1. At the regular session of the Nevada Tax Commission commencing on the first Monday in October of each year, the Nevada Tax Commission shall examine the reports filed pursuant to NRS 361.318 and establish the valuation for assessment purposes of any property of an interstate or intercounty nature used directly in the operation of all interstate or intercounty railroad, sleeping car, private car, natural gas transmission and distribution, water, telephone, scheduled and unscheduled air transport, electric light and power companies, and the property of all railway express companies operating on any common or contract carrier in this State. This valuation must not include the value of vehicles as defined in NRS 371.020.
2. Except as otherwise provided in subsections 3, 4 and 7 and NRS 361.323, the Nevada Tax Commission shall establish and fix the valuation of all physical property used directly in the operation of any such business of any such company in this State, as a collective unit. If the company is operating in more than one county, on establishing the unit valuation for the collective property, the Nevada Tax Commission shall then determine the total aggregate mileage operated within the State and within its several counties and apportion the mileage upon a mile-unit valuation basis. The number of miles apportioned to any county are subject to assessment in that county according to the mile-unit valuation established by the Nevada Tax Commission.
3. After establishing the valuation, as a collective unit, of a public utility which generates, transmits or distributes electricity, the Nevada Tax Commission shall segregate the value of any project in this State for the generation of electricity which is not yet put to use. This value must be assessed in the county where the project is located and must be taxed at the same rate as other property.
4. After establishing the valuation, as a collective unit, of an electric light and power company that places a facility into operation on or after July 1, 2003, in a county whose population is less than 100,000, the Nevada Tax Commission shall segregate the value of the facility from the collective unit. This value must be assessed in the county where the facility is located and taxed at the same rate as other property.
5. The Nevada Tax Commission shall adopt formulas and incorporate them in its records, providing the method or methods pursued in fixing and establishing the taxable value of all property assessed by it. The formulas must be adopted and may be changed from time to time upon its own motion or when made necessary by judicial decisions, but the formulas must in any event show all the elements of value considered by the Nevada Tax Commission in arriving at and fixing the value for any class of property assessed by it. These formulas must take into account, as indicators of value, the company’s income and the cost of its assets, but the taxable value may not exceed the cost of replacement as appropriately depreciated.
6. If two or more persons perform separate functions that collectively are needed to deliver electric service to the final customer and the property used in performing the functions would be centrally assessed if owned by one person, the Nevada Tax Commission shall establish its valuation and apportion the valuation among the several counties in the same manner as the valuation of other centrally assessed property. The Nevada Tax Commission shall determine the proportion of the tax levied upon the property by each county according to the valuation of the contribution of each person to the aggregate valuation of the property. This subsection does not apply to a qualifying facility, as defined in 18 C.F.R. § 292.101, which was constructed before July 1, 1997, or to an exempt wholesale generator, as defined in 15 U.S.C. § 79z-5a.
7. A company engaged in a business described in subsection 1 that does not have property of an interstate or intercounty nature must be assessed as provided in subsection 8.
8. All other property, including, without limitation, that of any company engaged in providing commercial mobile radio service, radio or television transmission services or cable television or other video services, must be assessed by the county assessors, except as otherwise provided in NRS 361.321 and 362.100 and except that the valuation of land and mobile homes must be established for assessment purposes by the Nevada Tax Commission as provided in NRS 361.325.
9. On or before November 1 of each year, the Department shall forward a tax statement to each private car line company based on the valuation established pursuant to this section and in accordance with the tax levies of the several districts in each county. The company shall remit the ad valorem taxes due on or before December 15 to the Department, which shall allocate the taxes due each county on a mile-unit basis and remit the taxes to the counties no later than January 31. The portion of the taxes which is due the State must be transmitted directly to the State Treasurer. A company which fails to pay the tax within the time required shall pay a penalty of 10 percent of the tax due or $5,000, whichever is greater, in addition to the tax. Any amount paid as a penalty must be deposited in the State General Fund. The Department may, for good cause shown, waive the payment of a penalty pursuant to this subsection. As an alternative to any other method of recovering delinquent taxes provided by this chapter, the Attorney General may bring a civil action in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover delinquent taxes due pursuant to this subsection in the manner provided in NRS 361.560.
