[Replaced in revision by NRS 641D.900.]
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 437 - Applied Behavior Analysis
NRS 437.005 - "Assistant behavior analyst" defined.
NRS 437.010 - "Behavior analyst" defined.
NRS 437.015 - "Board" defined.
NRS 437.020 - "Community" defined.
NRS 437.025 - "Division" defined.
NRS 437.030 - "Gross malpractice" defined.
NRS 437.035 - "Malpractice" defined.
NRS 437.040 - "Practice of applied behavior analysis" defined.
NRS 437.045 - "Professional incompetence" defined.
NRS 437.050 - "Registered behavior technician" defined.
NRS 437.060 - Applicability of chapter.
NRS 437.065 - Exemptions from requirements for licensure and registration.
NRS 437.075 - Duty of licensee or registrant to limit practice to areas of competence; regulations.
NRS 437.100 - Creation; membership; terms; meetings; officers; immunity.
NRS 437.105 - Salary of members; per diem allowance and travel expenses of members and employees.
NRS 437.110 - Rules and regulations.
NRS 437.140 - Board to prescribe fees by regulation; deposit and use of money.
NRS 437.150 - Immunity from civil liability.
NRS 437.200 - Application and fee; investigation of applicant.
NRS 437.400 - Grounds for disciplinary action.
NRS 437.405 - Regulations concerning additional grounds for disciplinary action.
NRS 437.420 - Service of process; publication of notice.
NRS 437.430 - Filing and retention of complaints.
NRS 437.450 - Examination regarding competence to practice applied behavior analysis.
NRS 437.465 - Requirements for proof.
NRS 437.470 - Judicial review; duration of Board’s order; priority of petition for judicial review.
NRS 437.480 - Injunction against practicing applied behavior analysis without license.
NRS 437.485 - Immunity of certain persons from civil liability.
NRS 437.490 - Procedure for removing limitation, terminating probation or reinstating license.
NRS 437.500 - Representation as behavior analyst, assistant behavior analyst or registered behavior technician or practice of applied behavior analysis without proper credential prohibited.