The Director shall, before the issuance of any bonds, adopt regulations for the operation of the program, which must include provisions concerning the following:
1. The maximum aggregate amount of guaranteed funding available to any exporter and the maximum amount of guaranteed funding available for any transaction eligible for guaranteed funding;
2. The limits on the interest which may be charged for guaranteed funding or for loans to exporters;
3. The fees which a participating financial institution may charge for making loans to exporters;
4. The nature and extent of any insurance which an exporter may be required to procure;
5. The collateral required on loans to exporters;
6. The terms of and the procedures for repayment on the guaranteed funding or on a loan;
7. The procedures for:
(a) Making an application for guaranteed funding;
(b) Disbursing the guaranteed funding to a participating financial institution;
(c) Making a claim on the guarantee in the event of a default;
(d) Collecting a loan in the event of a default; and
(e) Qualifying as a participating financial institution; and
8. The specific standards to be used to determine whether a business has a significant relationship with this state pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NRS 349.760.
(Added to NRS by 1985, 2017)
Structure Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 349 - State Obligations
NRS 349.005 - "Bond question" defined.
NRS 349.017 - Notice of registration of electors for special election; hours for registration.
NRS 349.030 - Ballot boxes; mechanical recording devices for voting.
NRS 349.070 - Approval or rejection of bonds: Procedure.
NRS 349.071 - Powers of State Board of Finance.
NRS 349.072 - State Bond Issuance Account: Creation; appropriations.
NRS 349.076 - Maximum rate of interest on securities issued by State.
NRS 349.078 - Limitation on issuance or sale after date of election.
NRS 349.080 - Purpose of NRS 349.080 to 349.140, inclusive.
NRS 349.090 - Creation; records of accounting.
NRS 349.100 - Deposits of money in Fund.
NRS 349.110 - Payment of principal, interest and administrative expenses for bonds.
NRS 349.120 - Legislative appropriations from State General Fund.
NRS 349.130 - Deficiencies in Fund made up from State General Fund.
NRS 349.140 - Effect of NRS 349.080 to 349.140, inclusive.
NRS 349.152 - Purpose; supplemental nature.
NRS 349.156 - "Acquisition" and "acquire" defined.
NRS 349.158 - "Chair" and "Chair of the Commission" defined.
NRS 349.160 - "Commercial bank" defined.
NRS 349.162 - "Commission" defined.
NRS 349.164 - "Condemnation" and "condemn" defined.
NRS 349.166 - "Controller" defined.
NRS 349.168 - "Cost of any project" defined.
NRS 349.169 - "Disposal" and "dispose" defined.
NRS 349.1695 - "Equip" and "equipment" defined.
NRS 349.170 - "Facilities" defined.
NRS 349.172 - "Federal Government" defined.
NRS 349.174 - "Federal securities" defined.
NRS 349.176 - "Governor" defined.
NRS 349.178 - "Gross revenues" and "gross pledged revenues" defined.
NRS 349.182 - "Holder" defined.
NRS 349.184 - "Improvement" and "improve" defined.
NRS 349.186 - "Net revenues" and "net pledged revenues" defined.
NRS 349.188 - "Operation and maintenance expenses" defined.
NRS 349.192 - "Pledged revenues" defined.
NRS 349.194 - "Project" defined.
NRS 349.196 - "Secretary" defined.
NRS 349.198 - "State securities" and "securities" defined.
NRS 349.200 - "State" defined.
NRS 349.202 - "Taxation" defined.
NRS 349.204 - "Taxes" defined.
NRS 349.206 - "Treasurer" defined.
NRS 349.208 - "Trust bank" defined.
NRS 349.210 - "United States" defined.
NRS 349.212 - Powers of State in connection with projects.
NRS 349.213 - Power of eminent domain; reimbursement of public utility for removal and relocation.
NRS 349.214 - Power of State to become obligated and issue securities for project.
NRS 349.216 - Types of securities which may be issued; series.
NRS 349.218 - Notes and warrants: Maturity; extension or funding.
NRS 349.220 - Temporary bonds: Conditions, terms and provisions; rights and remedies of holder.
NRS 349.222 - Resolution authorizing issuance of securities: Description of purposes.
NRS 349.223 - Sale of securities as investment to defray anticipated costs of college.
