Nevada Revised Statutes
Chapter 321 - Administration, Control and Transfer of State Lands
NRS 321.655 - Definitions.

As used in NRS 321.640 to 321.770, inclusive:
1. "Administrator" means the executive head of the Division.
2. "Area of critical environmental concern" means any area in this State where there is or could develop irreversible degradation of more than local significance but does not include an area of depleting water supply which is caused by the beneficial use or storage of water in other areas pursuant to legally owned and fully appropriated water rights.
3. "Planning agency" means:
(a) The planning commission for the city in which the land is entirely located; or
(b) A county or regional planning commission, if there is one, or the board of county commissioners or Nevada Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, within whose jurisdiction the land is located.
(Added to NRS by 1975, 102; A 1977, 1554; 1981, 922; 1993, 389; 1997, 971; 1999, 1376; 2021, 562)

Structure Nevada Revised Statutes

Nevada Revised Statutes

Chapter 321 - Administration, Control and Transfer of State Lands

NRS 321.0005 - Legislative declaration: Policy regarding use of state lands.

NRS 321.00051 - Legislative declaration: Acquisition of lands retained by Federal Government.

NRS 321.0006 - Definitions.

NRS 321.0007 - "Division" defined.

NRS 321.0008 - "Trust lands" defined.

NRS 321.001 - Division to acquire, hold and administer state lands; exceptions; procedure for obtaining land for use of state agency.

NRS 321.003 - Assignment of land to state agency; certification of State Land Registrar required before making improvements; lease or sale of state land; use or acquisition of land without prior authorization of State Land Registrar prohibited.

NRS 321.004 - Assignment for administration of structures, buildings and other property of Nevada State Prison.

NRS 321.005 - Notice to governing body of county or city of transfer of state land; public hearing.

NRS 321.007 - Appraisal of land offered for sale or lease; list of qualified appraisers; disclosure by appraiser; prohibited conflict of interest; market value analysis required for certain leases of residential property; effect of violation.

NRS 321.008 - State Land Registrar may offer certain land for lease without complying with NRS 321.007 or 321.335.

NRS 321.009 - Limited-liability company to submit disclosure concerning ownership of certain land acquired from State Land Registrar; public inspection of disclosure.

NRS 321.010 - State Land Office created; State Land Registrar; appointment of Deputy and staff.

NRS 321.030 - Office of State Land Registrar.

NRS 321.040 - Records of State Land Office: Duties of State Land Registrar.

NRS 321.050 - Statement of land acquired, leased or otherwise disposed of in county to be furnished to county assessors.

NRS 321.055 - Notice of tax delinquency by county assessor: Contents.

NRS 321.060 - Seal of State Land Office: Use; effect on documents bearing Seal.

NRS 321.065 - Fees of State Land Registrar.

NRS 321.067 - Revolving Account for Land Management.

NRS 321.070 - Appropriation of money for State Land Office.

NRS 321.090 - Selection of lands by State Land Registrar.

NRS 321.110 - Acceptance of land grants by Governor or State Land Registrar; legislative policy for State to negotiate for unconditional land grants.

NRS 321.125 - Sale of state land to public agency or local government.

NRS 321.135 - Transfer of state park to local government.

NRS 321.140 - Reimbursement for unlocated land warrant from State Permanent School Fund.

NRS 321.300 - Contractors and patentees deemed to have right to exclusive possession or fee simple title, including all gas, coal, oil and oil shales, subject to royalty payments.

NRS 321.310 - Land acquired by patent from Federal Government to be conveyed by patent.

NRS 321.320 - Form and contents of patents.

NRS 321.330 - Record of issued patents.

NRS 321.331 - Persons receiving patent or deed from State required to be confirmed in fee simple title to lands and minerals; royalties.

NRS 321.332 - Consent of State to action for declaratory judgment to determine rights of State to minerals; service of process on Attorney General; notice to each owner.

NRS 321.333 - Option of plaintiff to purchase interest of State in minerals.

NRS 321.335 - Procedure.

NRS 321.339 - State Land Registrar may withhold land from sale.

NRS 321.355 - Rights-of-way reserved to State for public access to other land open for public use.

NRS 321.385 - Sale by State Land Registrar.

NRS 321.402 - Definitions.

