Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 388 - System of Public Instruction
NRS 388.635 - Provision of services by center for displaced homemakers.

Each center shall provide:
1. Counseling services specifically designed for the counseling of a displaced homemaker with respect to appropriate employment, including:
(a) Assessment of the homemaker’s skills;
(b) Clarification of the homemaker’s employment goals and information regarding the availability of various types of employment;
(c) The development of a personal plan for a career; and
(d) Referrals to public and private programs of training and placement.
2. Courses of instruction to assist a displaced homemaker in seeking and retaining employment, including instruction in:
(a) The initial steps in seeking employment;
(b) Skills for contacting employers;
(c) The proper completion of applications for employment;
(d) Writing resumes;
(e) Skills for effective interviewing;
(f) The importance of a positive attitude and appropriate work habits;
(g) Skills for effective communication;
(h) Appropriate conduct in an office; and
(i) Resolving conflicts involving work and family.
3. Weekly meetings to allow the displaced homemakers it serves to share information regarding employment and to discuss their concerns regarding seeking and retaining employment.
4. Educational and counseling services relating to health and health care, including education about obtaining and paying for health care and related services, particularly about selecting physicians and others who provide the services, including health maintenance organizations and health insurance.
5. Services relating to financial management, including information about insurance, taxes, estates and probate, mortgages, loans and other related financial matters.
6. Referrals of displaced homemakers to appropriate agencies in the community which provide:
(a) Assistance to persons with substance use disorders;
(b) Personal counseling;
(c) Legal assistance;
(d) Child care; and
(e) Programs of secondary and postsecondary education, including programs for career and technical education, English as a second language and improving reading ability.
(Added to NRS by 1989, 916; A 2005, 1051)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 388 - System of Public Instruction

NRS 388.020 - Kinds of public schools.

NRS 388.030 - Division of public schools in school district into departments.

NRS 388.040 - Zoning of school district by board of trustees; establishment of zones does not preclude pupil’s attendance at certain other public schools.

NRS 388.045 - Racially discriminatory name, logo, mascot, song or other identifier prohibited; exception.

NRS 388.055 - Employment of school counselor; program for school counseling.

NRS 388.060 - Kindergarten: Establishment; board of trustees authorized to provide transportation to school that offers kindergarten or to provide program of instruction at home; budget.

NRS 388.070 - Maintenance of schools with equal rights and privileges.

NRS 388.075 - Period of silence.

NRS 388.077 - Right of pupils to constitutional expression; limitation; adoption of policy for pupil publications; resolution of complaint by pupil of violation of right.

NRS 388.080 - School year.

NRS 388.090 - Minimum number of days of school; application for alternative schedule; application for reduction in minutes or additional minutes. [Parts of this section were replaced in revision in 2015 by NRS 388.095 and 388.097.]

NRS 388.095 - Scheduling school for closure because of natural disaster, inclement weather or accident; regulations.

NRS 388.097 - Additional days or minutes of instruction for program of remedial education.

NRS 388.110 - Closing public schools for legal holidays.

NRS 388.121 - Definitions.

NRS 388.1215 - "Administrator" defined.

NRS 388.122 - "Bullying" defined.

NRS 388.123 - "Cyber-bullying" defined.

NRS 388.1235 - "Discrimination based on race" defined.

NRS 388.124 - "Electronic communication" defined.

NRS 388.126 - "Governing body" defined.

NRS 388.1265 - "Protective hairstyle" defined.

NRS 388.1267 - "Race" defined.

NRS 388.127 - "School" defined.

NRS 388.132 - Legislative declaration concerning safe and respectful learning environment.

NRS 388.1321 - Legislative declaration concerning duty of governing body, administrators and teachers to create and provide safe and respectful learning environment; authority of parent or guardian of pupil to petition court to compel performance of...

NRS 388.1322 - Compliance with provisions relating to safe and respectful learning environment by private school authorized.

NRS 388.1323 - Office for a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment: Creation; appointment and duties of Director.

NRS 388.1324 - Committee on statewide school safety; membership; duties.

NRS 388.1325 - Bullying Prevention Account: Creation; acceptance of gifts and grants; credit of interest and income; authorized uses by school district that receives grant.

NRS 388.1327 - Regulations.

