Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 425 - Support of Dependent Children
NRS 425.350 - Duty of parent to support child; assignment of right to support upon acceptance of assistance; appointment of Administrator as attorney-in-fact; enforceability of debt for support; notice of assignment.

1. A parent has duties to support his or her children which include any duty arising by law or under a court order.
2. If a court order specifically provides that no support for a child is due, the order applies only to those facts upon which the decision was based.
3. By accepting assistance in his or her own behalf or in behalf of any other person, the applicant or recipient shall be deemed to have made an assignment to the Division of all rights to support from any other person which the applicant or recipient may have in his or her own behalf or in behalf of any other member of the family for whom the applicant or recipient is applying for or receiving assistance. Except as otherwise required by federal law or as a condition to the receipt of federal money, rights to support include, but are not limited to, accrued but unpaid payments for support and payments for support to accrue during the period for which assistance is provided. The amount of the assigned rights to support must not exceed the amount of public assistance provided or to be provided. If a court order exists for the support of a child on whose behalf public assistance is received, the Division shall attempt to notify a located responsible parent as soon as possible after assistance begins that the child is receiving public assistance. If there is no court order for support, the Division shall with service of process serve notice on the responsible parent in the manner prescribed in subsection 2 of NRS 425.3822 within 90 days after the date on which the responsible parent is located.
4. The recipient shall be deemed, without the necessity of signing any document, to have appointed the Administrator as the attorney-in-fact of the recipient with power of substitution to act in the name of the recipient and to endorse all drafts, checks, money orders or other negotiable instruments representing payments for support which are received as reimbursement for the public assistance previously paid to or on behalf of each recipient.
5. The rights of support assigned under subsection 3 constitute a debt for support owed to the Division by the responsible parent. The debt for support is enforceable by any remedy provided by law. The Division, through the prosecuting attorney, may also collect payments of support when the amount of the rights of support exceeds the amount of the debt for support.
6. The assignment provided for in subsection 3 is binding upon the responsible parent upon service of notice of the assignment. After notification, payments by the responsible parent to anyone other than the Division must not be credited toward the satisfaction of the debt for support. Service of notice is complete upon:
(a) The mailing, by first-class mail, of the notice to the responsible parent at the last known address of the responsible parent;
(b) Service of the notice in the manner provided for service of civil process; or
(c) Actual notice.
(Added to NRS by 1977, 720; A 1981, 352; 1985, 1431; 1995, 2424; 1997, 2246)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 425 - Support of Dependent Children

NRS 425.260 - Definitions.

NRS 425.270 - "Administrator" defined.

NRS 425.280 - "Assistance" and "public assistance" defined.

NRS 425.285 - "Chief" defined.

NRS 425.289 - "Court" defined.

NRS 425.290 - "Court order" defined.

NRS 425.295 - "Debt" defined.

NRS 425.300 - "Dependent child" defined.

NRS 425.310 - "Division" defined.

NRS 425.312 - "Enforcing authority" defined.

NRS 425.315 - "Office" defined.

NRS 425.318 - "Program" defined.

NRS 425.320 - "Prosecuting attorney" defined.

NRS 425.330 - "Responsible parent" defined.

NRS 425.335 - "State" defined.

NRS 425.340 - Purpose of chapter; remedies cumulative.

NRS 425.345 - Applicability of chapters 31A, 125B and 126 of NRS.

NRS 425.346 - Applicability of and compliance with chapter 130 of NRS.

NRS 425.350 - Duty of parent to support child; assignment of right to support upon acceptance of assistance; appointment of Administrator as attorney-in-fact; enforceability of debt for support; notice of assignment.

NRS 425.355 - Debt for support not to be incurred by recipient of certain public assistance; certain debts owed by recipient to be held in abeyance.

NRS 425.360 - Debt for support: Payment of public assistance creates debt; amount; Division entitled to reimbursement; conditions under which debt not incurred; provision of information concerning health insurance coverage of dependent children.

NRS 425.363 - State Child Support Disbursement Fund: Creation; deposits in Fund; use of money in Fund.

NRS 425.364 - Insurers to exchange certain information with Program; duties of insurers.

NRS 425.365 - Authority of Administrator to adopt regulations and carry out chapter.

NRS 425.370 - Duty of Division and prosecuting attorney to carry out Program.

NRS 425.375 - Participation in Program by counties; participating county required to pay cost of Program; withdrawal from Program by county.

NRS 425.380 - Establishment of paternity and enforcement of support: Duty of district attorney; authority of Attorney General.

NRS 425.381 - Master: Appointment; qualifications.

NRS 425.382 - Authority of Chief and master.

NRS 425.3822 - Notice and finding of financial responsibility: Issuance; service.

NRS 425.3824 - Notice and finding of financial responsibility: Contents; conference; hearing.

