Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 82 - Nonprofit Corporations
NRS 82.131 - Specific powers.

Subject to such limitations, if any, as may be contained in its articles, and except as otherwise provided in NRS 82A.100, every corporation may:
1. Borrow money and contract debts when necessary for the transaction of its business, or for the exercise of its corporate rights, privileges or franchises, or for any other lawful purpose of its incorporation, issue bonds, promissory notes, drafts, debentures and other obligations and evidences of indebtedness, payable at a specified time or times, or payable upon the happening of a specified event or events, whether secured by mortgage, pledge or other security, or unsecured, for money borrowed, or in payment for property purchased or acquired, or for any other lawful object.
2. Guarantee, purchase, hold, take, obtain, receive, subscribe for, own, use, dispose of, sell, exchange, lease, lend, assign, mortgage, pledge or otherwise acquire, transfer or deal in or with bonds or obligations of, or shares, securities or interests in or issued by any person, government, governmental agency or political subdivision of government, and exercise all the rights, powers and privileges of ownership of such an interest, including the right to vote, if any.
3. Issue certificates evidencing membership and issue identity cards.
4. Make donations for the public welfare or for community funds, hospital, charitable, educational, scientific, civil, religious or similar purposes.
5. Levy dues, assessments and fees.
6. Purchase, take, receive, lease, take by gift, devise or bequest, or otherwise acquire, own, improve, use and otherwise deal in and with real or personal property, or any interest therein, wherever situated.
7. Carry on a business for profit and apply any profit that results from the business to any activity in which it may lawfully engage.
8. Participate with others in any partnership, joint venture or other association, transaction or arrangement of any kind, whether or not participation involves sharing or delegation of control with or to others.
9. Act as trustee under any trust incidental to the principal objects of the corporation, and receive, hold, administer, exchange and expend funds and property subject to the trust.
10. Pay reasonable compensation to officers, directors and employees, pay pensions, retirement allowances and compensation for past services, and establish incentive or benefit plans, trusts and provisions for the benefit of its officers, directors, employees, agents and their families, dependents and beneficiaries, and indemnify and buy insurance for a fiduciary of such a benefit or incentive plan, trust or provision.
11. Have one or more offices, and hold, purchase, mortgage and convey real and personal property in this State, and in any of the several states, territories, possessions and dependencies of the United States, the District of Columbia and any foreign countries.
12. Do everything necessary and proper for the accomplishment of the objects enumerated in its articles of incorporation, or necessary or incidental to the protection and benefit of the corporation, and, in general, to carry on any lawful business necessary or incidental to the attainment of the objects of the corporation, whether or not the business is similar in nature to the objects set forth in the articles of incorporation of the corporation, except that:
(a) A corporation does not, by any implication or construction, possess the power of issuing bills, notes or other evidences of debt for circulation of money; and
(b) This chapter does not authorize the formation of banking corporations to issue or circulate money or currency within this State, or outside of this State, or at all, except the federal currency, or the notes of banks authorized under the laws of the United States.
(Added to NRS by 1991, 1261; A 2013, 722; 2015, 2253)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 82 - Nonprofit Corporations

NRS 82.006 - Definitions.

NRS 82.011 - "Articles of incorporation" and "articles" defined.

NRS 82.016 - "Corporation" defined.

NRS 82.021 - "Corporation for public benefit" defined.

NRS 82.026 - "Directors" and "trustees" defined.

NRS 82.031 - "Member" defined.

NRS 82.034 - "Principal office" defined.

NRS 82.036 - "Receiver" defined.

NRS 82.041 - "Registered office" defined.

NRS 82.046 - Construction of chapter.

NRS 82.051 - Applicability of chapter; effect of chapter on corporations existing before October 1, 1991.

NRS 82.056 - Election of existing corporation to accept chapter: Eligibility; procedure.

NRS 82.061 - Election of existing corporation to accept chapter: Filing requirements; contents.