NRS 388.133 - Policy by Department concerning safe and respectful learning environment. [Effective through June 30, 2022.] Policy by Department concerning safe and respectful learning environment. [Effective July 1, 2022.]

NRS 388.1333 - Development of statewide framework for restorative justice by Department. [Effective July 1, 2022.]

NRS 388.1335 - Inclusion of mental health resources on pupil identification card.

NRS 388.1337 - Development of restorative practices for victims and perpetrators of discrimination based on race.

NRS 388.134 - Policy by governing bodies for provision of safe and respectful learning environment and policy for ethical, safe and secure use of computers; provision of training to governing bodies and school personnel; posting of policies on Intern...

NRS 388.1341 - Development of informational pamphlet by Department; annual review and update; posting on Internet website; development of tutorial.

NRS 388.1342 - Establishment of programs of training by Department; completion of program by members of State Board of Education and governing bodies; completion of certain programs by school district and school personnel; annual review and update of...

NRS 388.1343 - Establishment by administrator of each school; duties of administrator.

NRS 388.1344 - Membership; chair; duties.

NRS 388.135 - Discrimination based on race, bullying and cyber-bullying prohibited.

NRS 388.13505 - Reporting and categorization of incident of discrimination based on race.

NRS 388.1351 - Staff member required to report violation to administrator; required actions and investigation; notification to parent or guardian; written report of findings and conclusions of investigation; follow-up with victim; list of resources t...

NRS 388.1352 - Establishment of policy by governing body for employees to report violations to law enforcement.

NRS 388.13535 - Deferral of required investigation of discrimination based on race, bullying or cyber-bullying; actions by administrator or designee if investigation is deferred; exemption from certain requirements if violation committed by certain p...

NRS 388.1354 - Disciplinary action against administrator or designee who fails to comply with certain provisions.

NRS 388.136 - School officials prohibited from interfering with disclosure of violations.

NRS 388.137 - Immunity for reporting of violations; exceptions; recommendation for disciplinary action if person who made report acted with malice, intentional misconduct, gross negligence or violation of law.

NRS 388.139 - Text of certain provisions required to be included in rules of behavior.

NRS 388.1395 - Requirements for delivery of information during annual "Week of Respect."

NRS 388.1451 - Definitions.

NRS 388.1452 - "Director" defined.

NRS 388.14522 - "Handle with Care Program" defined.

NRS 388.14525 - "Public safety agency" defined.

NRS 388.1453 - "SafeVoice Program" and "Program" defined.

NRS 388.14535 - "Support center" defined.

NRS 388.14538 - Handle with Care Program: Establishment; notification of exposure of child to traumatic event or certain other events; training; regulations.

NRS 388.1454 - Legislative findings and declarations concerning SafeVoice Program.

NRS 388.1455 - Establishment of SafeVoice Program; requirements of Program; support center for initial reports; training regarding Program and support center; duties of Director; reports, policies and regulations.

NRS 388.14553 - Appointment of team to receive notification of certain activity or events; certain information regarding SafeVoice Program to appear on identification cards of pupils and be posted conspicuously; member of team to take appropriate act...

NRS 388.14555 - Immunity from liability for team and team members.

NRS 388.14557 - Requirements of support center.

NRS 388.1457 - SafeVoice Program Account: Creation; use of money in Account; administration; acceptance of gifts, grants, donations and other sources of money; Director to post list of sources of money on Internet and transmit list to Legislature.

NRS 388.1458 - Confidentiality of information provided to SafeVoice Program; motion to compel production or disclosure of record or information; records and information made available to appellate court.

NRS 388.1459 - Willful disclosure of record or information of SafeVoice Program or willful neglect or refusal to obey court order punishable as criminal contempt.

NRS 388.150 - Sectarian and denominational publications and instruction; forfeiture of public school money for violation; authority to comply with federal Equal Access Act.

NRS 388.155 - Foster care children enrolled in elementary school; development of academic plan required; annual review and modification of plan; use of plan to manage pupil’s educational development.

NRS 388.157 - Plan to improve literacy of pupils enrolled in elementary school: Contents; submission to Department for approval; regulations.

NRS 388.159 - Literacy specialist: Designation; additional compensation; provision of professional development in subject area of reading; regulations.

