Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 445C - Environmental Requirements; Cleanup of Discharged Petroleum
NRS 445C.320 - Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum: Expenditures for certain discharges; limitations; reimbursement.

Notwithstanding any provision of NRS 445C.150 to 445C.410, inclusive, to the contrary, and except as otherwise provided in this section:
1. The Division may expend not more than $2,000,000 from the Fund per fiscal year as reimbursement for necessary costs incurred by the Division in the response to and cleanup of discharges in the State, including discharges from a storage tank and discharges from a mobile tank that occur during the transportation of petroleum or a petrochemical on roads and highways. The Interim Finance Committee may approve the expenditure of more than $2,000,000 from the Fund in a fiscal year for the purposes described in this subsection. If a discharge also involves another hazardous material, the Division may expend money pursuant to this section in the cleanup of the discharge and the other hazardous material. The Division shall not expend money from the Fund pursuant to this section to clean up discharges from pipelines.
2. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, money from the Fund expended by the Division pursuant to this section must be used to augment, and must not be used to replace or supplant, any money available from other sources for the cleanup of discharges, including, without limitation, reimbursements by operators required to be made to the Division pursuant to NRS 445C.340 and 445C.360. If no money is available from those other sources, the Division may expend money from the Fund pursuant to this section to reimburse the Division for any costs specified in subsection 1.
3. If the Division expends money pursuant to this section to clean up a discharge involving:
(a) Petroleum, the operator of the tank shall reimburse the Division for the operator’s share of the costs for cleaning up the discharge.
(b) A petrochemical, the person who is responsible for the discharge shall reimburse the Division for the person’s share of the costs for cleaning up the discharge.
The Division shall, upon being reimbursed pursuant to this subsection, deposit that money in the Fund.
4. As used in this section:
(a) "Discharge" means, unless authorized by state or federal law, any:
(1) Release of a petrochemical into water or soil; or
(2) Release, leaking or spilling of petroleum or a petrochemical from a tank into water or soil.
(b) "Petrochemical" means a chemical derived from petroleum or a petroleum feedstock, including, without limitation, perchloroethylene and any degradation product of perchloroethylene.
(c) "Tank" means a storage tank or a mobile tank used to transport petroleum or a petrochemical received for sale or use in this State.
(Added to NRS by 2015, 3603; A 2021, 1863)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 445C - Environmental Requirements; Cleanup of Discharged Petroleum

NRS 445C.010 - Definitions.

NRS 445C.020 - "Environmental audit" defined.

NRS 445C.030 - "Environmental requirement" defined.

NRS 445C.040 - "Regulated facility" defined.

NRS 445C.050 - "Regulated person" defined.

NRS 445C.060 - "Regulatory agency" defined.

NRS 445C.070 - Mitigating factors considered by court in determining criminal penalty for violation; written agreement regarding environmental audit may be modified; authority of regulatory agency not limited by mitigation of criminal penalty.

NRS 445C.080 - Presumption that regulated person is not liable for administrative or civil penalty for violation; written agreement concerning environmental audit may be modified; authority of regulatory agency not limited by presumption against liab...

NRS 445C.090 - Rebuttal of presumption that regulated person is not liable for administrative or civil penalty for violation.

NRS 445C.100 - Administrative or civil proceedings for violation: Burdens of proof.

NRS 445C.110 - Environmental audit: Privileged; exceptions.

NRS 445C.120 - Regulations; court or administrative hearing officer not to consider failure to conduct environmental audit in determining liability for violation.

NRS 445C.150 - Definitions.

NRS 445C.160 - "Board" defined.

NRS 445C.170 - "Department" defined.

NRS 445C.180 - "Diesel fuel of grade number 1" defined.

NRS 445C.190 - "Diesel fuel of grade number 2" defined.

NRS 445C.200 - "Discharge" defined.

NRS 445C.210 - "Division" defined.

NRS 445C.220 - "Fund" defined.

NRS 445C.230 - "Heating oil" defined.

NRS 445C.240 - "Motor vehicle fuel" defined.

NRS 445C.250 - "Operator" defined.

NRS 445C.260 - "Person" defined.

NRS 445C.270 - "Petroleum" defined.

NRS 445C.280 - "Storage tank" defined.

NRS 445C.290 - Legislative findings.

NRS 445C.300 - Board to Review Claims: Creation; members; Chair; administrative assistance; compensation of members.

NRS 445C.310 - Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum: Creation; administration by Division; adoption of regulations by Board; claims; grant program to assist in defraying cost of preventing discharges; program of assistance to assist in comply...

NRS 445C.320 - Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum: Expenditures for certain discharges; limitations; reimbursement.

NRS 445C.330 - Collection of fee for certain fuels and heating oil; exempt products; payment of expenses of Department.

NRS 445C.340 - Registration of storage tanks: Collection of annual fee; exempt tanks; reimbursement and other liability for noncompliance.

NRS 445C.350 - Transfer of portion of ending balance in Fund to certain accounts.

NRS 445C.360 - Report of discharge from tank required; cleanup of discharge; demonstration required for certain coverage for cleanup.

NRS 445C.370 - Allocation of costs resulting from discharge from certain storage tanks for heating oil.

NRS 445C.380 - Allocation of costs resulting from discharge from other storage tanks; additional allotments from Fund; requirement to hold public hearings under certain circumstances.

NRS 445C.390 - Liability for costs to clean up discharge caused by willful or wanton misconduct, gross negligence or violation of statute or regulation.

NRS 445C.400 - Pro rata reduction if balance of Fund insufficient for full payment.

NRS 445C.410 - Storage tanks exempted from certain provisions; optional coverage of exempted tank.