chapter.

Section 264:34 - Other Remedies Unaffected.