NRS 388.165 - Development of academic plan required.

NRS 388.205 - Development of academic plan required for ninth grade pupils.

NRS 388.208 - Annual review of academic plan; requirements for meeting to review academic plan; revision of academic plan for pupils requiring remediation.

NRS 388.221 - Adoption of policy for peer mentoring.

NRS 388.224 - Distribution of information about financial planning and financial aid; reports.

NRS 388.227 - Establishment of individual graduation plans for certain pupils; eligibility for plan; conditions for participation in plan; effect on calculation of graduation rate of pupils.

NRS 388.229 - Definitions.

NRS 388.231 - "Crisis" defined.

NRS 388.232 - "Development committee" defined.

NRS 388.233 - "Emergency" defined.

NRS 388.2335 - "Emergency operations plan development committee" defined.

NRS 388.234 - "Local organization for emergency management" defined.

NRS 388.2343 - "Lockdown" defined.

NRS 388.2345 - "Public safety agency" defined.

NRS 388.23457 - "Public school" defined.

NRS 388.235 - "School committee" defined.

NRS 388.2358 - "School resource officer" defined.

NRS 388.2359 - "Suicide" defined.

NRS 388.241 - Emergency operations plan development committee: Establishment by school districts and charter schools; membership; terms of members.

NRS 388.243 - Emergency operations plan development committee: Development of plan to be used by schools in responding to crisis, emergency or suicide; submission of plan to board of trustees or governing body of charter school and Division of Emerge...

NRS 388.245 - Annual review and update of plan; maintenance, posting and distribution of plan; annual training for school employees in responding to crisis or emergency; acceptance of gifts and grants.

NRS 388.246 - Report on compliance with requirements concerning plan; random audits of plan.

NRS 388.247 - School committee: Establishment; membership; terms of members.

NRS 388.249 - School committee: Annual review of plan prepared by emergency operations plan development committee; determination whether to request deviation from plan; notice of review.

NRS 388.251 - Review by emergency operations plan development committee of proposed deviation from plan; notice of approval or denial; submission of copy of approved deviation to board of trustees or governing body.

NRS 388.253 - Department: Development of model plan for management of a suicide, crisis, emergency or other hazard; requirements for model plan; authorized dissemination of plans prepared by Department and emergency operations plan development commit...

NRS 388.255 - State Board: Adoption of regulations concerning development of plans; review of proposed deviations and requirements for training.

NRS 388.256 - Development and contents of policy for prevention of suicide in certain grades; duty of Department to develop model policy; posting of link to Internet website of Coordinator of Statewide Program for Suicide Prevention.

NRS 388.2565 - Training for school resource officers in prevention of suicide.

NRS 388.257 - Duties of principal if crisis, emergency or suicide occurs at school; determination by local agency whether crisis or emergency requires assistance from state agency; duties of Division of Emergency Management of Office of the Military;...

NRS 388.259 - Confidentiality of plans, approved deviations and certain other information.

NRS 388.261 - Inapplicability of Open Meeting Law to emergency operations plan development committee, school committee and certain meetings of State Board, Department of Education and Division of Emergency Management of Office of the Military related...

NRS 388.262 - Designation of emergency manager.

NRS 388.264 - Consultation with certain person regarding safety in schools before taking certain actions relating to buildings for schools or related facilities or acquiring sites for such buildings or facilities.

NRS 388.265 - Annual conference regarding safety in public schools; persons required or authorized to attend conference; State Public Charter School Authority required to annually discuss safety in charter schools at designated meeting, workshop or c...

NRS 388.266 - Block grants to employ or contract with social workers and other mental health workers.

NRS 388.267 - Department to establish, review and update policies and procedures to ensure privacy of data concerning pupils.

NRS 388.268 - Department to establish, publish and make available on its Internet website index of data elements for automated system of accountability information for Nevada; biennial update.

NRS 388.269 - Board of trustees and governing body required to establish, publish and make publicly available certain information concerning data transferred to automated system of accountability for Nevada.

NRS 388.271 - Board of trustees and governing body to adopt policies and procedures governing use of certain software and manner in which data concerning pupils may be provided in certain circumstances.