NRS 425.3826 - Notice and finding of financial responsibility: Additional requirements when paternity has not been legally established.

NRS 425.3828 - Hearing required upon request; issuance of recommendation for support by master; approval of recommendation by district court; judicial relief.

NRS 425.383 - Modification or adjustment of order for support.

NRS 425.3832 - Hearings: Procedure; subpoenas; compensation of witnesses; evidence.

NRS 425.3834 - Enforcement of order approving recommendation for support; judicial review; effect of recommendation during judicial review.

NRS 425.3835 - Court prohibited from staying proceeding or refusing hearing in certain circumstances; court required to hold hearing; court authorized to issue support order pendente lite.

NRS 425.3836 - Notice of intent to enforce court order for support; hearing; issuance of recommendation for support; effect of approval of recommendation; effect of noncompliance with order.

NRS 425.3838 - Establishment of paternity: Procedure when paternity not disputed.

NRS 425.384 - Establishment of paternity: Procedure when paternity is disputed.

NRS 425.3841 - Establishment of paternity: Recommendation for temporary support pending resolution of proceedings.

NRS 425.3844 - Recommendation entered by master: Notification of parties; objection to recommendation; judicial review; approval and filing; effect upon filing.

NRS 425.3846 - Enforcement of support in accordance with chapter 31A of NRS.

NRS 425.3847 - Retention of annual fees to carry out Program. [Effective until the date on which the provisions of 42 U.S.C. § 654 requiring each state to impose an annual fee of $25 in the case of a person who has never received assistance pursuant...

NRS 425.3848 - Disposal of property by parent: Temporary restraining order; bond; notice of lis pendens.

NRS 425.385 - Certification of complex issues to district court; temporary support.

NRS 425.3852 - Certification of proceeding to district court: Representation of public interests; presentation of case.

NRS 425.3855 - Social security numbers of parents or legal guardians to be provided to enforcing authority.

NRS 425.390 - Statement of responsible parent concerning ability to support child: Contents; additional statements; penalties.

NRS 425.393 - Authority of Chief to request information to carry out chapter; compliance with request.

NRS 425.395 - Submission to Division of information regarding holders of certain licenses, certificates or permits; dissemination of information. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requiring each state to esta...

NRS 425.397 - Use of information received regarding holders of certain licenses, certificates or permits; notification that holder is in arrears in payment of support.

NRS 425.400 - Registry of information concerning responsible parents: Establishment; requests for information and assistance; failure to comply with request; disclosure of information.

NRS 425.405 - Adoption and enforcement of regulations for protection of privacy.

NRS 425.410 - Payment of support through enforcing authority; collection and use of damages for dishonored check, draft or extension of credit.

NRS 425.420 - Deposit of certain receipts in State General Fund.

NRS 425.430 - Distribution of money recovered by enforcing authority.

NRS 425.440 - Uncollectible debt for support.

NRS 425.450 - Adjustment of orders for support.

NRS 425.460 - Exchanges of data with financial institutions; encumbrance or surrender of assets of responsible parents held by financial institutions; financial institutions not liable for compliance; Division or agency for enforcement of child suppo...

NRS 425.470 - Collection of arrearages in payments of support; notice to responsible parent; request for hearing; good faith effort to resolve matter required before hearing.

NRS 425.480 - Fraudulent transfer of property by responsible parent: Duties of Division.

NRS 425.490 - Blood tests or tests of genetic identification to determine paternity: Authority of Chief; payment of costs; orders for additional testing.

NRS 425.500 - "Agency that issues a professional, occupational or recreational license, certificate or permit" defined. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withh...

NRS 425.510 - Reporting to Department of Motor Vehicles and Department of Wildlife names of persons who failed to pay support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; request for hearing; good faith effort to resolve matter required; plan for re...

NRS 425.520 - Statement by applicant for professional, occupational or recreational license, certificate or permit. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholdi...

NRS 425.530 - Notice to person who failed to pay support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; request for suspension of person’s licenses, certificates and permits; request for hearing; good faith effort to resolve matter required. [Effectiv...

NRS 425.540 - Dissemination and contents of court order approving recommendation of master determining that person has failed to pay support or comply with certain subpoenas or warrants; notification of person subject to order. [Effective until the d...

NRS 425.550 - Issuance and dissemination of letter stating that person has complied with subpoena or warrant or satisfied arrearage. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedu...

NRS 425.560 - Determination that person is in arrears in payments for support; satisfaction of arrearage. [Effective until the date of the repeal of 42 U.S.C. § 666, the federal law requiring each state to establish procedures for withholding, suspen...

NRS 425.600 - "Committee" defined.

NRS 425.610 - Committee to Review Child Support Guidelines: Creation; membership; term; Chair; meetings; quorum.

NRS 425.620 - Review of guidelines for support of children; recommendations of Committee; regulations of Administrator.