NRS 82.063 - Election of board of directors of expired corporation to accept chapter: Eligibility; procedure; date of corporate existence.

NRS 82.066 - Election of existing and expired corporation to accept chapter: Effect.

NRS 82.071 - Limitations on eligibility to organize under chapter.

NRS 82.076 - Effect of amendment or repeal of chapter; chapter is part of corporation’s charter.

NRS 82.078 - Secretary of State authorized to adopt certain regulations to allow corporation to carry out powers and duties through most recent technology.

NRS 82.081 - Filing requirements; prohibition against establishment of nonprofit corporation for certain illegal purposes.

NRS 82.086 - Articles of incorporation: Required provisions.

NRS 82.091 - Articles of incorporation: Optional provisions.

NRS 82.096 - Name of corporation: Distinguishable name required; availability of name of revoked, merged or otherwise terminated corporation; regulations.

NRS 82.101 - Name of corporation: Reservation; injunctive relief.

NRS 82.106 - Articles of incorporation: Prohibited names and businesses; approval or certification required before filing of certain articles or amendments.

NRS 82.111 - Commencement of corporate existence.

NRS 82.116 - Acceptable evidence of incorporation.

NRS 82.121 - General powers.

NRS 82.126 - Adoption and use of corporate seal or stamp.

NRS 82.131 - Specific powers.

NRS 82.136 - Restrictions: Issuance of stock; pecuniary gain of members; distributions.

NRS 82.181 - Maintenance of records at principal office or with custodian of records; inspection and copying of records; penalties; denial of request for inspection of records; defense to action for penalties or damages; authority of court to compel...

NRS 82.183 - Records to be provided to Secretary of State; requirement to assist in criminal investigation; failure to comply; regulations.

NRS 82.186 - Right of members and directors to inspect and copy records; denial of inspection; civil liability; defense to action for penalties or damages.

NRS 82.188 - Manner of storage of records; conversion of electronic records into clear and legible paper form; admissibility in evidence of electronic records.

NRS 82.193 - Registered agent required; applicable law regarding registered agent and registered office; applicable law regarding annual list and defaulting corporations; default and reinstatement of corporation which is unit-owners’ association; fee...

NRS 82.196 - Board of directors or trustees: Number and qualifications of members.

NRS 82.198 - Board of directors or trustees: Selection of members when corporation owns or leases mobile home park.

NRS 82.201 - Board of directors or trustees: General powers.

NRS 82.206 - Committees of board of directors: Designation; powers; names; membership.

NRS 82.211 - Officers of corporation: Selection; terms; duties.

NRS 82.216 - Authority of directors and representatives of corporation.

NRS 82.221 - Directors and officers: Exercise of powers and performance of duties; personal liability.

NRS 82.226 - Restrictions on transactions involving interested directors or officers; compensation of directors.

NRS 82.231 - Powers of corporation; classes, qualifications and rights of members; term of membership.

NRS 82.236 - Transfer of membership.

NRS 82.241 - Personal liability of members; imposition of dues, assessments or fees.

NRS 82.246 - Resignation.

NRS 82.251 - Expulsion of member; suspension or termination of membership.

NRS 82.256 - Purchase of membership by corporation.

NRS 82.261 - Delegates.

NRS 82.266 - Place of members’, delegates’ and directors’ meetings.

NRS 82.271 - Meetings of board of directors or delegates: Quorum; consent to action taken without meeting; alternative means for participating at meeting.

NRS 82.276 - Consent of members in lieu of meeting; alternative means for participating at meeting.

NRS 82.281 - Actions at meetings not regularly called: Consent, ratification and approval.

NRS 82.286 - Election of directors and delegates; classification of directors.

NRS 82.291 - Meetings of members or delegates: Quorum.

NRS 82.296 - Directors: Removal; filling of vacancies.

NRS 82.301 - Effect of failure to elect director on designated day.