NRS 388.272 - Required provisions for contracts that provide for disclosure of data that includes personally identifiable information of pupil.

NRS 388.273 - Department to adopt data security plan; compliance with plan; school district, sponsor of charter school and university school for profoundly gifted pupils to submit annual report concerning changes to manner in which each collects, mai...

NRS 388.281 - Definitions.

NRS 388.282 - "Personally identifiable information" defined.

NRS 388.283 - "School service" defined.

NRS 388.284 - "School service provider" defined.

NRS 388.285 - "Targeted advertising" defined.

NRS 388.291 - School service provider to provide written disclosure to certain persons and entities; notice of changes to plan for security of data concerning pupils; review and correction of personally identifiable information.

NRS 388.292 - Collection and uses of personally identifiable information by school service provider; limitations; requirements for transfer or disclosure of personally identifiable information; redaction of personally identifiable information upon re...

NRS 388.293 - Plan for security of data concerning pupils; successor entities of school service providers; notice of security breach.

NRS 388.294 - Professional development regarding use of school service providers and security of data concerning pupils.

NRS 388.295 - School service provider authorized to use and disclose certain aggregated information to develop, improve or demonstrate effectiveness of products or services.

NRS 388.2955 - Duty of public school to provide information concerning school service providers and data security.

NRS 388.296 - Waiver or modification of any right, obligation or liability of provisions prohibited.

NRS 388.340 - Superintendent of Public Instruction to employ personnel for positions approved by State Board to carry out career and technical education.

NRS 388.342 - Superintendent of Public Instruction to appoint person to oversee programs.

NRS 388.360 - Powers of State Board.

NRS 388.365 - Designation of Fund; use of money.

NRS 388.380 - Establishment and maintenance of programs by school districts; endorsement on diploma indicating successful completion of program.

NRS 388.385 - Appointment of advisory technical skills committee by school districts; duties of committee; service without compensation.

NRS 388.390 - Certain school districts and charter schools entitled to share in available money.

NRS 388.392 - Distribution of state money; limitation on use for leadership and training activities; recommendations by representatives of industry sector councils for awarding grants to school districts and charter schools.

NRS 388.393 - Grants: Application by school district or charter school; review and recommendations of industry sector councils; criteria for awards established by regulation.

NRS 388.394 - Grants: Application by pupil organization for career and technical education; awards made on fair and equitable basis.

NRS 388.395 - Grants: Application by school district or charter school for remainder of available state money; criteria for awards established by regulation; limitation on awards.

NRS 388.396 - Grants: Designation of program professional to evaluate and report on effectiveness of program.

NRS 388.397 - Remainder of certain state money does not revert and is carried forward to following fiscal year.

NRS 388.400 - Administration; State Treasurer as custodian.

NRS 388.405 - Legislative declaration; duty of State Board to adopt regulations and submit certain evaluations required by federal law.

NRS 388.4055 - Regulations.

NRS 388.406 - Rights of English learners.

NRS 388.407 - Board of trustees required to develop policy for instruction to teach English and plan to ensure policy achieves objectives; monitoring of implementation by Department; purchase of assessment to measure literacy.

NRS 388.4073 - Board of trustees required to collect certain data; reports.

NRS 388.4077 - Board of trustees required to post certain budgetary information on Internet website.

NRS 388.408 - Certain schools required to adopt corrective action plan; enrollment in other schools of pupils who attend school that adopts plan; reporting of information concerning plans.

NRS 388.409 - English Mastery Council: Creation; membership; terms; vacancy; Chair; meetings; compensation; acceptance of gifts and grants; administrative support. [Effective through June 30, 2022.]

NRS 388.411 - English Mastery Council: Duty to make recommendations to Superintendent of Public Instruction, State Board, Commission on Professional Standards in Education, Board of Regents and school districts. [Effective through June 30, 2022.]

NRS 388.413 - English Mastery Council: Preparation and submission of annual report. [Effective through June 30, 2022.]

NRS 388.417 - Definitions.

NRS 388.419 - Use of form for development, review and revision of individualized education program; minimum standards for special education and early intervening services; limitation on apportionment of state money for instruction.

NRS 388.422 - Provision of information to parents or guardians of pupils with certain plans concerning services for children with disabilities.

