Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 324 - Lands Under Carey Act
NRS 324.080 - Division to fix price of lands; Carey Act Account created.

1. The Division may fix the price at which the State disposes of lands in each segregation to settlers at the time of their entry, which must not be less than $10 per acre nor more than the fair market value, including costs incidental to the application.
2. The proceeds must be deposited with the Treasurer for credit to the Carey Act Account, which is hereby created in the State General Fund.
[13:76:1911; RL § 3076; NCL § 5487]—(NRS A 1977, 374, 1193; 1979, 229, 664; 1991, 1764)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 324 - Lands Under Carey Act

NRS 324.010 - Definitions.

NRS 324.020 - Acceptance of terms and conditions of Carey Act.

NRS 324.030 - Division of State Lands: Selection, management and disposal of land.

NRS 324.040 - State Registrar of Lands Under Carey Act: Designation; powers and duties; compensation.

NRS 324.050 - Report of State Registrar of Lands Under Carey Act; pending proceedings not made public.

NRS 324.060 - Regulations: Adoption; publication and distribution.

NRS 324.070 - Division to determine time, manner and conditions under which lands open for entry or sale.

NRS 324.080 - Division to fix price of lands; Carey Act Account created.

NRS 324.090 - Fees.

NRS 324.100 - Deposit and use of proceeds and fees; appropriation for Carey Act Account.

NRS 324.110 - Compensation of State Engineer.

NRS 324.120 - Applications for segregations: Contents; filing fee.

NRS 324.130 - Report of State Engineer on application for segregation; action by Division.

NRS 324.140 - Deposits required of applicants to cover costs; reimbursements.

NRS 324.160 - Contract between Division and applicant: Contents; conditions; bond; forfeiture.

NRS 324.170 - Further conditions of contracts; exceptions to forfeitures.

NRS 324.180 - Modifications of contracts.

NRS 324.200 - Payment not required until water available, bond deposited or guarantees made.

NRS 324.210 - Forfeiture of contract and bond: Notice; sale of uncompleted works.

NRS 324.220 - Entry upon land: Conditions.

NRS 324.230 - Final proof of reclamation, settlement and occupation; patents.

NRS 324.240 - Issuance of patent to settler.

NRS 324.250 - Water rights: Attachment to land; liens.

NRS 324.290 - Division not to obligate State under contracts.