NRS 349.224 - General obligations: Types of securities.
NRS 349.226 - Special obligations: Types of securities.
NRS 349.234 - Recitals required in state securities.
NRS 349.240 - Time and duration of levy of special tax.
NRS 349.248 - Proceeds of taxes specially appropriated to payment of principal and interest.
NRS 349.260 - Details of state securities provided by resolution.
NRS 349.262 - Issuance of state securities.
NRS 349.270 - Securities sold publicly to be sold to responsible bidder making best bid; equal bids.
NRS 349.274 - Recital in securities conclusive evidence of validity and regularity of issuance.
NRS 349.276 - Denomination, negotiability and maturity of state securities; rate of interest.
NRS 349.278 - Payment of principal, interest and premium when due without further order.
NRS 349.280 - Interest coupons.
NRS 349.282 - Execution, signing, countersigning and authentication of state securities and coupons.
NRS 349.284 - Facsimile signatures and seals.
NRS 349.286 - Securities not invalid because signatories cease to fill offices.
NRS 349.288 - Adoption of facsimile signature of predecessor in office.
NRS 349.290 - Redemption before maturity.
NRS 349.292 - Repurchase of state securities.
NRS 349.294 - Use of money received from issuance of state securities.
NRS 349.296 - Disposition of unexpended balance of proceeds after completion of project.
NRS 349.300 - Special funds and accounts: Creation; purposes.
NRS 349.302 - Employment of legal and other expert services; contracts for sale and other purposes.
NRS 349.306 - Covenants and other provisions in state securities.
NRS 349.310 - Rights and powers of holders of state securities and trustees.
NRS 349.312 - Receivers: Appointment; powers and duties.
NRS 349.314 - Rights and remedies cumulative.
NRS 349.322 - Interim debentures: Maturity; uses of proceeds; issuance.
NRS 349.324 - Interim debentures: Security for payment.
NRS 349.326 - Interim debentures: Extension and funding.
NRS 349.330 - Refunding of general and special obligation bonds: Resolution; trust indenture.
NRS 349.332 - Calls for prior redemption: Limitations.
NRS 349.336 - Refunding of outstanding securities evidencing long-term loans.
NRS 349.340 - Conditions for refunding bonds.
NRS 349.346 - Refunding bonds payable from taxes or pledged revenues.
NRS 349.348 - Issuance of bonds separately or in combination.
NRS 349.350 - Other statutory provisions applicable to refunding bonds.
NRS 349.352 - Conclusive determination of Commission that statutory limitations have been met.
NRS 349.354 - Bonds and other securities exempt from taxation; exceptions.
NRS 349.356 - Securities issued as general obligations are legal investments for state money.
NRS 349.358 - Legal investments for other persons.
NRS 349.362 - Sufficiency of State Securities Law.
NRS 349.364 - Liberal construction.
NRS 349.405 - "Biomass" defined.
NRS 349.410 - "Board" defined.
NRS 349.420 - "Bonds" and "revenue bonds" defined.
NRS 349.425 - "Corporation for public benefit" defined.
NRS 349.430 - "Cost of a project" defined.
NRS 349.440 - "Director" defined.
NRS 349.450 - "Expense of operation and maintenance" defined.
NRS 349.460 - "Finance" and "financing" defined.
NRS 349.470 - "Financing agreement" defined.
NRS 349.475 - "Fuel cell" defined.
NRS 349.480 - "Health and care facility" defined.
NRS 349.485 - "Historic structure" defined.
NRS 349.490 - "Mortgage" defined.
NRS 349.500 - "Obligor" defined.
NRS 349.510 - "Project" defined.
NRS 349.515 - "Renewable energy" defined.
NRS 349.517 - "Renewable energy generation project" defined.
NRS 349.520 - "Revenues" defined.
NRS 349.530 - "Supplemental facility for a health and care facility" defined.
NRS 349.540 - "Warehousing" defined.
NRS 349.555 - Exercise of powers for general welfare; liberal construction.
NRS 349.560 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 349.565 - Restrictions on Director’s powers.
NRS 349.570 - General power of Director to issue bonds.
NRS 349.580 - Prerequisites to financing project: Findings of Director.
NRS 349.585 - Prerequisites to financing project: Approval of Office of Economic Development.