NRS 388.429 - Provision of education to pupils; authorization for certain school districts to provide early intervening services; uniform criteria for eligibility for instruction.

NRS 388.431 - Pupils not required to take advantage of special provisions for education.

NRS 388.433 - Placement of child in special program; effect of military transfer of parent of child.

NRS 388.435 - Ages for admission to special programs; enrollment counted for apportionment.

NRS 388.4352 - Request to determine whether provider of special education is in compliance with state and federal laws regarding pupils with disabilities; inspection of provider of special education; actions upon determination of noncompliance.

NRS 388.4354 - Measures to be taken to ensure compliance with laws regarding pupils with disabilities if provider of special education fails to comply with plan of corrective action or order of hearing officer; authorized actions to ensure compliance...

NRS 388.4356 - Regulations to prescribe standards for program of training for school employees who assist with special education services and for providing certain notice to parents of pupils with disabilities; adoption of program for reporting infor...

NRS 388.437 - Pupils with hearing or visual impairment: Requirements for consideration in development of individualized education program for pupils with hearing impairment; use of criteria to evaluate language and literacy skills of certain pupils w...

NRS 388.439 - Pupils with dyslexia: Early literacy screening assessment.

NRS 388.441 - Pupils with dyslexia: Administration of early literacy screening assessment; addressing needs through response to scientific, research-based intervention system of instruction; additional testing and evaluation.

NRS 388.443 - Pupils with dyslexia: Individualized education program team to consider certain instructional approaches when developing individualized education program.

NRS 388.445 - Pupils with dyslexia: Designation of teacher and school employee to receive training and professional development concerning dyslexia.

NRS 388.447 - Pupils with dyslexia: Department to prepare and publish Dyslexia Resource Guide for school districts and public schools.

NRS 388.449 - Pupils with autism spectrum disorder: Initial evaluation by school district or charter school; reevaluation and review of individualized education program; assistance and training for persons who conduct evaluation.

NRS 388.451 - Pupils with autism spectrum disorder: Department required to submit annual report to Aging and Disability Services Division.

NRS 388.453 - Special ungraded schools and programs; powers of trustees.

NRS 388.457 - When pupil attains 18 years of age: Rights transfer to pupil; notice to parent and pupil; exception for pupil adjudicated incapacitated.

NRS 388.459 - When pupil attains 18 years of age: Application by parent to represent educational interests of pupil; duration of representation; appeal; regulations.

NRS 388.463 - Selection and compensation of hearing officers; appeal of decision of hearing officer.

NRS 388.465 - Regulations concerning procedures for requesting recusal of hearing officer and qualifications of hearing officers; Department to post information relating to due process hearings on Internet website.

NRS 388.467 - Burden of proof and burden of production on school district during certain due process hearings.

NRS 388.4685 - Filing and investigation of complaint concerning failure to comply with decision or settlement agreement; duty of Department to ensure compliance.

NRS 388.469 - Authority of Department to issue subpoenas; enforcement of subpoena by court.

NRS 388.471 - Definitions.

NRS 388.473 - "Aversive intervention" defined.

NRS 388.476 - "Chemical restraint" defined.

NRS 388.478 - "Corporal punishment" defined.

NRS 388.485 - "Electric shock" defined.

NRS 388.487 - "Emergency" defined.

NRS 388.491 - "Mechanical restraint" defined.

NRS 388.494 - "Physical restraint" defined.

NRS 388.495 - "Verbal and mental abuse" defined.

NRS 388.497 - Aversive intervention prohibited.

NRS 388.499 - Physical restraint and mechanical restraint prohibited; exceptions.

NRS 388.501 - Conditions under which physical restraint may be used; report required; requirements if pupil has three or five reports of use of restraint in 1 school year.

NRS 388.503 - Conditions under which mechanical restraint may be used; report required; requirements if pupil has three or five reports of use of restraint in 1 school year.

NRS 388.505 - Mandatory education and training for staff.

NRS 388.506 - Disciplinary action against person for intentional violation.

NRS 388.508 - Report of violation; corrective plan required; appointment of administrator to oversee school under certain circumstances.

NRS 388.511 - Retaliation for reporting violation prohibited.

NRS 388.513 - Reporting of denial of rights; investigation and resolution of disputes by Department.