10. For the purposes of this section, an unscheduled air transport company does not include a company that only uses three or fewer fixed-wing aircraft with a weight of less than 12,500 pounds to provide transportation services, if the company elects, in the form and manner prescribed by the Department, to have the property of the company assessed by a county assessor.
11. As used in this section:
(a) "Company" means any person, company, corporation or association engaged in the business described.
(b) "Commercial mobile radio service" has the meaning ascribed to it in 47 C.F.R. § 20.3, as that section existed on January 1, 1998.
[5:177:1917; A 1929, 341; 1939, 279; 1945, 78; 1953, 576]—(NRS A 1957, 313; 1963, 1122; 1969, 1448; 1971, 213; 1975, 1658; 1977, 1047; 1981, 792, 1774; 1983, 549, 561, 1193; 1987, 954, 956, 1338, 1425, 1429; 1997, 1574, 1989; 1999, 466, 1269, 3274; 2001, 83, 85; 2003, 811, 1963; 2005, 970; 2007, 1387)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
NRS 361.013 - "Billboard" defined.
NRS 361.015 - "Bona fide resident" defined.
NRS 361.017 - "Camper shell" defined.
NRS 361.020 - "Fiscal year" defined.
NRS 361.025 - "Full cash value" defined.
NRS 361.027 - "Geothermal resource" defined.
NRS 361.028 - "Manufactured home" defined.
NRS 361.029 - "Mobile home" defined.
NRS 361.030 - "Personal property" defined.
NRS 361.032 - "Property of an interstate or intercounty nature" defined.
NRS 361.035 - "Real estate" and "real property" defined.
NRS 361.040 - "Resident" defined.
NRS 361.042 - "Slide-in camper" defined.
NRS 361.043 - "Taxable value" defined.
NRS 361.0445 - Provision of certain information regarding property taxes on Internet.
NRS 361.0447 - Report to county treasurer of change in ownership of residential real property.
NRS 361.045 - Taxable property.
NRS 361.050 - United States property exempted.
NRS 361.0605 - Property related to public use of privately owned park exempted; exclusion.
NRS 361.061 - Property related to public use of privately owned airport exempted; exclusion.
NRS 361.062 - Property of trusts for furtherance of public functions exempted.
NRS 361.065 - Property of school districts and charter schools exempted.
NRS 361.067 - Vehicles exempted.
NRS 361.069 - Household goods and furniture exempted; exclusion of rental property.
NRS 361.070 - Drainage ditches, canals and irrigation systems exempted.
NRS 361.075 - Exemption of unpatented mines and mining claims.
NRS 361.077 - Exemption of property used for control of air or water pollution.
NRS 361.080 - Exemption of property of surviving spouses.
NRS 361.082 - Exemption of portions of qualified low-income housing projects.
NRS 361.085 - Exemption of property of persons who are blind.
NRS 361.088 - Exemption of property of Nathan Adelson Hospice.
NRS 361.090 - Veterans’ exemptions.
NRS 361.095 - Exemptions of veterans’ organizations.
NRS 361.096 - Exemption of certain property leased or rented to charter school.
NRS 361.100 - Exemption of property of university fraternities and sororities.
NRS 361.105 - Exemptions of nonprofit private schools.
NRS 361.106 - Exemption of property of certain apprenticeship programs.
NRS 361.107 - Exemption of property of Pershing County Kids, Horses, Rodeo Inc.
NRS 361.110 - Exemptions of certain organizations.
NRS 361.125 - Exemption of churches, chapels and land used exclusively for worship.
NRS 361.130 - Exemption of public cemeteries and graveyards.
NRS 361.132 - Exemption of certain private cemeteries and places of burial.
NRS 361.140 - Exemptions of certain charitable corporations.
NRS 361.145 - Exemptions of noncommercial theaters.
NRS 361.150 - Exemptions of volunteer fire departments.
NRS 361.1565 - Certain exemptions reduced to extent of exemption from governmental services tax.
NRS 361.160 - "Personal property in transit" defined; exceptions.
NRS 361.165 - Warehouse books and records: Designation of "no situs" property; contents; inspection.
NRS 361.180 - Civil action for collection of taxes evaded.
NRS 361.185 - Penalty for false statement.