NRS 349.590 - Prerequisites to financing project: Additional considerations.
NRS 349.597 - Confidentiality of information concerning obligor.
NRS 349.600 - Bonds to be special obligations.
NRS 349.610 - Form and terms of bonds; sale; employment of financial and legal consultants.
NRS 349.650 - Limitation of actions.
NRS 349.670 - Sufficiency of NRS 349.400 to 349.670, inclusive.
NRS 349.700 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 349.715 - "Bonds" defined.
NRS 349.720 - "Director" defined.
NRS 349.725 - "Exporter" defined.
NRS 349.730 - "Guaranteed funding" defined.
NRS 349.740 - "Participating financial institution" defined.
NRS 349.745 - "Program" defined.
NRS 349.755 - Director: Delegation of duties.
NRS 349.760 - Transactions eligible for guaranteed funding: Criteria.
NRS 349.770 - Investigation of credit available to exporter prerequisite for guaranteed funding.
NRS 349.775 - Confidentiality of information concerning exporter.
NRS 349.780 - Fees charged to participating financial institution.
NRS 349.800 - Advisory Committee on Financing Exports: Creation; composition; terms of members.
NRS 349.810 - Advisory Committee on Financing Exports: Powers and duties.
NRS 349.815 - Regulations for operation of program.
NRS 349.820 - Limitation on personal liability of Director or person acting on his or her behalf.
NRS 349.830 - Bonds: Special obligations of State.
NRS 349.835 - Bonds: Form and terms; sale.
NRS 349.840 - Bonds: Repurchase.
NRS 349.845 - Bonds: Refunding.
NRS 349.850 - Bonds: Legal investments.
NRS 349.855 - Director: Establishment of funds and accounts; investments and deposits.
NRS 349.857 - Director: Loans of securities.
NRS 349.870 - Sufficiency of NRS 349.700 to 349.870, inclusive; construction.
NRS 349.900 - Legislative declaration.
NRS 349.902 - "Account for Venture Capital" defined.
NRS 349.903 - "Agreement" defined.
NRS 349.904 - "Board" defined.
NRS 349.905 - "Bonds" and "revenue bonds" defined.
NRS 349.906 - "Director" defined.
NRS 349.907 - "Expense of operation and maintenance" defined.
NRS 349.908 - "Fund for the Retirement of Bonds" defined.
NRS 349.909 - "Management company" defined.
NRS 349.911 - Limitation on personal liability of Director or person acting on his or her behalf.
NRS 349.913 - Director: Restriction on operation or management of enterprise.
NRS 349.914 - Director: Allocation of proceeds of bonds.
NRS 349.915 - Contents of agreement.
NRS 349.916 - Objective of investments for Account for Venture Capital.
NRS 349.918 - Prerequisites for management company.
NRS 349.920 - Issuance of bonds: Findings of Director and Board.
NRS 349.922 - Bonds: Special obligations of State.
NRS 349.923 - Bonds: Form and terms; sale.
NRS 349.925 - Bonds: Refunding.
NRS 349.926 - Limitation of actions.
NRS 349.928 - Sufficiency of NRS 349.900 to 349.929, inclusive; construction.
NRS 349.936 - "Board" defined.
NRS 349.937 - "Cost of a water project" defined.
NRS 349.938 - "Director" defined.
NRS 349.939 - "Expense of operation and maintenance" defined.
NRS 349.940 - "Mortgage" defined.
NRS 349.941 - "Obligor" defined.
NRS 349.942 - "Revenue bonds" defined.
NRS 349.943 - "State securities" defined.
NRS 349.945 - "Water project" defined.
NRS 349.946 - General powers of Director; adoption of regulations.
NRS 349.947 - Liberal construction.
NRS 349.948 - Prerequisites for financing water projects.
NRS 349.949 - Forms and terms of bonds; sale; employment of financial and legal consultants.
NRS 349.951 - Director may charge fee against obligor; use of proceeds.
NRS 349.954 - Limitation of actions.
NRS 349.957 - Board for Financing Water Projects: Creation; members.
NRS 349.958 - Board for Financing Water Projects: Compensation of members.
NRS 349.959 - Board for Financing Water Projects: Election of Chair; meetings.
NRS 349.961 - Water projects: Preliminary plan; approval.