Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 388E - Education of Children in Foster Care
NRS 388E.125 - Transportation of child in foster care to school of origin; responsibility for cost; resolution of disputes relating to transportation of child.

1. If the agency which provides child welfare services to a child has determined pursuant to NRS 388E.105 that it is in the best interests of the child to remain in his or her school of origin, the agency which provides child welfare services and the local education agency must provide the child with transportation to the school of origin:
(a) For the entire time that the child is in foster care; and
(b) Until the end of the school year during which the child leaves foster care.
2. The agency which provides child welfare services and the local education agency are jointly responsible for the costs of transportation of a child to the child’s school of origin unless the agency which provides child welfare services and the local education agency mutually agree otherwise.
3. If a dispute arises between the agency which provides child welfare services and the local education agency that is related to the transportation of a child in foster care to the child’s school of origin, including, without limitation, a dispute related to the costs of transportation, and the dispute is not resolved within 5 business days, the juvenile or family court with jurisdiction over the child must resolve the dispute by court order within 5 business days.
4. If a dispute arises between the agency which provides child welfare services and the local education agency that is related to the transportation of a child in foster care, the agency which provides child welfare services and the local education agency must provide the child with transportation to the school of origin until the dispute is resolved.
(Added to NRS by 2017, 3110)