Source. 1869, 1:7. GL 5:7. 1891, 7:9. PS 6:8. 1919, 3:4. PL 5:4. RL 10:4. 1949, 128:3. RSA 20:4. 1985, 45:4, eff. June 18, 1985.
Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes
New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title I - The State and Its Government
Section 20:1-a - Advance Printing and Distribution of Acts and Resolves.
Section 20:2-a - Examination Before Printing.
Section 20:2-b - Revised Statutes Annotated.
Section 20:3 - Daily Journals.
Section 20:3-a - Permanent Journals.
Section 20:3-b - Indexing by State Librarian.
Section 20:4 - Bills and Resolutions.
Section 20:6 - Agency Reports.
Section 20:7 - Issuance of Reports.
Section 20:8 - Special Reports.
Section 20:9 - State and Provincial Records.
Section 20:9-a - List of Counties.
Section 20:10 - Distribution of Records.
Section 20:11 - Distribution of Publications and Reports.
Section 20:11-a - Additional Distribution of the Manual and Session Laws.
Section 20:12 - Distribution Discontinued.
Section 20:13 - Disposition of Books and Reports.
Section 20:14 - Preparation for Publication.
Section 20:16 - Distribution of Revised Statutes Annotated.