Every organization for emergency management established pursuant to this chapter and the officers thereof shall execute and enforce such orders and regulations as may be made by the Governor under authority of this chapter. Each such organization shall have available for inspection at its office all orders and regulations made by the Governor, or under his or her authority.
[17:293:1953]—(NRS A 1983, 175)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 414 - Emergency Management
NRS 414.020 - Policy and purpose.
NRS 414.031 - "Board" defined.
NRS 414.0313 - "Broadcaster" defined.
NRS 414.0315 - "Chief" defined.
NRS 414.033 - "Coordinator" defined.
NRS 414.0335 - "Disaster" defined.
NRS 414.0345 - "Emergency" defined.
NRS 414.035 - "Emergency management" defined.
NRS 414.0355 - "Firearm" defined.
NRS 414.0357 - "First response broadcaster" defined.
NRS 414.0358 - "Hazard" defined.
NRS 414.0359 - "Incident management assistance team" defined.
NRS 414.036 - "Local organization for emergency management" defined.
NRS 414.038 - "Political subdivision" defined.
NRS 414.041 - Plan to mitigate impact of emergency or disaster: Contents; annual review.
NRS 414.042 - Plan to prepare for emergency or disaster: Contents; annual review.
NRS 414.043 - Plan to respond to emergencies or disasters: Contents; annual review.
NRS 414.060 - Powers and duties of Governor.
NRS 414.080 - Incident management assistance teams.
NRS 414.100 - Agreements for reciprocal aid.
NRS 414.110 - Immunity and exemption.
NRS 414.120 - Limitation on liability of private persons.
NRS 414.130 - Appropriations; acceptance of services, gifts, grants and loans.
NRS 414.140 - Utilization of existing services and facilities.
NRS 414.155 - Limitations on emergency powers relating to firearms.
NRS 414.160 - Enforcement of orders and regulations made by or under authority of Governor.
NRS 414.170 - Board of Search and Rescue: Creation; members; terms.
NRS 414.180 - Board of Search and Rescue: Duties.
NRS 414.190 - Board of Search and Rescue: Regulations.
NRS 414.200 - Coordinator of Search and Rescue: Appointment.
NRS 414.210 - Coordinator of Search and Rescue: Duties.
NRS 414.280 - Duties generally; annual report.
NRS 414.285 - Activation of Committee or subcommittee: Conditions.
NRS 414.310 - Broadcasters: Development of plans for emergency response.