New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title 228 - Administration of Transportation Laws
Section 228:104 - Removal and Disposition of Abandoned or Illegally Located Vehicles and Other Devices.

Source. 2008, 210:1, eff. Aug. 15, 2008.

Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes

New Hampshire Revised Statutes

Title XX - Transportation

Title 228 - Administration of Transportation Laws

Section 228:1 - Definitions.

Section 228:4 - State Transportation Projects.

Section 228:4-a - Competitive Bidding.

Section 228:4-b - Certification of Current Workers' Compensation Coverage Required.

Section 228:5-a - Compliance With Contracts.

Section 228:6 - General Powers and Duties.

Section 228:7 - Accountability for Highway Funds.

Section 228:8 - Bookkeeping Procedure.

Section 228:8-a - Federal Assistance Grant; Appropriation.

Section 228:9 - Diversion of Funds.

Section 228:10 - Outside Activity Restricted.

Section 228:11 - Highway Surplus Account.

Section 228:12 - Transfers from Highway Surplus Account.

Section 228:12-a - Use of Toll Credits.

Section 228:13 - Records to be Kept.

Section 228:14 - Authorization to Encumber Federal Aid.

Section 228:15 - Accounts.

Section 228:20 - Offices; Assistants.

Section 228:21 - Powers.

Section 228:22 - Cost of Trenching for Relocation of Underground Utilities.

Section 228:23 - Traffic and Weight Surveys.

Section 228:24 - Inventory.

Section 228:24-a - Motor Fuel Inventory.

Section 228:24-b - Equipment Inventory.

Section 228:24-c - Replacement or Acquisition of Vehicles and Construction Equipment.

Section 228:24-d - Electronic Toll Collection Transponder Inventory Fund.

Section 228:25 - Addition to Fund.

Section 228:26 - Borrowing Authorized.

Section 228:27 - Expenditures.

Section 228:28 - Purchase of Materials.

Section 228:29 - Small Claims.

Section 228:30 - Taking; Damages.

Section 228:31 - Acquisition and Disposal of Land or Property.

Section 228:31-a - Agreements for Telecommunications-Related Uses of the State Highway System and State-Owned Railroad Rights-of-Way.

Section 228:31-b - Disposal of Highway or Turnpike Funded Real Estate.

Section 228:31-c - Business Impacts; Department of Transportation.

Section 228:32 - Resale of Operating Materials and Supplies.

Section 228:33 - Right to Enter.

Section 228:34 - Private Water Supplies.

Section 228:35 - Reestablishment of Highway Boundaries.

Section 228:36 - Reclassification of Relocated Portions.

Section 228:37 - Closing Highways; Detours; Penalty.

Section 228:38 - Hospital Directional Signs.

Section 228:39 - Interstate Bridges.

Section 228:40 - Piscataqua River Bridge; Maintenance.

Section 228:41 - Report.

Section 228:43 - Disposal of Papers and Records.

Section 228:44 - Certified Copies.

Section 228:45 - Engineers.

Section 228:46 - State Planning Aid.

Section 228:46-b - Welcome Signs.

Section 228:46-c - Wildlife Corridors and Habitat Strongholds.

Section 228:47 - Meetings.

Section 228:48 - Supervision.

Section 228:49 - Requested Maintenance and Repair Projects.

Section 228:50 - Special Repair Projects.

Section 228:51 - Classification Authorized.

Section 228:52 - Acceptance of Federal Funds.

Section 228:53 - Reversion to Previous Status.

Section 228:54 - Definitions.

Section 228:55 - Common Carriers.

Section 228:56 - Acquisition and Necessity.

Section 228:57 - Sale or Lease; Purpose.

Section 228:57-a - Leasing Certain Portions of Railroad Properties.

Section 228:58 - Interstate Commerce Commission Certificate.

Section 228:59 - Condemnation.

Section 228:60 - Title to Property of Railroads.

Section 228:60-a - Railroad Right-of-Way.

Section 228:60-b - Purchase Price for Rail Properties.

Section 228:60-c - Railroad Right-of-Way Preservation.

Section 228:61 - Cooperation Between States.

Section 228:62 - Planning Authority.

Section 228:62-a - Railroad Police.

Section 228:63 - Federal Funds; Appropriations.

Section 228:64 - Delinquent Railroad Taxes.

Section 228:65 - Purchase of Rolling Stock, Equipment and Machinery.

Section 228:66 - Rebuilding, Modernization and Maintenance of Rail Properties.

Section 228:66-a - Rehabilitating Class III Railroads and Cog Railroads; Revolving Loan Fund; Bonds Authorized.

Section 228:67 - Disposition of Acquired or Abandoned Rail Properties.

Section 228:68 - Special Fund Established.

Section 228:69 - Appropriation and Use of Special Railroad Fund.

Section 228:70 - Authorized to Employ Consultants.

Section 228:71 - Mass Transportation Powers.

Section 228:72 - Discontinuances of Service.

Section 228:73 - Statutes Not Applicable.

Section 228:74 - Exemptions for Property.

Section 228:74-a - Carry-Over of Federal Funds.

Section 228:75 - Funding of Legal Services.

Section 228:76 - Authority to Issue Securities.

Section 228:77 - Mortgages.

Section 228:78 - Application for Leave To Issue.

Section 228:79 - Authorization.

Section 228:80 - Certificate.

Section 228:81 - Depreciation.

Section 228:82 - Short Term Notes.

Section 228:83 - Foreign Business.

Section 228:84 - Capitalization of Franchises.

Section 228:85 - Unincorporated Utilities.

Section 228:86 - Application of Proceeds.

Section 228:87 - Account.

Section 228:88 - Foreign Corporations.

Section 228:89 - Common Carriers.

Section 228:90 - Stockholders.

Section 228:91 - Stockholders' Liability.

Section 228:92 - Exclusions.

Section 228:98 - Statement of Purpose.

Section 228:99 - Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).

Section 228:100 - Governor's Advisory Commission on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT) Established.

Section 228:101 - Definitions.

Section 228:102 - Power to Operate Facilities.

Section 228:103 - Restricted Use of Park and Ride Facilities.

Section 228:104 - Removal and Disposition of Abandoned or Illegally Located Vehicles and Other Devices.

Section 228:105 - Authority to Enter Into Agreements.

Section 228:107 - Public-Private Partnership Infrastructure Oversight Commission Established.

Section 228:108 - Membership.

Section 228:109 - Duties.

Section 228:110 - Procedure.

Section 228:111 - Commission Report.

Section 228:112 - Project Reports.

Section 228:113 - Contributions from Other States.

Section 228:114 - State and Federal Funding.

Section 228:115 - Liability Insurance.

Section 228:116 - Coastal Risk and Hazards Preparedness.