Each consumer admitted for evaluation, treatment or training to a facility has the following personal rights, a list of which must be prominently posted in all facilities providing those services and must be otherwise brought to the attention of the consumer by such additional means as prescribed by regulation:
1. To wear the consumer’s own clothing, to keep and use his or her own personal possessions, including toilet articles, unless those articles may be used to endanger the consumer’s life or others’ lives, and to keep and be allowed to spend a reasonable sum of the consumer’s own money for expenses and small purchases.
2. To have access to individual space for storage for his or her private use.
3. To see visitors each day.
4. To have reasonable access to telephones, both to make and receive confidential calls.
5. To have ready access to materials for writing letters, including stamps, and to mail and receive unopened correspondence, but:
(a) For the purposes of this subsection, packages are not considered as correspondence; and
(b) Correspondence identified as containing a check payable to a consumer may be subject to control and safekeeping by the administrative officer of that facility or the administrative officer’s designee, so long as the consumer’s record of treatment documents the action.
6. To have reasonable access to an interpreter if the consumer does not speak English or is hearing impaired.
7. To designate a person who must be kept informed by the facility of the consumer’s medical and mental condition, if the consumer signs a release allowing the facility to provide such information to the person.
8. Except as otherwise provided in NRS 439.538, to have access to the consumer’s medical records denied to any person other than:
(a) A member of the staff of the facility or related medical personnel, as appropriate;
(b) A person who obtains a waiver by the consumer of his or her right to keep the medical records confidential; or
(c) A person who obtains a court order authorizing the access.
9. Other personal rights as specified by regulation of the Commission.
(Added to NRS by 1981, 892; A 1985, 2266; 1989, 1755; 1997, 3492; 2007, 1980; 2011, 413)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 433 - General Provisions
NRS 433.003 - Declaration of legislative intent.
NRS 433.014 - "Administrative officer" defined.
NRS 433.024 - "Administrator" defined.
NRS 433.047 - "Commission" defined.
NRS 433.064 - "Department" defined.
NRS 433.069 - "Developmental disability" defined.
NRS 433.074 - "Director of the Department" defined.
NRS 433.084 - "Division" defined.
NRS 433.094 - "Division facility" defined.
NRS 433.099 - "Intellectual disability" defined.
NRS 433.134 - "Medical director" defined.
NRS 433.144 - "Mental health center" defined.
NRS 433.164 - "Mental illness" defined.
NRS 433.209 - "Person professionally qualified in the field of psychiatric mental health" defined.
NRS 433.224 - "Treatment" defined.
NRS 433.227 - Treatment to competency" defined.
NRS 433.2335 - Hours of operation for mobile units.
NRS 433.234 - Administration of facilities of Division.
NRS 433.244 - Administrator: Qualifications; classification.
NRS 433.254 - Administrator: Powers and duties.
NRS 433.259 - Administrator: Delegation of power, duty or function.
NRS 433.262 - Medical director responsible to Chief Medical Officer.
NRS 433.264 - Physicians: Employment; qualifications; compensation; duties.
NRS 433.265 - Licensing or certification of certain employees of Division.
NRS 433.267 - Limitation on time for certification of psychiatrist employed by Division.
NRS 433.269 - Proficiency in English language required of certain employees.
NRS 433.279 - Program for certification of mental health technicians.
NRS 433.325 - Inspection of facility.
NRS 433.331 - Adoption of regulations concerning abuse and neglect of consumers.
NRS 433.3315 - Adoption of regulations concerning consumers.
NRS 433.334 - Contract with hospital or other institution for care of consumers.
NRS 433.364 - Involuntary court-ordered admission to private institution not precluded.
NRS 433.384 - Legislative appropriations; payment of claims.
NRS 433.394 - Acceptance by Department of money from other sources.
NRS 433.414 - Fees of physicians and other professionally qualified employees of facility.
NRS 433.424 - Mental health center revolving accounts.
NRS 433.426 - "Behavioral health region" defined.
NRS 433.427 - "Policy board" defined.
NRS 433.428 - Designation of behavioral health regions.
NRS 433.429 - Creation; membership; terms; meetings; Chair.
NRS 433.434 - Determination of residence.
NRS 433.454 - Expenses of returning consumer to legal residence.
NRS 433.4543 - Text of Compact.
NRS 433.4545 - Administrator to serve as Compact Administrator; duties; regulations.
NRS 433.458 - "Administrative officer" defined.
NRS 433.461 - "Facility" defined.
NRS 433.462 - "Rights" defined.
NRS 433.464 - Right to habeas corpus unimpaired.
NRS 433.471 - Rights concerning admission and discharge of consumers.
NRS 433.472 - Rights concerning involuntary commitment.
NRS 433.482 - Personal rights.
NRS 433.484 - Rights concerning care, treatment and training.
NRS 433.494 - Individualized plan of services for consumer.
NRS 433.504 - Right to information; inspection and copying of records.
NRS 433.524 - Labor by consumer: Conditions; compensation.
NRS 433.531 - Rights concerning suspension or violation of rights.
NRS 433.533 - Document reflecting receipt of list of rights and explanation of rights.
NRS 433.536 - Retaliation by officer, director or employee of facility prohibited.
NRS 433.539 - Personal deposit funds for consumers.
NRS 433.541 - Disposition of personal property of consumer upon death.
NRS 433.542 - Disposition of unclaimed personal property of consumer worth more than $100.
NRS 433.543 - Disposition of unclaimed personal property of minimal value.
NRS 433.544 - Notification of death of consumer; burial.
NRS 433.5453 - "Aversive intervention" defined.
NRS 433.5456 - "Chemical restraint" defined.
NRS 433.546 - "Corporal punishment" defined.
NRS 433.5463 - "Electric shock" defined.
NRS 433.5466 - "Emergency" defined.
NRS 433.547 - "Mechanical restraint" defined.
NRS 433.5473 - "Person with a disability" defined.
NRS 433.5476 - "Physical restraint" defined.
NRS 433.548 - "Verbal and mental abuse" defined.
NRS 433.5483 - Use of aversive intervention on consumer prohibited.
NRS 433.5503 - Use of chemical restraint on consumer; requirements; report as denial of rights.
NRS 433.564 - Unlawful sale or transfer of intoxicating beverage on grounds of division facility.
NRS 433.603 - "Certificate" defined.
NRS 433.605 - "Community-based living arrangement services" or "services" defined.
NRS 433.609 - Regulations; fees for issuance and renewal of certificate.
NRS 433.613 - Authority of Division.
NRS 433.622 - Definitions. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.623 - "Adult" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.624 - "Board" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.626 - "Peer recovery support services" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.627 - "Peer recovery support specialist" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.628 - "Peer recovery support specialist intern" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.629 - "Peer recovery support specialist supervisor" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.638 - Injunction. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.641 - Maintenance of records. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.702 - "National Suicide Prevention Lifeline program" defined. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.706 - Requirements for and duties of support center. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.710 - Reports. [Effective January 1, 2022.]
NRS 433.714 - "Advisory Committee" defined.
NRS 433.716 - "Agency which provides child welfare services" defined.
NRS 433.720 - "Office" defined.
NRS 433.722 - "Special population" defined.
NRS 433.724 - "Substance use disorder prevention coalition" defined.
NRS 433.726 - Creation; appointment, qualifications, terms and compensation of members.
NRS 433.728 - Chair; meetings; quorum; staff assistance.
NRS 433.734 - Statewide needs assessment; statewide plan to allocate money; report; regulations.
NRS 433.736 - Requirements and procedure for statewide needs assessment.
NRS 433.742 - Requirements and procedure for regional, county, local or tribal needs assessment.