NRS 388.515 - Annual report by school districts on use of restraint and violations; compilation of reports by Department; submission of compilation to Legislature.

NRS 388.5155 - Definitions.

NRS 388.516 - "Individualized education program" defined.

NRS 388.5165 - "Individualized education program team" defined.

NRS 388.517 - "Individualized family service plan" defined.

NRS 388.5175 - Advisory Committee on Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired: Establishment; members; chair; quorum; compensation.

NRS 388.518 - Advisory Committee on Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired: Duties.

NRS 388.5185 - Development and dissemination of written resource for use by parents or guardians to evaluate development of language and literacy skills.

NRS 388.519 - Adoption of regulations prescribing criteria for use by school employees and providers of services to evaluate development of language and literacy skills; distribution of summary of criteria; training concerning use of criteria.

NRS 388.5195 - Report concerning development of language and literacy skills.

NRS 388.5223 - Eligibility for benefits.

NRS 388.5239 - Priority of placement in homes or facilities located in this State.

NRS 388.5241 - Monitoring of children placed in foster homes and residential facilities outside State.

NRS 388.5243 - Account for State Special Education Services: Creation; use of money in Account; regulations.

NRS 388.5251 - Definitions.

NRS 388.5253 - Provision of education to gifted and talented pupils.

NRS 388.5257 - Pupils not required to take advantage of special provisions for education.

NRS 388.5259 - Placement of child in special program.

NRS 388.5261 - Age for admission to special programs; enrollment counted for apportionment.

NRS 388.5263 - Special ungraded schools and programs; powers of trustees.

NRS 388.5267 - Minimum standards for special education of gifted and talented pupils; limitation on apportionment of state money for instruction.

NRS 388.532 - Development of programs.

NRS 388.537 - Alternative programs for pupils at risk of dropping out of school.

NRS 388.550 - Employment of teachers with approval of juvenile court and county commissioners.

NRS 388.560 - Courses of instruction; school district to furnish textbooks, equipment and supplies.

NRS 388.570 - Computation of enrollment and average daily attendance; reports to Superintendent of Public Instruction.

NRS 388.591 - Establishment of Program; creation and delivery of State Seal of Biliteracy; participation in Program; regulations.

NRS 388.593 - Criteria for award of State Seal of Biliteracy.

NRS 388.5933 - Establishment of Program; creation and delivery of State Seal of Civics; participation in Program; regulations.

NRS 388.5935 - Criteria for award of State Seal of Civics.

NRS 388.5937 - Designation of Nevada Schools of Civic Excellence, Student Civic Leaders and Educator Civic Leaders; regulations.

NRS 388.594 - Establishment of Program; creation and delivery of State Seal of STEM; participation in Program; regulations.

NRS 388.5945 - Criteria for award of State Seal of STEM.

NRS 388.596 - Establishment of State Seal of Financial Literacy Program; creation and delivery of State Seal; participation in Program; professional development; regulations.

NRS 388.5962 - Criteria for award of State Seal of Financial Literacy.

NRS 388.5964 - Establishment of Financial Literacy Month; regulations.

NRS 388.5966 - State Financial Literacy Advisory Council: Creation; membership; vacancies; officers; terms; quorum; subcommittees; compensation; costs of employing substitute teacher while member who is teacher attends meeting; administrative support...

NRS 388.5968 - State Financial Literacy Advisory Council: Duties.

NRS 388.597 - Establishment of Program; creation and delivery of State Seal of STEAM; participation in Program; regulations.

NRS 388.5975 - Criteria for award of State Seal of STEAM.

NRS 388.605 - Definitions.

NRS 388.615 - Board for the Education and Counseling of Displaced Homemakers: Creation; membership; duties; compensation of members.

NRS 388.625 - Establishment of center for displaced homemakers; deposit of gifts and grants of money; approval of claims.

NRS 388.635 - Provision of services by center for displaced homemakers.

NRS 388.645 - Selection of organization to administer center; coordination with state and federal programs.

NRS 388.655 - Executive director for center; quarterly reports to Board.

NRS 388.700 - Reduction of ratio in certain grades; request for variance required for each school quarter under certain circumstances; quarterly report on variances submitted to Interim Finance Committee; additional reports by State Board and Departm...