NRS 321.404 - "Historic building" defined.

NRS 321.406 - "Private partner" defined.

NRS 321.408 - "Public-private partnership" defined.

NRS 321.412 - Authority of State Land Registrar to purchase historic buildings and enter into public-private partnerships related to historic buildings; requirements for public-private partnership contracts; State Land Registrar required to consult w...

NRS 321.414 - Authority of State Land Registrar relating to public-private partnerships; regulations.

NRS 321.416 - Applicability of provisions governing public property and purchasing and public works and planning to public-private partnerships; duties of State Land Registrar, private partner, contractor and subcontractor to comply with certain prov...

NRS 321.418 - Restore Nevada’s Treasures Revolving Account.

NRS 321.592 - Division authorized to establish and carry out programs to preserve, restore and enhance sagebrush ecosystems.

NRS 321.594 - Powers and duties of Administrator and Division regarding programs to improve sagebrush ecosystems; Division authorized to make certain grants and enter into certain contracts and agreements; regulations.

NRS 321.595 - Boundary between bed of Lake Tahoe and adjacent lands.

NRS 321.5951 - Account for License Plates for Support of Preservation and Restoration of Natural Environment of Lake Tahoe Basin.

NRS 321.5952 - Declaration of legislative intent.

NRS 321.5953 - Division authorized to establish and carry out programs to preserve, restore and enhance Lake Tahoe Basin.

NRS 321.5954 - Powers and duties of Division and State Land Registrar regarding programs to preserve, restore and enhance Lake Tahoe Basin.

NRS 321.5956 - Division authorized to enter into certain agreements; State Land Registrar authorized to make certain grants and enter into certain contracts and agreements.

NRS 321.5957 - Regulations.

NRS 321.596 - Legislative findings.

NRS 321.5963 - Definitions.

NRS 321.5967 - Board of Review: Creation; composition; Chair; meetings; quorum; compensation; duties and powers.

NRS 321.597 - Division to hold and manage public lands; regulations; employment of personnel.

NRS 321.5973 - Public lands and minerals are property of State; rights and privileges under federal laws to be preserved; administration of land to conform with treaties and compacts.

NRS 321.5977 - Objectives in administering public lands.

NRS 321.598 - Disposal of public lands: Legislative authorization required; State Land Registrar may dispose of lands to same extent and in same manner as Federal Government; deposit of proceeds.

NRS 321.5983 - Unauthorized disposal of public lands void; State authorization required for use, management or disposal of public lands; injunctions; action to recover consideration received from unlawful disposition of public land.

NRS 321.5987 - Procedure for appealing decision of State Land Registrar to Board of Review; hearing.

NRS 321.599 - Enforcement of NRS 321.596 to 321.599, inclusive, by Attorney General.

NRS 321.601 - Creation; payments to local governments in lieu of taxes on public lands.

NRS 321.605 - Declaration of legislative intent.

NRS 321.610 - Applications for lease or purchase by State and political subdivisions submitted to State Land Registrar: Duties of State Land Registrar.

NRS 321.640 - Legislative findings and declaration.

NRS 321.655 - Definitions.

NRS 321.700 - Creation.

NRS 321.710 - Administration; technical assistance; personnel.

NRS 321.720 - Duties of Administrator concerning local governments.

NRS 321.735 - Powers and duties concerning federal lands; action by certain cities and counties not precluded.

NRS 321.7353 - Notice of federal acquisition of private land to be provided to affected cities and counties; submission of written comment.

NRS 321.7355 - Authority to prepare plan or statement of policy concerning lands under federal management.

NRS 321.736 - Hearings and recommendations of local planning agencies.

NRS 321.737 - Transfer or referral of certain applications to State Engineer.

NRS 321.738 - Hearing and recommendation of State Agency.

NRS 321.739 - Grant or denial of consent by Governor.

NRS 321.740 - Creation; appointment, number, nominations, terms and expenses of members.

NRS 321.750 - Duties.

NRS 321.755 - Executive Council.

NRS 321.761 - Technical assistance; submission of matter to Executive Council.

NRS 321.763 - Duties of State Agency; adoption, enforcement and expiration of plans and regulations.

NRS 321.770 - Duties of Administrator and Land Use Planning Advisory Council.