NRS 82.306 - Election of directors by order of court upon failure of regular election.

NRS 82.311 - Provisional director: Appointment; qualifications; rights and powers; removal.

NRS 82.316 - Determination of members entitled to notice of and to vote at meeting; fixing of date when members entitled to give consent in lieu of meeting.

NRS 82.321 - Members’ proxies.

NRS 82.326 - Action of members by written ballot in lieu of meeting.

NRS 82.331 - Cumulative voting.

NRS 82.336 - Delegates and members: Special meetings; notices.

NRS 82.341 - Waiver of notice.

NRS 82.346 - Amendment of articles before first meeting of directors.

NRS 82.351 - Amendment of articles: Scope of amendments.

NRS 82.356 - Amendment of articles: Procedure.

NRS 82.371 - Restatement of articles.

NRS 82.436 - Sale, lease or exchange of assets: Authority; procedure.

NRS 82.442 - Dissolution of corporation whose charter has been revoked without additional fees and penalties; regulations.

NRS 82.446 - Voluntary dissolution at request of members.

NRS 82.451 - Voluntary dissolution by directors and members or by directors alone; directors to act as trustees for liquidation and winding up of corporate affairs.

NRS 82.456 - Dissolved corporations: Rights and liabilities of corporation and its directors, trustees, receivers, officers, members and creditors; powers and duties of district court.

NRS 82.461 - Dissolved corporations: Duties of person appointed or authorized to act in liquidation.

NRS 82.466 - Reorganization under federal law.

NRS 82.471 - Application of creditors or members of insolvent corporation for injunction and appointment of receiver or trustee; powers and duties of court.

NRS 82.476 - Receivers or trustees for insolvent corporations: Appointment; powers and duties.

NRS 82.481 - Authority of court to reconvey property back to or dissolve corporation.

NRS 82.486 - Involuntary dissolution: Authority and grounds for application.

NRS 82.491 - Involuntary dissolution: Appointment of receiver; powers and duties of receiver; authorized relief.

NRS 82.496 - Involuntary dissolution: General powers of court.

NRS 82.501 - Limitation on time for creditors’ claims; notice to creditors.

NRS 82.506 - Presentation of creditors’ claims; examination of creditors and witnesses.

NRS 82.511 - Abatement of actions against receivers.

NRS 82.516 - Payment of creditors and distribution of surplus.

NRS 82.521 - Employees’ liens for wages.

NRS 82.523 - Annual list: Filing requirements; fees; powers and duties of Secretary of State; regulations.

NRS 82.5231 - Certificate of authorization to transact business.

NRS 82.5233 - Addresses of officers required; failure to file.

NRS 82.5234 - Penalty for failure to comply with requirements for qualification; enforcement; regulations.

NRS 82.5235 - Defaulting corporations: Identification; forfeiture of right to transact business; penalty.

NRS 82.5236 - Defaulting corporations: Duties of Secretary of State.

NRS 82.5237 - Defaulting corporations: Conditions and procedure for reinstatement.

NRS 82.5239 - Defaulting corporations: Reinstatement or revival under old or new name; regulations.

NRS 82.524 - Renewal or revival of right to transact business: Procedure; fee; certificate as evidence; status of corporation.

NRS 82.525 - Form required for filing of records.

NRS 82.526 - Corporate records: Microfilming; imaging; return.

NRS 82.528 - Filing of records written in language other than English.

NRS 82.531 - Fees.

NRS 82.533 - Procedure to submit replacement page to Secretary of State before actual filing of record.

NRS 82.534 - Correction of inaccurate or defective record filed with Secretary of State; cancellation of filings.

NRS 82.536 - Attorney General: Examination of corporate affairs; powers of enforcement.

NRS 82.541 - Directors, officers, employees and agents: Indemnification; insurance against liability.

NRS 82.546 - Renewal or revival of charter: Procedure; fee; certificate as evidence.