NRS 388.710 - State Board of Education to determine data to be monitored by school district; school district to report data to State Board.

NRS 388.720 - Development of plan by school district to reduce pupil-teacher ratios; alternative ratios for certain grades authorized in certain counties.

NRS 388.723 - Duties of Department: Development of policies and procedures relating to reduction of pupil-teacher ratio; guidance to school districts regarding development of plan, requirements for reporting information and data to be monitored; comm...

NRS 388.725 - Quarterly reports of average daily enrollment and pupil-teacher ratios in elementary schools required of school districts; posting of report on Internet website.

NRS 388.750 - Compliance with Open Meeting Law; availability of records; exemption from certain taxes; nondisclosure of contributors.

NRS 388.780 - Definitions.

NRS 388.785 - "Commission" defined.

NRS 388.787 - "Committee" defined.

NRS 388.788 - "Program" defined.

NRS 388.789 - Superintendent of Public Instruction required to ensure Commission carries out duties successfully.

NRS 388.790 - Commission on Educational Technology: Creation; membership; terms; removal and vacancy; quarterly meetings required; compensation.

NRS 388.795 - Commission on Educational Technology: Duties; establishment of plan for use of educational technology; administrative support by Department; assessment of needs of school districts relating to educational technology; advisory committee...

NRS 388.800 - Trust Fund for Educational Technology: Creation; administration; interest and income; use of money in Fund.

NRS 388.805 - Trust Fund for Educational Technology: Program for school districts and charter schools to apply for money from Fund.

NRS 388.810 - Creation of Program; administration by Commission on Educational Technology; application for grant; regulations; establishment of standards and methods for measuring progress for pupils enrolled in public school that receives grant.

NRS 388.815 - Annual report by grant recipient; Department to enter into agreement with person or entity to carry out Program; provision of services through agreement with grant recipient authorized.

NRS 388.820 - Definitions.

NRS 388.823 - "Course of distance education" defined.

NRS 388.826 - "Distance education" defined.

NRS 388.829 - "Program of distance education" defined.

NRS 388.834 - Publication of list of approved distance education courses.

NRS 388.838 - Submission of application to Department; conditions for approval; opportunity to correct deficiencies; requirement to develop plan.

NRS 388.842 - Alternate scheduling permitted; minimum time required for full-time program; demonstration of proficiency.

NRS 388.846 - Compliance with statutes and regulations; notice by charter school to board of trustees concerning type of educational services provided.

NRS 388.850 - Eligibility for enrollment.

NRS 388.854 - Permission of board of trustees not required for part-time enrollment; written agreement between board of trustees and provider of distance education program; Superintendent of Public Instruction to determine amount of apportionment to...

NRS 388.858 - Pupil enrolled in charter school: Full-time enrollment in program only when provided by charter school; permission of charter school not required for part-time enrollment; written agreement between charter school and provider of distanc...

NRS 388.862 - Board of trustees required to declare public school to which pupil enrolled in program is affiliated; applicability of statutes and regulations to pupils.

NRS 388.866 - Requirements of program; supervision by teacher; qualifications of certain teachers.

NRS 388.874 - Regulations of State Board.

NRS 388.880 - Immunity from civil liability for reporting threat of violence against school official, school employee or pupil; exceptions.

NRS 388.885 - Establishment of statewide framework for integrated student supports; requirements for framework; board of trustees and governing body of charter school required to take certain actions; requirements for requests for proposals for integ...

NRS 388.887 - Development of curriculum regarding the Holocaust and other genocides; reports.

NRS 388.890 - State Board to establish recommendations for ratio of pupils per teacher and specialized instructional support personnel; posting on Internet website of approved ratio of pupils per teacher in each class; adoption of strategic plan to m...

NRS 388.892 - Boards of trustees of certain school districts to establish plan to improve ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel; reports.

NRS 388.895 - Creation of Account for Instruction in Financial Literacy; acceptance of gifts and grants; use of money in Account; regulations.

NRS 388.900 - Regulations concerning identification and consideration of certain social and environmental factors.

NRS 388.905 - Provision of information concerning importance of annual physical examination.

NRS 388.910 - Appointment and duties of school safety specialist.