1. If any certificate of death is incomplete or unsatisfactory, the local health officer shall call attention to the defects in the return and withhold issuing the burial or removal permit until the defects are corrected.
2. If any certificate of birth is incomplete, the local health officer shall immediately notify the person who produced the certificate and require him or her to supply the missing items if they can be obtained.
[Part 19:199:1911; RL § 2970; NCL § 5253]—(NRS A 2013, 148)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 440 - Vital Statistics
NRS 440.005 - "Advanced practice registered nurse" defined.
NRS 440.010 - "Board" defined.
NRS 440.020 - "Dead body" defined.
NRS 440.025 - "Human remains" and "remains" defined.
NRS 440.035 - "Midwife" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 440.040 - "Person in charge of interment" defined.
NRS 440.050 - "Physician" defined.
NRS 440.060 - "State Registrar" defined.
NRS 440.070 - "Stillbirth" defined.
NRS 440.080 - "Vital statistics" defined.
NRS 440.085 - Chapter inapplicable to remains of native Indian.
NRS 440.090 - Requisites of certificates.
NRS 440.100 - Persons required to furnish information.
NRS 440.110 - State Registrar of Vital Statistics.
NRS 440.130 - Preparation and distribution of forms and blanks; charge for blank certificate.
NRS 440.140 - Preparation and issuance of instructions; use of other forms and blanks prohibited.
NRS 440.150 - Examination and supplementation of certificates.
NRS 440.155 - Registration of altered or amended certificates.
NRS 440.160 - Preservation, indexing and copying of certificates.
NRS 440.165 - Reproduction of original records and files.
NRS 440.170 - Records open to inspection; use of data restricted.
NRS 440.190 - County health officer as registrar.
NRS 440.200 - Furnishing blank certificates.
NRS 440.210 - Certificates of birth and death: Examination by local health officer.
NRS 440.220 - Certificates of birth and death: Enforcement of requirements by local health officer.
NRS 440.240 - Certificates of birth and death: Preservation of copies by local health officer.
NRS 440.260 - Certificates of birth and death: Time for delivery to State Registrar.
NRS 440.270 - Immediate registration required.
NRS 440.290 - Certificate of birth: Form and contents.
NRS 440.300 - Certificate of birth: Supplemental report of name required for unnamed child.
NRS 440.319 - Certificate of birth: Effect of gestational agreement.
NRS 440.327 - Certificate of birth: Requests for certificates of certain missing children.
NRS 440.330 - Registration of foundling; contents of report.
NRS 440.340 - Registration of stillborn children.
NRS 440.350 - Form and contents of certificate of death or stillbirth.
NRS 440.360 - Authentication of personal and statistical information concerning certificate.
NRS 440.370 - Signature required on statement of facts concerning disposition of body.
NRS 440.380 - Medical certificate of death: Signature; contents.
NRS 440.390 - Presentation of certificate of stillbirth.
NRS 440.400 - Effect of using indefinite or unsatisfactory terms on certificate.
NRS 440.410 - Manner of defining cause of death.
NRS 440.430 - Duties of coroner.
NRS 440.437 - Death caused by sudden infant death syndrome: Report by State Registrar.
NRS 440.440 - Duties of funeral director and sheriff upon death of unknown person.
NRS 440.450 - Prerequisites to disposal of body.
NRS 440.460 - Personal and statistical information.
NRS 440.470 - Presentation of certificate of death.
NRS 440.480 - Statement as to disposition of body.
NRS 440.490 - Presentation of completed certificate of death to local registrar.
NRS 440.495 - Notification of county clerk or registrar of voters.
NRS 440.510 - Contents of burial permit.
NRS 440.520 - Disposition of burial or removal permit.
NRS 440.530 - Burial permit to accompany body.
NRS 440.550 - Body transported from another state.
NRS 440.560 - Interment without burial permit prohibited.
NRS 440.570 - Validity of burial permit in another district.
NRS 440.580 - Signature, endorsement and return of permit.
NRS 440.590 - Records of interments.
NRS 440.600 - County clerk required to report number of marriage licenses issued.
NRS 440.605 - Reports to be filed by clerk of district court with State Registrar; fees.
NRS 440.620 - Proof required for filing of delayed certificate.
NRS 440.630 - Procedure for delayed or altered certificates.
NRS 440.640 - Delayed or altered certificates as evidence.
NRS 440.650 - Issuance of certified copy of certificate; limitation.
NRS 440.660 - Certified copy of record of birth or death is prima facie evidence.
NRS 440.670 - Abstracted birth certificate: Issuance; contents; form; use as evidence.
NRS 440.690 - Receipt of fees: Accounting; deposit; refunding overpayments; use of certain proceeds.
NRS 440.715 - Fee for support of office of county coroner.
NRS 440.735 - Affixing of signature to uncompleted certificate of death.
NRS 440.740 - Failure or refusal to file certificate of birth with local health officer.
NRS 440.750 - Interment, removal or other disposition of dead body without permit.
NRS 440.760 - Alteration of certificate of birth or death.
NRS 440.765 - Use or possession of certificate of birth of another person.
NRS 440.770 - Furnishing false information for certificate of birth or death.
NRS 440.773 - Sale for profit of copy or abstract of certificate of marriage.
NRS 440.775 - Injunction against sale for profit of copy of certificate of marriage.