NRS 361.187 - Applicability of exemption to owner of leased art.
NRS 361.189 - Parceling system.
NRS 361.190 - Manner of description until parceling system established.
NRS 361.195 - Land surveyed under authority of United States.
NRS 361.205 - Description with reference to map or plat.
NRS 361.220 - Description by metes and bounds.
NRS 361.221 - Certification required; Appraiser’s Certification Board; examinations.
NRS 361.222 - Temporary certificate.
NRS 361.223 - Continuing education: Annual training requirement; waiver.
NRS 361.224 - Effect of failure to meet requirements for continuing education.
NRS 361.225 - Rate of assessment.
NRS 361.227 - Determination of taxable value.
NRS 361.2275 - Determination of status of property as leased or used.
NRS 361.229 - Adjustment of actual age of improvements in computation of depreciation.
NRS 361.233 - Assessment and valuation of real property within common-interest community.
NRS 361.240 - Assessment of undivided property of deceased and insane persons; payment of taxes.
NRS 361.2445 - Conversion of mobile or manufactured home from real to personal property.
NRS 361.245 - Personal property subject to security interest.
NRS 361.260 - Method of assessing property for taxation; appraisals and reappraisals.
NRS 361.305 - Preparation by county assessor of maps or plats of city blocks and subdivisions.
NRS 361.315 - Meetings to establish valuation for purposes of assessment.
NRS 361.330 - Effect of noncompliance on assessment and collection of taxes.
NRS 361.342 - Date of postmark deemed date of filing of appeal.
NRS 361.356 - Appeal to county board of equalization where inequity exists.
NRS 361.360 - Appeals to State Board of Equalization.
NRS 361.362 - Appeal on behalf of owner of property.
NRS 361.380 - Meetings of State Board of Equalization; notice.
NRS 361.385 - Public sessions; persons may appear by attorney or file statements.
NRS 361.390 - Duties of county assessor; projections for current and upcoming fiscal years.
NRS 361.400 - Appeals from action of county boards of equalization.
NRS 361.420 - Payment of taxes under protest; action for recovery of taxes; limitation of action.
NRS 361.430 - Burden of proof on plaintiff in action brought under NRS 361.420.
NRS 361.435 - Consolidation of actions; venue.
NRS 361.445 - Basis for property taxation.
NRS 361.453 - Limitation on total ad valorem tax levy; exceptions.
NRS 361.4545 - Publication of informational notices regarding tentative budgets and tax rates.
NRS 361.455 - Procedure for reducing combined rate within statutory limitation; revised budgets.
NRS 361.457 - Establishment of combined tax rate: Prohibited agreements between local governments.
NRS 361.460 - Levy of tax rate by county commissioners: Resolution.
NRS 361.465 - Extension and delivery of tax roll after levy.
NRS 361.470 - Tax receiver charged with full amount of taxes levied.
NRS 361.47111 - "Ad valorem taxes" defined.
NRS 361.4712 - "Ad valorem taxes levied in a county" defined.
NRS 361.4715 - "Combined overlapping tax rate" defined.
NRS 361.4721 - "Taxing entity" defined.
NRS 361.4723 - Partial abatement of taxes levied on certain single-family residences.
NRS 361.4724 - Partial abatement of taxes levied on certain residential rental dwellings.
NRS 361.4728 - Levy of tax upon approval of voters at rate that is exempt from partial abatements.
NRS 361.4732 - Effect of annexation of real property to taxing entity.
NRS 361.4733 - Adoption of regulations by Committee on Local Government Finance.
NRS 361.4735 - Penalty for false claim of partial abatement.
NRS 361.475 - County treasurers to be tax receivers.
NRS 361.480 - Notice to taxpayers; individual tax bills.
NRS 361.482 - Collection of tax levied by State.
NRS 361.4835 - Waiver of all or part of interest and penalty for late payment of taxes.
NRS 361.486 - Payment of interest on overpayment of taxes.
NRS 361.505 - Migratory property: Definition; placement on unsecured tax roll; proration of tax.
NRS 361.510 - Preparation of blank receipts for payment of taxes on movable personal property.
NRS 361.525 - Penalties for tax receiver giving other than required receipts.
NRS 361.530 - Reservation and disposition of commission on personal property tax collected.
