Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 62F - Juvenile Sex Offenders
NRS 62F.340 - Hearing to determine whether to relieve child from requirements or make child subject to registration and community notification for adults.

Except as otherwise provided in NRS 62F.205 to 62F.360, inclusive:
1. If a child has been adjudicated delinquent for a sexual offense, the juvenile court shall hold a hearing when the child reaches 21 years of age, or at a time reasonably near the date on which the child reaches 21 years of age, to determine whether the child should be subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive.
2. At the hearing pursuant to this section, the juvenile court may consider any evidence, reports, statements or other material which the juvenile court determines is relevant and helpful to determine whether the child has been rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the juvenile court and is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.
3. If the juvenile court finds by clear and convincing evidence at the hearing that the child has been rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the juvenile court and that the child is not likely to pose a threat to the safety of others, the juvenile court may relieve the child from being subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive.
4. If, pursuant to subsection 3, the juvenile court does not relieve the child from being subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive, the juvenile court shall:
(a) Order that the child is subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive;
(b) Notify the Central Repository of the adjudication of the child and the determination of the juvenile court that the child should be subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive, so that the Central Repository may carry out the provisions for registration and community notification pursuant to those sections; and
(c) Inform the child that he or she is subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive.
5. In determining at the hearing whether the child has been rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the juvenile court or is likely to pose a threat to the safety of others, the juvenile court shall consider the following factors:
(a) The number, date, nature and gravity of the act or acts committed by the child, including, without limitation, whether the act or acts were characterized by repetitive and compulsive behavior.
(b) The extent to which the child has received counseling, therapy or treatment, and the response of the child to any such counseling, therapy or treatment.
(c) Whether psychological or psychiatric profiles indicate a risk of recidivism.
(d) The behavior of the child while subject to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court, including, without limitation, the behavior of the child during any period of confinement.
(e) Whether the child has made any recent threats against a person or expressed any intent to commit any crimes in the future.
(f) Any physical conditions that minimize the risk of recidivism, including, without limitation, physical disability or illness.
(g) The impact of the unlawful act on the victim and any statements made by the victim.
(h) The safety of the community and the need to protect the public.
(i) Any other factor that the juvenile court finds relevant to the determination of whether the child has been rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the juvenile court and whether the child is likely to pose a threat to the safety of others.
6. The juvenile court shall file written findings of fact and conclusions of law setting forth the basis and legal support for any decision pursuant to this section.
7. If, pursuant to this section, the juvenile court orders that a child is subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive, the jurisdiction of the juvenile court terminates, and the child is subject to registration and community notification pursuant to NRS 179D.010 to 179D.550, inclusive, for the period specified in NRS 179D.490.
(Added to NRS by 2017, 2976)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 62F - Juvenile Sex Offenders

NRS 62F.010 - District attorney may request hearing after adjudication of delinquency in certain circumstances to determine whether unlawful act was sexually motivated; evidence; juvenile court to enter finding.

NRS 62F.020 - Supervision of juvenile sex offender sent from another state.

NRS 62F.100 - "Sexual offense" defined.

NRS 62F.110 - Powers and duties of juvenile court: Supervision of child; restrictions on attendance; parental responsibility; schools may be authorized to inform educational personnel; termination of jurisdiction.

NRS 62F.120 - Notification to school concerning adjudication; notification to include name of victim in certain circumstances.

NRS 62F.130 - Alternative plan of supervision: Required for attendance at same school as victim; conditions; modification or rescission; victim and parent or guardian of victim to be informed of rights.

NRS 62F.140 - Alternative plan of attendance: May be requested when alternative plan of supervision is not approved; requirements; modification or rescission.

NRS 62F.150 - Termination of restrictions: Power to request; conditions; notification to school.

NRS 62F.205 - Definitions.

NRS 62F.207 - "Aggravated sexual offense" defined.

NRS 62F.215 - "Community notification" defined.

NRS 62F.217 - "Community notification website" defined.

NRS 62F.225 - "Sexual offense" defined.

NRS 62F.300 - Registration of child 14 years of age or older; parent or guardian to ensure compliance; information to be provided to Central Repository.

NRS 62F.310 - Actions required by juvenile court when child 14 years of age or older; court not to terminate jurisdiction.

NRS 62F.320 - Motion to exempt child from community notification or exclude child from placement on community notification website; reconsideration of determination on motion.

NRS 62F.340 - Hearing to determine whether to relieve child from requirements or make child subject to registration and community notification for adults.

NRS 62F.350 - Limitation on referring certain matters to master.

NRS 62F.360 - Sealing of records prohibited during period of registration and community notification.