Source. 1913, 48:1. PL 10:60. RL 15:64. RSA 202:15. 1963, 46:1, eff. July 1, 1963.
Structure New Hampshire Revised Statutes
New Hampshire Revised Statutes
Title 202-A - Public Libraries
Section 202-A:1 - Declaration of Policy.
Section 202-A:2 - Definitions.
Section 202-A:3 - Establishment.
Section 202-A:3-a - Records and Meetings Subject to Right-to-Know Law.
Section 202-A:4 - Maintenance.
Section 202-A:4-a - Cooperatives.
Section 202-A:4-b - Contracts for Services.
Section 202-A:4-c - Trustees' Authority to Accept and Expend Gifts.
Section 202-A:4-d - Acceptance of Personal Property Donated to Libraries.
Section 202-A:6 - Library Trustees; Election; Alternates.
Section 202-A:7 - Special Provisions.
Section 202-A:8 - City Trustees.
Section 202-A:10 - Library Trustees; Vacancies; Alternates.
Section 202-A:11 - Powers and Duties.
Section 202-A:11-a - Use of Additional Funds.
Section 202-A:11-b - Procedure for Adoption.
Section 202-A:12 - Annual Reports.
Section 202-A:12-a - Trust Fund Annual Reports.
Section 202-A:13 - Discretionary Powers.
Section 202-A:14 - Compensation of Trustees.
Section 202-A:15 - Public Librarian; Qualification and Tenure.
Section 202-A:16 - Powers and Duties.
Section 202-A:17 - Employees; Removal.
Section 202-A:18 - Discontinuance of Library.
Section 202-A:19 - Defunct Libraries.
Section 202-A:20 - Custody of Publications.
Section 202-A:22 - Custody and Control of Trust Funds.
Section 202-A:23 - Exceptions.