NRS 361.560 - Action to recover personal property tax.
NRS 361.5607 - Designation of taxes on personal property as uncollectible.
NRS 361.561 - Applicability to certain vehicles.
NRS 361.5643 - Issuance of sticker by county assessor.
NRS 361.5644 - Penalty for noncompliance; seizure and sale of mobile or manufactured home.
NRS 361.577 - Costs of abating nuisance chargeable against property held by county treasurer.
NRS 361.600 - Limitation of action to recover land sold for taxes.
NRS 361.604 - Acquisition by Indian tribe of property held in trust.
NRS 361.605 - Rental of property held in trust; application of rents.
NRS 361.607 - Leases for development of oil, gas and geothermal resources: Procedure for leasing.
NRS 361.608 - Leases for development of oil, gas and geothermal resources: Term of lease.
NRS 361.615 - Liability of county treasurer for failure to perform duties of trust.
NRS 361.620 - Payment of penalties, interest and costs into county general fund.
NRS 361.630 - Service of tax receipt upon district attorney: Effect; liability for negligence.
NRS 361.640 - Additional bond of district attorney.
NRS 361.650 - Parties; venue and jurisdiction.
NRS 361.655 - Form of complaint by district attorney.
NRS 361.665 - Issuance of summons.
NRS 361.670 - Service of summons on personal defendant and real estate and improvements.
NRS 361.680 - Form of notice of action by district attorney.
NRS 361.690 - Entry of default and final judgment on failure of defendant to appear.
NRS 361.695 - Answer of defendant.
NRS 361.700 - Judgments, liens and execution.
NRS 361.705 - Effect of deeds derived from sale of real property.
NRS 361.710 - Applicability of NRS, N.R.C.P. and NRAP to proceedings.
NRS 361.715 - Fees of officers; taxing and apportionment of costs.
NRS 361.720 - Duties of district attorney on collection of delinquent taxes.
NRS 361.730 - Penalties for district attorney failing or refusing to pay over tax money.
NRS 361.7307 - "Assignee" defined.
NRS 361.731 - "Tax lien" defined.
NRS 361.7311 - Agreements for assignment of tax liens.
NRS 361.7312 - Assignment of tax lien by county treasurer.
NRS 361.7314 - Posting of bond by assignee; exception.
NRS 361.7316 - Time and conditions of assignment.
NRS 361.7318 - Certificate of assignment: Issuance; contents; security interest.
NRS 361.732 - Issuance of duplicate certificate of assignment.
NRS 361.7322 - Record of assignment.
NRS 361.733 - Commencement of action for collection by assignee; notice of action and claim.
NRS 361.7362 - "Claim" defined.
NRS 361.7364 - "Household" defined.
NRS 361.7366 - "Income" defined.
NRS 361.7368 - "Occupied by the owner" defined.
NRS 361.737 - "Property tax accrued" defined.
NRS 361.7372 - "Single-family residence" defined.
NRS 361.7374 - Powers and duties of Department.
NRS 361.7376 - Eligibility to file claim for postponement; maximum amount that may be postponed.
NRS 361.7378 - Determination of claimant for household.
NRS 361.738 - Filing, form, contents and execution of claims; availability of forms.
NRS 361.7382 - Action by county treasurer on claims; review of decisions on claims.
NRS 361.7384 - Confidentiality of information contained in claims.
NRS 361.7386 - Issuance, contents and recording of certificates of eligibility.
NRS 361.7388 - Accrual of interest on amounts postponed.
NRS 361.739 - Attachment of liens for postponed amounts; collection of postponed amounts.
NRS 361.7396 - Denial or revocation of claims; penalty and assessment upon revocation.
NRS 361.7398 - Criminal penalty.
NRS 361.755 - Apportionment of taxes by county treasurers.
NRS 361.765 - Correction of clerical and typographical errors on tax rolls.
NRS 361.767 - Assessment of personal property that was not assessed or was underassessed.
NRS 361.769 - Assessment of real property not on secured roll.
NRS 361.777 - Priority of partial abatements and partial exemptions from taxation.
NRS 361.910 - Duration of validity.
NRS 361.920 - Allodial Title Trust Account; regulations of State Treasurer.